Posts filed under 'Vote 1 Samuel!'

Samuel interviewed by GrodsCorp

As you have probably noticed, normal service on Samuel’s Blog has taken a back seat to electoral matters over the last week or so. This isn’t permanent and I look forward to normal service resuming shortly, however in the meantime, the people from GrodsCorp were in Canberra two weekends ago and requested an interview with me. Here is the result.

Usually I avoid embedding YouTube videos on this blog, however as this video has been posted on YouTube by somebody other than me, I will embed it. I am currently undecided as to how I will deal with my own campaign videos.


2 comments October 8th, 2007 at 11:08am

Press Release: Federal Liberal and Labor Parties Should Admit They Don’t Believe Humans Responsible For Global Warming: Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Stored for archival purposes
Independent candidate for Fraser, Samuel Gordon-Stewart, says the approval of the Gunns’ Pulp Mill in Tasmania is proof the federal Liberal and Labor parties do not believe humans are responsible for climate change.

“Many environment groups have stated that the Gunns’ Pulp Mill will increase the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions by an inordinate amount. New South Wales Greens senator Kerry Nettle stated on radio last night that the increase would be a whopping two per cent.” Mr. Gordon-Stewart said.

“The fact that both the federal Labor and federal Liberal parties have welcomed a pulp mill that will increase greenhouse emissions by this much is proof that they don’t believe humans are responsible for climate change.”

“This is a view I fully endorse, and I strongly encourage the federal Labor and federal Liberal parties to admit to it.”

“I also welcome the pulp mill. The federal chief scientist has set down some very sensible rules for the operation of the pulp mill, and I believe the mill is a good thing for Tasmania, and the nation as a whole.”


Media Contact: Samuel Gordon-Stewart 0405 302 499

October 5th, 2007 at 03:50pm

Press Release: Talk Radio in Canberra starts webstream – highlights need for broadband network

Stored for archival purposes
Independent candidate for Fraser, Samuel Gordon-Stewart, has welcomed the news that 666 ABC Canberra has launched a webstream.

“Canberra is blessed with two locally focussed talk radio stations, and I am very pleased to see that one of them has put Canberra on the Internet in this way.” Mr. Gordon-Stewart said.

“People are turning to the Internet for information more regularly these days. Talk radio is one of the few places where people can easily express and debate their views, and it is good to see that talk radio in Canberra is now available to the world.”

“This will not only allow people from outside Canberra to get a better insight in to issues which affect Canberra, but also provide Canberrans with the ability to more easily stay in touch with their community when out of town, and enable Canberrans located in an analog radio blackspot to hear a station they would otherwise miss out on.”

“I can only hope that the few stations which currently do not have a webstream, implement one soon.”

Mr Gordon-Stewart also highlighted the fact that the ever-growing amount of content online makes it imperative that a national broadband network be set up as a matter of priority.

“It is disturbing that a metropolitan area such as Canberra could have any areas which do not have high-speed Internet access. One of my key policies is the immediate rollout of broadband services to all areas of the nation that currently do not have access, and the subsequent rollout of a majority government owned national high-speed fibre to the home broadband network.”

“It is important that everyone has the ability to access the many sources of information available on the Internet in conjunction with the more traditional sources of information, as a well-informed society benefits everyone.”


Media Contact: Samuel Gordon-Stewart 0405 302 499

5 comments October 4th, 2007 at 06:03am

Policies Published!

Yes, that’s right, I have officially launched a bunch of policies with more to come.

I have started setting up a campaign page, it’s nowhere near finished, but it has some useful information, and I also have a policies page, also not finished, but the exciting thing is that there are policies there, and a lot more to follow.

This, for me at least, is a very exciting day!

Update: There was a typo in the link to the policies page which I have now fixed. I apologise for any inconvenience. End Update


4 comments September 28th, 2007 at 07:57am

Press Release: Samuel Gordon-Stewart, independent for Fraser, officially launches campaign

Stored for archival purposes
Here is a majority copy of the press release I am currently distributing to media outlets in Canberra.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart, independent candidate for the federal seat of Fraser, has officially launched his campaign today by outlining some of his main policies.

Samuel is committed to providing a viable alternative to the major parties, and as an independent, has the ability to represent the views and wishes of the people of Fraser without the “party line” getting in the way.

Among Samuel’s key policies are:

  • The nationalisation of education and health, with plans to move government funding from the private sector to the public sector, and provide bulk billed health and dental services in as many areas as possible. Samuel is also committed to ensuring the ACT education system, particularly the college system, is used as the basis for the national education system.
  • Bold new initiatives to stave off drought and replenish the farming sector, and therefore make the economy better, and improve the standard of living for regional areas.
  • The acceptance that Climate Change is a mostly natural phenomenon, and that we need to plan around the natural climate cycle.
  • Economically sustainable targets for the reduction of pollution, and the introduction of renewable energy to improve the air quality, and therefore our standard of living.
  • A majority government owned national fibre-to-the-home high speed broadband network, and the urgent provision of broadband services to all areas of the nation that do not currently have them.
  • Oppose the Tralee development in favour of a Googong development to prevent excess aircraft noise over Canberra.
  • A speeding up of the rollout of digital radio, and government assistance to ensure that no broadcasters are adversely affected by the change.

Full details of these policies can be found on Samuel’s website at


3 comments September 28th, 2007 at 07:53am


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