2UE’s New Studios
September 11th, 2005 at 05:23pm
Congratulations to Sydney radio station 2UE, who have now moved to their new digital studios. The first program broadcast was Saturday Night Live with Stuart Bocking at 9PM last night, which was pretty much exclusive to 2UE as most of their network stations (including 2CC Canberra) were covering the rugby league finals.
I did notice though that 2UE managed to send their ads through to the network stations, this may have been an operator error (there were a couple of those as the staff got used to the new equipment) or it may have been an oversight on the technicians behalf where they either forgot to prevent ads from being broadcast to network stations or forgot to inform the operators of the correct procedure for ad breaks.
According to people who have worked their previously, with the old equipment it was neccesary to mute the computer on the audition channel which went through to networks during ad breaks, and it may be similar with the new equipment.
Most of the network stations (actually, I think all of them) run automated overnight, so they pretty much leave the 2UE channel and the computer channel open and things work as expected, as 2UE sends silence to network station during the ad break. Instead, last night 2UE sent their ad breaks through, so the computers at local stations played the ads, but 2UE were also playing ads and therefore both sets of ads were playing over the top of each other.
If it happens again tonight I will make sure I bring it to 2UE’s attention tommorow so that they can fix it.
Apart from that, the new equipment and studios should be fantastic, and I will be keeping an eye out for some photos to share with you, especially the new John Laws studio, which is rumoured to have a gold coloured desk.
Entry Filed under: Entertainment,General News,TV/Radio/Media
1 Comment
1. Samuel | January 5th, 2006 at 3:48 pm
Defamatory comments have been removed. Those with a really good reason as to why they need to see the comments may contact me, assuming that I haven’t lost my copy…