The mandatory and yet entirely optional alien takeover

The lunchtime training of fake police and successfully defusing a bomb

February 12th, 2025 at 02:54am

It is probably redundant of me to tell you that I had a peculiar dream when pretty much all of my dreams are peculiar.

Yesterday’s dream occurred during a lunch break. I was walking back from lunch to a training conference. This seemed to be along streets in the Woden Town Centre surrounded by buildings which looked like the old concrete Cameron Offices in Belconnen. It turned out that I was walking back to some sort of police training conference, except the police who were being trained were fictional characters from The Bill and Water Rats. I was chatting with actor Steve Bisley on the way back who played Detective Sergeant Jack Christey in Water Rats although it seemed I was actually talking to an amalgam of the actor and the character as he was telling me about some cases he was working on while also talking about the guest appearances he was looking forward to on The Bill as a shonky real estate agent trying to fraudulently sell off bits of Sun Hill.

As Water Rats and The Bill both ended many years ago, I don’t know how any of this seemed plausible to me, but it did, and the Steve Bisley I was talking to was the age he was in Water Rats, not his current age, so I suppose it made sense to some extent.

When we got back to the building where the training was occurring, I left Steve and the rest of the people to go inside as I had to go back to work. I went to some place which looked a bit like my old high school’s front office and was informed of a bomb scare. Everyone there thought it was a hoax and ignored it but I was tasked with investigating it anyway. After a short time I discovered that the bomb was in a newly installed vending machine in the front office and was very powerful because all of the drinks had been replaced with flammable liquids.

I went over to the fire alarm panel and smashed the glass to activate the fire alarm, and then had to reach in further behind the broken glass to push a very small button which turned the general alarm noise into an evacuation tone. After this I determined that there wasn’t enough time to evacuate the building and I would have to defuse the bomb. This turned out to be quite simple as pulling the vending machine’s power cable out of the power outlet shut down the timer.

The next thing I knew I was in a supermarket which seemed to be the old Supabarn as it had appeared in the late 1990s in the old City Markets but with much taller shelves. I had a gun and was searching for explosive jelly beans. The dream ended while I was carrying out this search.


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