Posts filed under 'Letters To The Editor'

A proposed 2UE schedule

Andrew Coster writes in with his proposed on-air schedule for 2UE

Breakfast: John Stanley and Sandy Aloisi
Mornings: Steve Liebmann and Ken Sutcliffe
Afternoons: Tim Webster and Dawn Rawlings
Drive: Murray Wilton and Liz Ellis
Sports Today: John Gibbs and Greg Alexander
Nights: Stuart Bocking and Tracey Spicer
Overnights: Jim Ball and John Kerr

Weekend Breakfast: George Moore and Paul B Kidd
Weekend Mornings: Andrew Daddo and Don Burke
Weekend Afternoons: Clive Robertson and Chris Kearns
Weekend Drive: Ed Phillips and Ken Sparkes
Saturday Night: Dr Ross Walker and Pete Graham
Sunday Early Night: Dale Sinden and Simon Foster
Sunday Late Night: Spencer Kirk and Sharina
Weekend Overnight: Clinton Maynard and Rachel Friend

Scott Cam and Dr Vivienne Miller
Mike Carlton and Matt De Groot
Bill Woods and Deborah Knight
David Prior and Judy Horton
Tim Gilbert and Murray Olds
Rowan Barker and Susie Yates
Andrew Voss and Ian MacRae
Mike Munro and Julie Singleton

Possible additions
Ben Fordham
Chris Smith

Thanks for sending that in Andrew. That lineup is probably more useful than what 2UE currently put to air. It might just make their apparent current aim of being the softer, less abrasive alternative to 2GB, work.

Pairing Steve Liebmann and Ken Sutcliffe is, I think, a stroke of genius. Steve Liebmann desperately needs a co-host to help keep him focussed, and Ken is likely to sound good next to Steve.

There is no way in the world that I could listen to Tim Webster and Dawn Rawlings. It’s funny though in a way, as I was, just yesterday, joking about a possible daily Sharina show for stations which hate ratings…putting Dawn on daily would be close enough.

Stuart and Tracey have done a great job on breakfast over summer. Personally I’d keep them there, but it’s probably easier to put them on nights…no need to find somebody else suitable for the timeslot that way.

I’m not sure that Jim Ball and John Kerr would be compatible. Their approaches are worlds apart and I think we’d end up with a power struggle.

I like the idea of pairing Clive Robertson with Chris Kearns again. I’m fairly sure that Chris had to retire from the show on medical grounds…but it would be great to hear them together again.

I also quite like the idea of moving Burke’s Backyard out of the breakfast slot. Syndication would probably have a fit…but I like it, and replacing half of “The Two Murrays” at Drive is a good idea…that show currently has no flow.

On the “possibles”. Ben has done well for himself over at 2GB and I doubt that they’ll let him go, especially seeing as the other on-air talent and John Singleton have defended him after the PD pulled the plug on his John Laws interview. I won’t be surprised if Ben surfaces doing a national show from 3MP in Melbourne.

Chris is, apparently, all but gone from 2GB. He is still suspended, but he doesn’t exist on their website now and Luke Bona has apparently been told to get ready to take over the afternoon show permanently (big mistake…give it to Ben. Ben is more engaging when he tries than Luke is in my opinion). Chris might end up at 2UE after a while…it certainly seems to be the way that fired 2GB people go, and vice versa.

The soft talk format that 2UE are trying at the moment is very hard to get right. The current line-up needs work, and I think Andrew is very close to something which could hold a decent, steady share of the ratings.

Thoughts anybody?


8 comments January 9th, 2010 at 01:50pm

An email from Wayne


Dear Samuel,

I notice that you have not written anything about swine flu yet. Could this be because you can’t find a way to blame Barack Obama for it?

Wayne [name removed]

I was amused by that email, and was tempted to ask Wayne why he hadn’t blamed pig flu on global warming…but I’d prefer to be serious about it.

I haven’t written about the pig flu because I’m not in the least bit concerned by it. Let’s face it, I have a greater chance of catching normal flu than pig flu, but I don’t get a flu shot each year. I have far more pressing concerns, such as job applications. If I do happen to catch the pig flu, well so be it…when it kills me, I’ll be sure to turn in to refrigerated bacon slices which can be bought at your local supermarket (that is, if the authorities allow it…which they probably won’t).

That said, Wayne, you’re in luck, because I had a dream about pig flu yesterday and you’ll be able to read all about it later today.


April 30th, 2009 at 04:18am

Letter To The Editor: You should not be allowed to have a website!

Samuel you are a disgrace to the Internet, your website nothing but a pile of garbage written by someone who can’t seperate his head from the trees, and you are WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG on EVERYTHING.

The Internet, like any medium, is here for people with proper minds to use for the dissemination of actual information and you do not do that, all you do is clog up the Internet with the nonsense that fills your head. I will give you some examples of how wrong you are.

You are wrong about climate change.
You are wrong about the ACT government.
You listen to the wrong radio station.
You can’t work out whether to capitlise every word in your titles or not.
You have a podcast where you talk about nothing for hours.
You are short.
You alter the results of all the polls.
You use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
You argue with the people who leave comments.
Your opinions are always wrong.
You think people read your blog because they are interested in what you write.
You couldn’t think of a better name than “Samuel’s Blog”.
You can’t draw.

People like you should not be allowed to use computers or go anywhere near anything where your utter garbage and nonsense can be distributed to an audience. I will tell you now that all commercial radio should be closed because it is all filled with people who are wrong on everything EVERYTHING YES EVERYTHING and only the ABC left on because it has everyone who thinks with their brain and is correct about everything.

Television should be banned and the Internet should be moderated to prevent people like you who should be locked up from ever adding anything to it.

You are an idiot and must close your Blog NOW to stem the tide of your puerile nonsense which is bad for everyone.

Go away and don’t come back.


James Scolland

Even the terminally insane and those who just want to annoy me (I haven’t quite worked out which one James is yet) get to air their opinions by writing a Letter To The Editor…that one was quite amusing.

This is your chance to set the agenda on Samuel’s Blog, all you have to do is send a Letter To The Editor to Your letter can be about almost anything, and it can be from any part of the opinion spectrum, as long as there is some point to your letter. I don’t have to agree with your letter, but I am moderating, so the usual no defamation etc rules apply. For more details click here.


2 comments June 11th, 2007 at 07:13am

Letter To The Editor: Praise for the budget

It looks like Maritz (I could have been certain there was an S and another R in that name), a seemingly very polite Russian lady who has recently been emailing various radio presenters, has found this website due to a photo of 2UE presenter Paul Makin, and would like to share her thoughts about the federal budget with us. I was tempted to add this as a comment to my budget editorial, but Maritz has put so much effort in to her letter, and sent it to, that it should get front page prominence as a Letter To The Editor.

Dear Mr. Samuel,

I have been writing this email and the similar ones to the good people on the 2UE and the 2CC but I do not have the blog and would like people to see it in the fullness please. I found you by the picture of the lovely Mr. Paul Makin from the 2UE and I hope you can be able to please be assiting of the helpfulness please. This I think is my better letter so far and it was to Mr. John Stanley earlier. He read some little bits of it which was nice, he made it clearer than I can.

I am writing to you to let you know of my thoughts about the nice budgets of the government man Mr. Costello last night.

As the lady previously from the Russia I feel very privileged to be in this country of the wealthyness to spend the money on the things that need the spending on them without causing the issued to the budgets. Many of the spendings are on the things of very good like education and roads, and the tax cuts and payments are the very nice as well. I think, although I have not been here for all of that long, that I Mr. Costello is the very clever man for all he has done.

I am becoming the citizen of this country in later month July and I think the budget from Mr. Costello provings that I have made the decision correctly for moving to this country.

Please be having a lovely day.

From Maritz

Ms Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly

This is your chance to set the agenda on Samuel’s Blog, all you have to do is send a Letter To The Editor to Your letter can be about almost anything, and it can be from any part of the opinion spectrum, as long as there is some point to your letter. I don’t have to agree with your letter, but I am moderating, so the usual no defamation etc rules apply. For more details click here.


4 comments May 9th, 2007 at 02:19pm

Letter To The Editor: Maitland Forgotten By Government

I thought that when john Howard came to Maitland I was quite cranky that he went to the grammer school isnt our public schools good enough for him in our area . well do something about it and fix the schools .

What message does it send to the people of maitland only rich peoples children are important . Also He said their would be no funding for Energy Australia Staduim because the money had to go to the freeway well thats not good enough gosford has has major road works of the last and a new staduim why are we different . the money was there for the freeway before but they spent it . The Newcastle Knights have been good for nsw they get the crowds and the fans pay good money to see them we all deserve a new staduim.

Instead of pay rises to the pms they should all take a cut in wages they say we should tighten our belts but the they get a pay rise that they dont even need the money .

Our After Hours GP Service at Maitland hospital has to use rooms that are for day specialist appointments by day and after hours GP at night we need our own rooms that are at the entrance of the hospital we have to walk half way through the hospital to get to AGP which is a huge risk to patients in the hospital and is not fair on the doctors who work in the AGP Give Maitland Money.

We also need our Maitland sports stadium upgraded kurri has a beautiful sports statium like a lot of other places why is MAITLAND being overlooked


This letter was originally posted as a comment and is now being reprinted as a Letter To The Editor at Anne’s request.

This is your chance to set the agenda on Samuel’s Blog, all you have to do is send a Letter To The Editor to Your letter can be about almost anything, and it can be from any part of the opinion spectrum, as long as there is some point to your letter. I don’t have to agree with your letter, but I am moderating, so the usual no defamation etc rules apply. For more details click here.


April 24th, 2007 at 05:45am

Letter To The Editor: Caz, The Hack and the end of TSSH

Dearest Samuel,

How did one so young become so cynical?

You should properly read Caz’s most recent post. She did not say she was quitting blogging. She said that she and I were both withdrawing from TSSH permanently and handing it over to contributor Tealou, who will run TSSH as a forum from now on. I think Tealou already has the keys to the domain name and is backing up the moving van to shift on in, as it were.

Sadly for those who wish us harm, we will be back elsewhere – in a slightly different form and with a different focus in a short time.

Despite the timing of the post, we are dead serious. You’d be an April Fool not to take us at our word.

Caz has been posting in the past couple of weeks but she and I were both missing a few weeks back while she was laid up in hospital and I was otherwise occupied with the house and the kids. Again, examine the site and have a read before you criticise.

And in fairness, son, when Caz has withdrawn (temporarily) from blogging, she has done so under duress and always with the promise she shall return. Read back to the posts immediately following those death threats last year to confirm the truth of my words if you do not believe me.

As always, love your work. Don’t you go changin’.

Love and kisses,

The Hack.

You mean all I had to do was ask and somebody would send in another letter? Why didn’t anybody tell me that a few weeks ago?

This is your chance to set the agenda on Samuel’s Blog, all you have to do is send a Letter To The Editor to Your letter can be about almost anything, and it can be from any part of the opinion spectrum, as long as there is some point to your letter. I don’t have to agree with your letter, but I am moderating, so the usual no defamation etc rules apply. For more details click here.


3 comments April 2nd, 2007 at 01:59am

Letter To The Editor: Gloating from London

Good afternoon Samuel,

Well it is a marvellous day here in London, the weather is putting on a special treat as the temperature has made its way to double digits.

England have won the cricket, and it’s just as well as we let your lot win the Ashes, so thanks for returning the favour. Pity about the trophy though, looks like a weird seat, the Commonwealth Bank can keep the trophy, we’ll just keep the scorecard.

Best wishes
Harold Borton

This is your chance to set the agenda on Samuel’s Blog, all you have to do is send a “letter to the editor” to Your letter can be about almost anything, and it can be from any part of the opinion spectrum, as long as there is some point to your letter. I don’t have to agree with your letter, but I am moderating, so the usual no defamation etc rules apply. For more details click here.


1 comment February 12th, 2007 at 06:43am

Letters To The Editor

I’m quite pleased to be able to announce a new section on Samuel’s Blog, Letters To The Editor.

This is your chance to set the agenda on Samuel’s Blog, all you have to do is send an email to Your letter can be about almost anything, and it can be from any part of the opinion spectrum, as long as there is some point to your letter. I don’t have to agree with your letter, but I am moderating, so the usual no defamation etc rules apply.

The letters could be your opinion on something in the news, something happening here on Samuel’s Blog, or something completely different…it doesn’t matter because as I said, it’s your chance to set the agenda.

A few little rules.
1. Only emails sent to will be considered for inclusion
2. You must provide either your real name, your username on this blog, or a verifiable screen name you use elsewhere (you may need to point me to an example). That being said, you can tell me which name (it can be completely different, within reason) you would prefer to be published. A location would also be nice, because then I can refer to you in a logical manner (eg. Sandra from Perth).
3. I reserve the right to decide whether or not to publish your email. I also reserve the right to remove any content that I think would offend a large section of the audience (hopefully that will only mean obscuring parts of obscenities).
4. Please try to keep your emails under 500 words. I may publish them if they are longer, but don’t count on it.

I’m looking forward to receiving some interesting letters.

I haven’t decided how often I will publish the letters, it will depend on how many I receive and how much else I have ready to appear. Ultimately though, I think it’s a case of “The more the merrier!”


1 comment February 3rd, 2007 at 04:51pm


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