Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Stepometer'

Samuel’s Multiple “O-Meters”

You may have noticed the recent suggestions from some people that I should bring back to Coffee-Cup-O-Meter and the Stepometer.

Well, it’s funny you mention it, as this has been on the cards for quite some time. I have every intention of bringing these back, but it should be noted that they are special features, and only appear occasionally. The stepometer was last in session around the middle of last year…and Steppy is ready and raring, so the stepometer will probably be back very soon. I will probably bring back the coffee-cup-o-meter soon as well.

Stay tuned for details.


8 comments March 22nd, 2006 at 09:11am

Samuel’s Stepometer

Today’s number does seem a bit high, but I can probably put that down to a lot of bus rattle
Steps: 13592
Distance: 9.1746 KM (approx)


Add comment June 10th, 2005 at 06:10pm

Samuel’s Stepometer

Well, today was interesting…I had to be on the move a bit more than yesterday and managed:
Steps: 8262
Distance: 5.57685 KM (approx)


Add comment June 8th, 2005 at 06:13pm

A picture of Steppy

Yes, you guessed it, I have named the pedometer “Steppy”.


Add comment June 7th, 2005 at 04:55pm

Samuel’s Stepometer

Ahhh yes, the stepometer, which has been made possible by the pedometer that fell out of a coco pops box earlier this year…it is kinda cheap and rattles, but under enough layers of clothing you can’t really hear or notice it.

Anyway, on with the stats:
Steps: 6927
Distance: 4.675725 KM (approx)

The steps are probably slightly out because the bus I catch has a few bumps which may artificially increase the step count, and the distance has been worked out based on my average stride of 67.5cm per step.

Also note that this is from the portion of the day that I spend away from home, the pedometer comes off at home because it drives me insane with that rattle unless I wear a coat…which isn’t always comfortable in a heated room.


Add comment June 7th, 2005 at 04:46pm

Samuel’s stats fell into forgotteness

hmmmm….is forgotteness a word???

Anyway, I forgot the pedometer, but I am moving it to a place where it is near everything else I need to take with me (I also forgot one of those today!)…If I’m not absent minded I will have a nice stat for you tommorow.


Add comment June 6th, 2005 at 07:40pm

The latest statistic from Samuel

Yes, I know this was due on Friday, but you’re getting it today instead.

Starting from tommorow (Monday) I will wear a pedometer and see how many steps I take during the day…could be very interesting.


Add comment June 5th, 2005 at 09:21pm


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