Posts filed under 'Year In Review'

Clive Robertson Driving A Bus

It’s amazing the strange situations that the unconcious mind can come up with. The other night I had a dream that I caught a bus which was bring driven by Clive Robertson, who managed to spend the entire journey talking softly in the way that he does. He was also a but grumpy, he was not happy with the traffic, the doors on the bus, or the car with square wheels in front of us.

One thing which is interesting is that at the time of the dream I had never actually seen Clive Robertson, and upon comparing what I saw in the dream to what he looks like on an ad for his ABC Television show “Agony Aunts”, the only difference is that he was slightly skinnier and had dark hair in my dream.

Incidentally, Clive has been filling in for Stan Zemanek on 2UE, 2CC and a number of other stations for the last few weeks, and considering that Stan is one of 2CC’s big draw cards, it will be interesting to see how 2CC go in the current radio ratings season, which is now into its final week. Clive apparently finished up on 2UE on Friday night, although Stan isn’t due back at work for a few more weeks, and 2UE’s website doesn’t shed any light on who will take over until Stan gets back. Perhaps it is all a joke and Clive will be on-air tonight, but if not, I wouldn’t be surprised if Glenn Wheeler takes over the show again.


1 comment May 29th, 2006 at 10:28am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: March 2006

We’ve finally made it to the last Year In Review post for the year, which will undoubtedly come as a relief to a person who called the Year In Review series “seemingly endless”.

Anyway, March 2006 was a very interesting month, and it started with Senator Ian Campbell having a rather odd off-topic comparison of a bird called the “Latham’s snipe” and former Labor leader Mark Latham.

2CC upgraded their equipment, bringing joy to their many night time listeners.

Before starting the new series of Samuel In Dolgnwot, I provided a thorough recap of Series One.
A picture from Samuel In Dolgnwot series one

ACTION decided to have a half-baked open day.

I then started series 2 of Samuel In Dolgnwot
Samuel In Dolgnwot: Series Two

The delivery of the White and Yellow Pages phone books was much more tasteful than previous years.

A teacher decided to change an assignment one week before the due date.

I started my footy tips for the year, they were not good, I only correctly tipped one winner from seven NRL matches. Thankfully they have improved.

3AW released the details of their Commonwealth Games Coverage.

I started a new podcast, called Editorial Echoes.
Editorial Echoes

I analysed some Australia Post statistics.

I had a dream about Telemarketing, House Visiting, Cheap Furniture Con Artists.

As is to be expected in March, the sunrises were lovely.
Canberra Sunrise

The spammers started writing novels and distributing bits of them in their emails.

I explained some of the automation behind Editorial Echoes, and became frustrated when I encountered a building designed by a maze enthusiast.

There was a storm in Canberra which produced some heavy rain.
Storm Radar
Localised flooding after a storm in Canberra

The underground cabling stories continued, with a photographic tour.
Mount Ainslie Substation
Underground Cabling
Underground Cabling
Underground Cabling

I also documented the construction work happening over at Section 84 in Civic.
Section 84 Construction
Section 84 Construction
Section 84 Construction
Section 84 Construction

Campbell High School took my constructive criticism on board and fixed the problem.

Editorial Echoes was off to a good start.
Editorial Echoes off to a good start

I had a dream about a very bad day.

Nattie & I went to see the hot air balloons.

Australia did well in Lawn Bowls at the Commonwealth Games.

Editorial Echoes was canned.

2CA/2CC put out a job advertisement for a senior journalist.

I got a phone call from the principal of Campbell High School.

I showed you a picture of a scarecrow laundry robot.
Scarecrow Laundry Robot

Southern Cross Ten broadcast the Black Opal.
Southern Cross Ten cover the Black Opal
Southern Cross Ten cover the Black Opal
Southern Cross Ten cover the Black Opal

The website was crossed out for some readers.

With the March episode of Samuel’s Persiflage out of the question, I announced a bigger than normal April episode.

Breakfast on 2CA changed hands.

Kim Beazley made a fool of himself when he visited a bus depot.

And that was March 2006. Tomorrow we will be celebrating the birthday of Samuel’s Blog, which should be fantastic!


2 comments April 16th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: February 2006

February started off with me enrolling at CIT, which turned out to be a slightly more frustrating experience than expected. The next day I stumbled across some underground cabling work, which would be the start of a long series of posts about it.
Underground cabling in Reid

I had a dream involving vicious cats

I explained my reasons for leaving a website called The RiotACT, and continued documenting the underground cabling work.
Underground cabling in Reid

2GB newsreader Rowan Barker returned to work after recovering from a random stabbing attack.
Rowan Barker

Somebody tried to gain access to my Gmail account.

I then announced my schedule for my first day at CIT, which doubled as the day of 2CC’s outside broadcast from the grand opening of the new Bunnings store in Belconnen.

Nattie enjoyed a bone (she does it quite often, but it is hard to photograph).
Nattie chewing on a bone

The underground cabling continued, and I got a video of a horizontal directional drilling machine in action.

I had a dream about a lion, a professor and John Howard.

Then it was CIT/2CC/Bunnings day, it started off with my trip to CIT for my first class, had a cafe review in the middle, and concluded with my trip to Bunnings Belconnen, where 2CC were holding an outside broadcast as part of Bunnings’ grand opening celebrations.
Bunnings Belconnen
Bruce Husking, Mike Frame & Kevin Woolfe at Bunnings Belconnen
Bunnings Belconnen

I made my views on the “Bali Nine” issue perfectly clear.

The website was temporarily plagued with popups from a third party service provider.

The Canberra Capitals won the Womens National Basketball League.

John Kerr celebrated his 64th birthday, whilst network stations suffered satellite induced problems, I rang John to wish him a happy birthday and had a special Musicians Of The Week award in his honour.

I released Samuel’s Persiflage #3.

Bigpond blocked Gmail temporarily. This was acaused by their use of seriously flawed spam filtering techniques.

I noticed that standards had dropped at Campbell High School since my time their.

I had an interesting conversation with a correspondent.

Internet Explorer’s insistence on not following standards caused me all sorts of headaches in getting rid of those popups.

The select group of Summernats enthusiasts who insisted on ridiculing my opinion of Summernats had a few mildy legible words to say.

I proposed some changes for the better in the laws behind drivers licences.

I thought about the possibility of 2CC launching some podcasts.

I discovered the reason for the underground cabling.

And a bus fare scammer proved beyond all reasonable doubt that he is a scammer.

That’s February, March is up tomorrow morning, and then we will have the 1st birthday of Samuel’s Blog!


April 15th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: January 2006

January started off with a customary “Happy New Year” message from me, and a recording of my phone call to George Gibson who was filling in on 2GB at the time.

Then we had the final Schnappi update.
Schanppi the little crocodile

After a good suggestion from a reader, I added next and previous post links to the site.

Summernats came to Canberra, and was certainly not the problem free, family friendly event that the organisers insist on advertising it as. Before this sets off another round of local car entusiasts getting angry at me, I have no problem with car enthusiasts who are sensible and obey the law…I just have a problem with the minority who are utter morons.

I showed you my 2005 Santa Photo.
Samuel and Santa 2005

There was a visit from a possum.

Somebody going by the name of “pintail” accused me of being selfish for not linking to everyone and everything that links to my blog.

I made some predictions about the direction of IT in 2006.

SBS stopped using the services of Robbie McGregor for their voiceovers.

Daniel Gibson made his first appearance on this website in a video where he was showing off one of my works of art.
Samuel's Weather Picture
Daniel Gibson with Samuel's Weather Picture

Wayne Mac released the highly awaited book “Don’t Touch That Dial, Hits ‘n’ Memories Of Australian Radio”

This blog became a proud member of PANDORA, The National Library of Australia’s Internet archive.

Samuel’s Persiflage #2, which featured an extensive interview with Wayne Mac was released.

One of the few sensible things ever written about the Australian Blog Awards was written.

I got my copy of Wayne Mac’s book.
Wayne Mac & Samuel Gordon-Stewart

One of the worst vulnerabilities ever found in a Microsoft product, the WMF Exploit, was finally laid to rest.

The Canberra Times had their sales increased by CIT.

James Goodwin left 2UE for WIN News.

Australia Day rolled around.

John Kerr returned from holidays, and so did John Laws.
John Laws

Larry Emdur joined Channel Seven and Wheel Of Fortune.
Larry Emdur on Wheel Of Fortune

I had a busy weekend, and announced the return of Samuel In Dolgnwot.

Changes were afoot at 2CA and 2CC.

That more or less sums up January…and with the February summary coming tomorrow morning, we must be getting very close to the birthday of Samuel’s Blog!


April 14th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: December 2005

December was another eventful month, and it started with the John Kerr’s New Day Australia Christmas Cruise.

Having slept through the previous afternoon to ensure that I would be awake through the night and early morning, and therefore get all of my final preparations done, I was on the computer in the hours leading up to departure. This gave me ample opportunity to inform you that Firefox 1.5 had been released and provide you with a post containing the final weather update, and a couple webcams overlooking Sydney Harbour.

It is worthwhile pointing out that I was heard on 2CC quite a few times that day. Firstly on John Kerr’s show in the wee hours of the morning, then on Mike Jeffreys’ breakfast show from a public phone at the Jolimont Centre, then on Mike Welsh’s drive show by mobile from the Cruise catamaran, and then again on John Kerr’s show…all in the space of 30 hours.

Unfortunately my review of the day surrounding the cruise was delayed by a storm in Canberra dropping a tree on my roof.

I did eventually get around to writing my review of the Christmas Cruise, some of the highlights included:
It was a lovely day in Sydney
Sydney Harbour Bridge

The Lady Rose arrives
The Lady Rose


Even the skyline was lovely
Sydney Skyline

John Kerr, Anastasia & Me
John Kerr, Anastasia, Samuel Gordon-Stewart

A lovely view
Lovely view

Afternoon tea
Afternoon tea

Seven News Studio
Seven News Studio

Bus, bus, bus, bus, bus…
Bus bus bus bus bus

A Sydney train
Sydney train

Coffee at Central Station
Coffee at Central Station

And some videos:

Lots of people enjoying themselves
John Kerr has a dance

I then got around to documenting the tree falling on the roof, thankfully it was a rotten branch and it shattered and only caused minor damage. The evacuation meant that my family and I spent the night at the nearby Olims Hotel in a “Superior Room”.
Superior Room at Olims Hotel

Nattie spent the night with a neighbour as Olims don’t accept pets, the neighbour has a cat and I’m informed that she had a fun night. We met Nattie and the neighbour the next morning on the median strip across the road from the house.
Media Strip outside my house

Nattie was happy to see us.

There was plenty of mess to clean up.
Tree mess

On the Tuesday morning I started working at my new workplace.

Glenn the Kangaroo joined the Samuel Household.
Glenn The Kangaroo

Some horrible spammer tried to gain from the death of convicted drug smuggler Van Nguyen.

Dickson College’s Year 12 Graduation was held at Llwellyn Hall
Dickson College Year 12 Graduation 2005

A few days later I was informed that I was “overqualified” for my job, and was terminated.

2CC broadcast Carols In The Park.

Nattie, Humphrey and I watched “Here’s Humphrey” on the television.
Nattie & Humphrey

Australian Independent Radio News celebrated one year of operation. (Disclosure notice: Samuel has a commercial agreement with Australian Independent Radio News).

John Kerr sent me a Christmas Card
which made a cryptic mention of his move to weekends.
Christmas Card from John Kerr

2CC gave me a Christmas present of sorts
, including a clipping of one my phone calls in an “Open Line” promo.

On Christmas day I wished everybody a merry christmas and added a bit of Christmas music to the site for the day.

I then provided you with a review of my Christmas, which included photos of a message from Santa
A message from Santa

Nattie keeping an eye on food preparations
Nattie watching food preparations

First course for lunch
First course for lunch

Second course
Second course

Nattie getting attention from one of our neighbours and Mum.
Nattie, Maria & Mum


Nattie enjoyed desert
Nattie enjoying desert

I released the first episode of Samuel’s Persiflage

And I talked about New Years Eve.

And that wraps up December, January is coming up tomorrow morning.


1 comment April 13th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: November 2005

November, the month leading up to the Christmas Cruise, the month where my employment status changed, and the month where page views skyrocketed due to rather unusual publicity.

The month started with me talking about how it took 20 attempts at taking a school photo until the photographer was satisfied, which was followed by Melbourne Cup fever, with me announcing that Makybe Diva would not win, showing you just how wrong I was, bringing you official TAB dividends, bringing you the complete running order, and finally reviewing the race and how it was covered in Canberra.

The website suffered a little bit of downtime, and a letter to the editor in The Chronicle agreed with my ideas for public transport in the ACT.

I then showed you a picture of the birthday card I gave to 2CC.
2CC Birthday Card

I had a dream about eating plates at Christmas.

2UE changed their schedule on a whim, something which 2CC managed quite well, although they did subject us to the Sydney Gardening show.

I had some dreams about fires and bicycles.

October’s Blog View Stats showed a steady increase is page views.

Dinosaurs, my high school canteen, John Mangos and Glenn Wheeler became parts of my dreams.

Then, what is probably the biggest event in the history of Samuel’s Blog occurred. I don’t think I could have ever predicted what was going to happen, or the huge increase in page views that it would bring, but the day that a commenter at The Spin Starts Here made reference to this blog as “the worst blog you’ll ever find”, and I received a Google Alert about a related matter, was the start of a very interesting and annoying chain of events. Most of it occurred on other websites, but it did bring an awful lot of people here, setting a new monthly record for visitors and page views. It also brought a lot of unhelpful comments, which forced another post about editorial policy.

Reading many of the comments left in the weeks after the link from The Spin Starts Here would show you why it was such an unusual and mildly annoying time in the history of Samuel’s Blog.

Anyway, moving on from that, I had a dream about a missing schoolbag, 2CC had some transmitter problems and Kane Bond left 2CC.

I then found out that the New Day Australia Christmas Cruise was going to be held on the same day as my Year 12 Formal…the decision was obvious, go to the Christmas Cruise. I had already paid for it, made travel bookings, and knew that it might be my only chance to meet John Kerr and some of his listeners, so I made up my mind, I was going to Sydney that day. As it turns out, I might be going to another one of John’s functions later this year, and if I knew that back then, I would still have made the same decision.

I had a scary shower, and followed it with a dream about a bicycle race.

Then the rumors of Stuart Bocking taking over New Day Australia from John Kerr started to come partially true, with Stuart replacing George on the weekend version of the show.

I decided to start a podcast, and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire made another millionaire.

I then became effectively unemployed and started looking for another job, and later confirmed just how arrogant my employer had been about it all.

Canberra’s radio ratings were released.

I showed off some of my artwork.
Wheel Of Fortune
Wheel Of Fortune

I also showed you some photos of my main portable radio.
My main portable radio

2CC announced that they would be at the retirement expo, and I appeared on the John Laws Morning Show.
Click here to hear my conversation with Lawsie.

This was followed by my call being part of The Best Of The John Laws Week. (Click here for the audio).

Spring in Canberra is a lovely time of the year, and a nice garden in Reid caught my attention.
A nice garden in Reid

The 90 minute Frasier Finale aired in Australia.

I thought about the connection between 2CA/2CC outside broadcasts, and Mike Frame said he heard me talking to Lawsie.

Dickson College had their year 12 breakfast, which was quite good, and just before it the canteen manager told me that she heard me talking to Lawsie.

After this, we were one week out from the New Day Australia Christmas Cruise, and I started publishing daily weather reports for it. The forecasts were for thunderstorms, then cloudy, and cloudy again, it got better and became mostly sunny, and stayed that way, before becoming possible thunderstorms, then just thunderstorms. More on that in the December summary.

I had a dream about whinging whiteboard owners.

Then I announced that I was leaving for the retirement expo, and then provided a report about it.

I then brought you an update on the Section 84 development.
Section 84 Construction

2CC and 2CA suffered power failures, which reminded John B1_B5 of his time working at ABC transmitters.

The Spin Starts Here fiasco continued, with me agreeing to a photo with Loadedog over coffee.

ACTION sold some of their busses.

I announced my playlist for the trip to Sydney and Back between 2CC & 2UE reception areas.

I then became employed again, and the blog passed 20,000 page views in a month for the first time.

That pretty much wraps up November. December will be up for review tomorrow morning as we get closer to the birthday of Samuel’s Blog.


4 comments April 11th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: October 2005

October started with Nattie barking nationally, and the Blog View Stats for the previous month showing a 283% increase in the number of page views.

City Ads were up to their usual tricks, and 2CC were celebrating their 30th birthday by giving away a 1975 Kingswood, I said that I would meet Mike Frame in Erindale.

On that particular day, Mike Jeffreys had a story about a man who really does live in a fridge, and I rang in and told him about the story I wrote called “The Fridge”, and as Mike Jeffreys was also going to be making an appearance with the Kingswood at Video Ezy Erindale, I decided to print out a copy of “The Fridge” for him.

I made my way out to Erindale and took the camera with me for a photographic journey, among the highlights:
The items I took with me
The items I took with me

You could see from Bunda Street to Ballumbir Street back then
You could see from Bunda Street to Ballumbir Street back then

I avoided a green bus, and caught a nice orange bus instead
A nice orange ACTION bus

Mike Frame posing with the Kingswood
Mike Frame and the 2CC Kingswood

John B1_B5 sitting in the Kingswood
John B1_B5 sitting in the Kingswood

Mike Jeffreys arrives
Mike Jeffreys Arrives

And Ainslie Avenue
Ainslie Avenue

I also documented the excessive amount of noise those horrid green busses create.

I was forced to write my first editorial policy post.

Google followed up on a suggestion of mine.

I had a long, but enjoyable, day in which I went to work, had a very long lunch, and also took copies of my photos of 2CC presenters out to 2CC.

I had a really good idea about the future of public transport.

The ACT Government started planning for the centenary of Canberra in 2013, I gave them a good suggestion for a feature attraction.

I summarised some feedback, and outlined some new comment spam protection measures.

ACT Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope released a confidential document, and got an appropriate serve from Piers Akerman.

Australia’s version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire finally gave away a million dollars.

John Kerr started talking about his Christmas Cruise, and I had a strange dream about it.

Some children are just plain obnoxious.

John Kerr (a different John Kerr) had a snake in his taxi.

I made my booking and announced my plans for the New Day Australia Christmas Cruise.

I also brought you a classic 2CC jingle and showed you the catamaran being used for the Christmas Cruise.
Lady Rose

Mike Welsh ran the Trading Post, and a policewoman considered suing John Laws.

I won a Home Improvement DVD as part of 2CC’s birthday celebrations, Nattie visited the vet, and I had a dream where I yelled at Jon Stanhope.

2CC had their birthday, and I had a special picture for the occasion.
2CC's 30th Birthday

That was October, tomorrow morning we will take a look at November.


10 comments April 10th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: September 2005

I could tell you that September started off with a bang, but that would be a fib, as it actually started off with snoring, both from myself, and from the rostered air traffic controller at Canberra Airport. I did eventually wake up and write a brief Blog View Stats post, where we found out that there were 196 views of the new site’s front page in the short time that it was on the Internet in August.

I had a very nice lunch and afternoon with my bus driver friend, which included me getting a new radio, I later converted the afternoon into german and back to English using the Google Translator, with some very amusing results.

2UE moved to new studios, with a couple minor glitches, which not only caused issues for most network stations, but compounded calamities for (the now nearly defunct) 2LT. The proper technical changeover to the new studios took quite a bit of network programming away from 2CC temporarily, but Mike Frame had a good afternoon show. The new 2UE studios do look nice though.

Google decided that I’m a penguin.

Wayne Mac had a very interesting chat with the people over at 6PR.

I summarised a week in one veeeery long post, so summarised probably isn’t the right word.

City News continued their incompetence by publishing an opinion piece from a website as an “editorial” in their so called newspaper.

One of the people who lives near me decided that leaf blowers are good at cleaning houses.

I wrote my first restaurant review, for the Majura Cafe, and became very annoyed with the way government lawnmowers operate.

Google Earth is good, but I’m glad the pictures aren’t live.

I had a dream about oranges that taste like pineapples.

I found a good definition of a modern pop star.

I showed you a story I wrote called “The Fridge”.

One of my clocks gained half a second.

Channel Nine announced 50 years of television a year too early.

Sadly, Don Adams passed away.

I spent far too much time thinking about having radio live in each and every house.

The Coffee-Cup-O-Meter made a temporary return.

I wondered how immune government cars are to road rules, posted the first ever Tape Highlights Package and grumbled about tablecloth sized catalogues.

That more or less wraps up September 2005, We’ll look back on October 2005 on Monday morning (can anybody see the pattern yet…or better yet work out the reason behind the pattern?).


April 8th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: August 2005

August started off with me outlining some of the reasons why I don’t like Internet Explorer, and celebrating the Horse’s Birthday (thanks to John Kerr’s show for informing me of this interesting event).

The first Blog View Stats post appeared, but was just a copy of the Webstat stats, with no analysis.

It was around this time that I started to become annoyed with the services of, and contemplated moving to WordPress.

I also rang George Gibson for the first and only time, attempted to solve his brain teaser puzzle, and amused him (for the record, the answer was that the swimmer was naked).

Lawsie had his 70th birthday and got quite a nice cake.

I had some fun with some scammers on the phone, who insisted that they wouldn’t stand on me…but still wanted my credit card number.

Windows Media Player asked me the same question ten times in a row.

Samuel In Dolgnwot ended with a double image finale.

Schnappi reached sixth on the ARIA charts.

I declared City News to be the worst newspaper in the country, whilst Queensland Parks and Wildlife went on a shooting spree.

Tree Of Life wanted to hire an acting assistant manager and experts contemplated releasing tigers and elephants throughout the US.

I officially Joined AIR News and bought the domain name as well as some hosting, and eventually moved the blog over to it.

Just before the move, SBS continued their downward spiral with a very odd and impossible to answer viewer poll question, which they changed when they showed the responses.

I spent a fair bit of time fixing up the new site and the old posts, something I’m still slowly doing.

I found out that the video from my Linux.Conf.Au seminar would not be able to go ahead due to further audio problems.

Somebody decided to put some shopping baskets on street lamps.

I spent a bit too much time thinking about the answer to the previously mentioned brain teaser question.

Statistics on the new site went haywire, informing me that 295% of people added the site to favourites/bookmarks.

After nearly eight months, PC User sent me my prize for writing the letter of the month, supermarkets employed some very odd and covert methods of checking competitor prices and I stapled myself.

There was some further proof that Coffee is good for you and I noticed some of the odd spammer names.

The month ended with the CSIRO conducting sheep intelligence tests and me finishing the categorising of old posts.

Tomorrow morning we will look back on September.


2 comments April 7th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: July 2005

The week that spanned across the months of June and July saw me doing work experience at the Capital Radio Network (2CC/2CA), which saw this website grind to a halt. Upon my return I mentioned that I hadn’t vanished, and did not have a Musician(s) Of The Week award.

I was still very annoyed with the stupid things that people do, and brought some rather unusual rubbish bin activity to your attention.

I soon realised that I had missed the Musician(s) Of The Week award, and gave it to The Beatles, I also offered my condolences to those affected by the London bombings.

I did some calculations involving bus tickets, and then brought you some information about Linux.Conf.Au 2006.

This was followed by the good news that John Laws would be returning to work, after recovering from a back operation, on July 27, a date which was later ammended to July 25, two weeks before his 70th birthday (more on that tomorrow).

My shipment of Ubuntu Linux CDs arrived.
My shipment of Ubuntu Linux CDs

Television cricket coverage became competitive and Nattie wasn’t interested in navigating strange bits of Canberra design.
Nattie on City Hill

I started the Samuel’s Artwork category by showing you a picture I had shown you before, this lead to me starting the Samuel In Dolgnwot series. I also announced the start of the Blog View Stats, and even started tracking Schnappi’s progress on the ARIA charts.

Somebody called “Thought & Humor” left a very long piece of comment spam, which was odd and interesting. I then proceeded to talk about a few reasons why I like Mozilla Firefox and explained the process of making patchwork art.

I explained in great detail why I think the Ginninderra Super School is a huge mistake.

The first ever online Samuel Salute was awarded to Bob Carr after his retirement, and I suggested that John Laws should be the next New South Wales premier, Carl Scully promptly dropped out of the race, but alas, Morris Iemma became the premier.

I then found a way to run Windows Update without Internet Explorer and told you about the announcement of a leap second.

The month ended with Visual Basic being described as silly string, and Schnappi becoming Casanova.

Tomorrow morning we will be looking back on August 2005.


40 comments April 6th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: June 2005

June 2005 saw many exciting changes on Samuel’s Blog, in fact it started off with a new feature, the Musician(s) Of The Week award, which went to Boney M. Later that day I announced two more changes, the addition of a Google search box (something which I didn’t carry over to this site), and advertising. I particularly like my quote about the ads

The other improvement is advertising…hmmmm, I hear people moaning…look, it isn’t that bad, it is actually quite good. I could have gone with any number of advertising providers, but I don’t want ads that flash, flicker, buzz, popup, popunder, squeal, annoy or interupt. That rules out a lot of advertising sites. I also don’t want ads for “Pills & Potions ‘R Us” or those annoying ads that appear on Yahoo Mail and Hotmail “You can live and work in another country”…who cares??? I don’t want to move country, and I doubt many of my readers do, if you want to move country then call a travel agent.

I then reminded people about my Birthday and said that I would be getting a mention on John Kerr’s show, and intended on ringing him, something I later did, and even posted an MP3 of.

Another change was having a link back to the homepage of the blog, something the template lacked, but I added.

Nattie and I both have our birthday on June 2, and Nattie loves cake.
Nattie, Samuel, and the cake

My head didn’t turn lime green with polka dots, but that didn’t prevent somebody from gawping at me in Civic.

And then we had another change, the Step-O-Meter came into existence, or was supposed to, and eventually did, with the first Step-O-Meter report counting 6927 steps for part of the day.

I then made a further announcement, I joined Skype, and then Firefly, which seemed to annoy one of the readers, who went and dragged out the discussion into another post.

I then had a grumble about Fireworks and the way people use them during the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend.

Then, on June 6, I brought you the story of rumors that Stuart Bocking would take over John Kerr’s program later that month.

I even showed you a picture of Steppy, the pedometer that makes the Step-O-Meter possible.
Steppy the pedometer

It was then time for the Dickson College open night, I invited everyone along, and then documented it as part of what was a very busy day, I also rang Mike Frame on that day to voice my objections to the arboretum that the ACT Government had planned. I also debunked the theory that I drink too much coffee and brought you real life pictures of flying fish, one of which is shown here
Flying Fish

More news about Stuart Bocking’s supposed move to nights, and then I added stats to the blog, which was very important as don’t provide visitor stats.

The Stuart Bocking/John Kerr move became a bit more murky, I became very annoyed with Microsoft, had my record SmoothWall uptime, and showed some of the dangers of computer power saving.

Gmail changed domain from to and then switched between the two for a while.

John Laws had a rant at the expense of 2UE Management, and I held my breath as John Kerr was due back on air, in case Stuart Bocking took over. He didn’t take over, and John Kerr was back with many stories from his holiday, but the rumor turned out to be true later in the year.

Garfield had his 27th birthday and added image uploading.

And that pretty much summed up the month! We’ll look back at July 2005 on Thursday morning, as we continue to get closer to one year of Samuel’s Blog!


1 comment April 4th, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: May 2005

May 2005 started off with an awful lot of silence, one brief post on May 2, and the next one on May 9. The second one was quite interesting as it outlined some possible career moves, of which one fell apart, one never happened, another happened and is still going, and the other one…well I never heard from the people. I also had a little bit to say about ACTION’s amazing timetable disaster, and a phone call from one of their public relations people. This was followed by a newspaper publishing my recent editorial about ACTION’s changes, and lyrics to a song which I will ensure that you get to hear in one of the Tape Highlights of the future.

I then showed off some of my artwork, a picture I had drawn whilst in class.
A picture drawn by Samuel

There was some fun with Linux printing, and then some true excitement, a 2CC dinner which I was going to attend, more on that later.

May contained a “Friday the 13th”, it didn’t bring me bad luck, just a bunch of lunatics.

A few days later there were some big announcements, firstly the Coffee-Cup-O-Meter came into existence, and then I had to change the way I submitted blog posts. I enjoyed using email blogging, as it seemed much more flexible, quicker and easier than using the interface, but that function broke for a while and I was forced on the interface, and stayed there for quite some time.

Somebody took exception to my post about the Friday the 13th loonies, and then I set about explaining how the Coffee-Cup-O-Meter works.

ABC local radio decided to waste taxpayers money by advertising on commercial television…and I thought they were always crying poor.

I got hooked on Tux Racer, and then had a very high speed, which made me wonder if penguins can get booked for speeding.
Tux travels fast

Not long after this, I discovered that I would not be able to attend the 2CC dinner, due to insurance issues. The insurer needed everybody to be at least 18 years old, and the dinner was one week before my birthday, this left me wondering why I was allowed to enter the competition in the first place, and what would have happened if I was a winner and not just a winner’s guest.

Tim Webster proved that he is a great choice as a fill-in for John Laws.

Shortly thereafter, I had food poisoning for nearly a week, and learned a valuable lesson from it.

Friday the 13th’s Idiot Number Three struck again, but I had a cure for him.

And then, as May drew to a close, I started the countdown to my 18th birthday, and dropped a few hints about some interesting changes and new additions to Samuel’s Blog. What were these changes and additions? All will be revealed when we look back on June 2005, tomorrow morning, right here on Samuel’s Blog Year In Review.


2 comments April 3rd, 2006 at 07:00am

Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: April 2005

April 2005 was a funny month, as I just decided to utilise my account for journaling my time at Linux.Conf.Au 2005. April 17 was the first day, and it was the first, of many, time that I would manage to become lost.

It also saw me keeping track of the progress of my seminar, including a practice which went for too long, a backup plan, printer problems, a need for coffee after speaking, and even the realisation that the audio on my recording of my speech was not in the least bit clear.

Del was the first ever person other than Samuel to leave a comment. There was also some controversy about this website being a news source.

After Linux.Conf.Au I decided that I enjoyed blogging so much that I kept going, and in the few days left in the month the topics included ACTION messing up the bus network, and 2CA broadcasting AFL, a topic which prompted John B1_B5’s first comment.

Pictorial Highlights
The first photo to ever be on Samuel’s Blog, me and my conference bag
Me and my conference bag

Tux visits Linux.Conf.Au 2005
Tux visits Linux.Conf.Au 2005

Coming up tommorow on Samuel’s Blog Year In Review, the month of May 2005.


7 comments April 2nd, 2006 at 07:00am


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