Yep, they did give away another million Farewell George

Another Career Update

November 15th, 2005 at 09:12pm

Well, with my current employer treating me like an idiot, I am starting applying for other jobs.

Here is the basic rundown of what has happened without breaking any kind of confidentiality agreement etc

A few weeks ago my SNAP (School Based New Apprenticeship) contract ran out and I was urged by my bosses to sign up for a School Assistant Level Two position which would enable them to continue employing me. I was given the distinct impression that they would continue employing me, but things changed in the time it took for the paperwork to be processed. When I finally got my employment papers back from the Department of Education I notified the college, the person I notified gave me an unusual reply of “We’ll ring you when we need you”, which was a completely different line to what was being said just a couple weeks before…I let it go.

About a week later I had a need to go into the college for an event, and I bumped into one of my bosses who said the exact same line as the other person had said, he also said for me to give him some contact details, which I did.

That was close to a week ago, and I still haven’t heard anything. I rang my direct boss today who was more or less clueless to the whole proceedings, he said he would make enquiries and I’ll ring him tommorow to see what is going on. Today on the phone he suggested that I might be needed in late December…late December??? And just what do they expect me to do until then without an income?

This isn’t the first time they have played silly games with me, and I am truly sick of it. If they don’t have this sorted out by tommorow they will lose me, and as I am under no obligation to inform them of it they will find out the hard way…when they need me in late December (or probably early next year when some major work is scheduled), they will just end up finding out that I am working elsewhere and I have no interest in working for them any more.

I would prefer for this to all be sorted out in a calm and positive manner, but at the rate things are going, I will be surprised if it is. Personally I would be glad to get out of there and go somewhere where I am appreciated and respected…as time has gone on they have treated me worse and worse and the conditions have gotten worse, I’ve put up with it until now, but I am reaching my wits end…we’ll see how things pan out.


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