Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter'

Samuel’s Coffee Challenge: 5am Update

The hourly coffee tallies so far:

1pm: 1 coffee
2pm: 4 coffees
3pm: 2 coffees
4pm: 1 coffee
5pm: 1 coffee
6pm: 1 coffee
7pm: 1 coffee
8pm: 2 coffees
9pm: 1 coffee
10pm: 1 coffee
11pm: 2 coffees
12am: 1 coffee
1am: 1 coffee

Total: 19 coffees

And with that, I’m aborting the experiment. I don’t think I can possibly drink another coffee…the mere thought of it repulses me. I suppose the fact that I was already feeling pretty lousy before I started this didn’t help, I now feel a lot worse, and I can’t wait until the end of my shift so that I can climb in to bed and sleep for hours and hours and hours. As much as I probably shouldn’t write this publicly, it’s been that quiet at work tonight that I did take the opportunity to nap for about an hour. The floor is very uncomfortable.

I think I’ve been coming down with something for about the last week. I’ve been persistently tired to the point of almost sleeping more than I’ve been awake, I’ve had a headache that hasn’t gone away for the last three days, I’ve had almost no appetite and in general I just haven’t been feeling well. As I’ve been working on the relatively quiet night shift I’ve been dragging myself in to work each night, but I’m starting to think that I’m going to struggle to even do that.

Oh, and for anyone who’s thinking of trying to beat my coffee-drinking effort…don’t, seriously. It’s a really really bad idea. Just as there is a responsible service of alcohol system, there really should be a responsible service of coffee system.


2 comments November 10th, 2008 at 05:06am

Samuel’s Coffee Challenge: 1am update

The hourly coffee tallies so far:

1pm: 1 coffee
2pm: 4 coffees
3pm: 2 coffees
4pm: 1 coffee
5pm: 1 coffee
6pm: 1 coffee
7pm: 1 coffee
8pm: 2 coffees
9pm: 1 coffee
10pm: 1 coffee
11pm: 2 coffees
12am: 1 coffee

Total: 18 coffees
Projected total: 36 coffees

This is going to be interesting. I’m at work until 8am and I’ve been wanting to collapse in to bed since about 9:30. It’s funny how the caffeine isn’t making me want to stay awake, it may be keeping me awake but it doesn’t feel like it. The caffeine is making me a bit jumpy and jittery, and possibly a bit uncoordinated though.


November 10th, 2008 at 01:02am

Samuel’s Coffee Challenge: 9pm update

The hourly coffee tallies so far:

1pm: 1 coffee
2pm: 4 coffees
3pm: 2 coffees
4pm: 1 coffee
5pm: 1 coffee
6pm: 1 coffee
7pm: 1 coffee
8pm: 2 coffees

Total: 13 coffees
Projected total: 39 coffees

I doubt that I’m going to get anywhere near the target of 50 coffees, and that’s probably a good thing. I’m starting to wonder if I’m going to even reach the projected total of 39.


November 9th, 2008 at 09:01pm

Samuel’s Coffee Challenge: 5pm Update

The hourly coffee tallies so far:

1pm: 1 coffee
2pm: 4 coffees
3pm: 2 coffees
4pm: 1 coffee

Total: 8 coffees
Projected total: 48 coffees

Which means that I am currently two coffees short of my target of 50 coffees.


November 9th, 2008 at 04:59pm

Samuel’s Coffee Challenge

When I awoke at about 11:30 this morning and realised that my body clock is about ten hours out from where it should be, and I also noticed that my mood and headache aren’t improving, I came to a conclusion…I need a distraction that will either fix my body clock, or completely destroy it.

Hence, Samuel’s Coffee Challenge. It started at 1pm, and I intend of drinking as much coffee as possible over the course of 24 hours. Unfortunately I can’t take the next 24 hours off from my normal daily duties in order to sit down and drink cup after cup after cup of coffee, but I’ll fit as much coffee and possible in to my routine anyway.

Four-hourly updates to follow.


November 9th, 2008 at 01:05pm

Photo of the Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

In the recent Coffee-Cup-O-Meter series I kept a record of every cup of coffee I had so that I could ensure that there wouldn’t be any memory lapses. Here is a photo of the daily record of the Coffee-Cup-O-Meter.

Photo of the Coffee-Cup-O-Meter


47 comments April 29th, 2006 at 04:24pm

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

We have reached the end of this extended season of Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter, so here is the final entry of the season, and a graph of the points.

5 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 5 Points
Total = 5 Points

A graph of this series of Samuel's Coffee-Cup-O-Meter


3 comments April 18th, 2006 at 01:00am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

5 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 5 Points
Total = 5 Points


April 17th, 2006 at 12:00am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

4 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 4 Points
Total = 4 Points


3 comments April 16th, 2006 at 01:00am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

5 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 5 Points
Total = 5 Points


April 15th, 2006 at 01:00am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

6 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 6 Points
Total = 6 Points


April 14th, 2006 at 01:00am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

3 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 3 Points
Total = 3 Points


April 13th, 2006 at 01:49am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

Apoligies for the delay, I’ll continue the Year In Review posts tomorrow morning.

3 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 3 Points
1 x Regular Shop Coffee (1 Point Each) = 1 Point
Total = 4 Points


April 12th, 2006 at 11:37am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

3 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 3 Points
Total = 3 Points


April 11th, 2006 at 01:31am

Samuel’s Coffee-Cup-O-Meter

6 x Standard Mugs (1 Point Each) = 6 Points
Total = 6 Points


April 10th, 2006 at 01:00am

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