Your questions answered about Hard N Soft Staking The lunchtime training of fake police and successfully defusing a bomb

The mandatory and yet entirely optional alien takeover

February 7th, 2025 at 06:11am

It has been a while since I have had a dream memorable enough and interesting enough to write about here. Yesterday though, one did occur and it was quite remarkable. It was one of those dreams which was vivid enough to feel very real at the time, to the point where it is hard to accept afterwards that it wasn’t real despite the events which occurred in it.

The dream started with everyone in the world being summoned to attend one of the many very large and tall new buildings which had appeared overnight and had apparently been rapidly constructed by aliens. It was required, by law, for all people to be in one of these buildings by 8:30am. Anyone not in one of those buildings by that time would not be allowed in and would be left behind to face the end of the world. The deadline was to be strictly enforced without exception.

I went along, although it seemed the rest of my family did not. The first order of business was to defend the buildings against anybody trying to get in late. Nobody tried. The view from the window, which looked like the window half way up the “going down” staircase of my primary school, showed the streets were mostly deserted. Security radio chatter indicated there was a train delay on the coast (which I somehow knew meant just south of Wollongong) but otherwise all was well.

At 9am the grand announcement occurred that the new society in these buildings would be air conditioned and run by aliens would had in fact been on Earth for many years. Everyone’s past misdeeds would be forgiven and forgotten, but everyone must be on their best behaviour from now on as misbehaviour would not be tolerated. The new society would be based on a number of fundamental principles including privacy and honesty. Earth would come to an end soon and the buildings would leave for a new planet before then. People could still choose to leave the new society that day if they wanted but would not be re-admitted, so leaving meant certain doom as the end of the world would arrive soon.

As the meeting concluded, I looked out a window and noticed a handful of people had left and already been served at a nearby fast food store. I noted with surprise how quickly they were served given how understaffed the store must be, and then walked upstairs. A small commotion was occurring in a room as a person had apparently misbehaved. To make matters worse they were arguing with an “official” about it. Other officials gathered and determined that the misbehaviour was that the person had walked into a room through the wrong doors, against a signposted direction that the doors were only to be used for exiting the room. A senior official decided an immediate “judicial occurrence” was required and ordered the unsealing of this person’s medical records for immediate public examination to see if they had any bearing on their misbehaviour. This, to me, seemed appalling and not at all in-line with the earlier-stated principle of privacy. The examination of the medical records showed the person had a medical condition which was “illegal” and that some sort of punishment was required.

I ran upstairs to see if there was anyone who could do anything about this and I found an office with Mr. Wood in it. Mr. Wood was not my Year 4 teacher but he did teach the class next door. Occasionally classes would swap teacher for an hour or two as the various teachers had specialty subjects which they would teach. Mr. Wood struck me as the sort of person who should have been a judge as he had a mind for fairness, but he wouldn’t have enjoyed being a judge as it would have required him to strictly enforce laws rather than applying his own fair-mindedness to each situation. So I was pleased to see him, although somewhat confused that he was one of the officials in this new alien society. I tried to explain the situation to him but he was too busy. It turned out he was a very senior official (and one of the aliens who had been on Earth for many years) tasked with creating punishments. He informed me that everyone in the new society is tracked and monitored at all times and privacy ceases to apply if a person is accused of misbehaviour, and then he rushed off to punish someone somewhere.

I left the building in a hurry, and along the way received evidence that the world was not coming to an end, but the aliens simply wanted to take all of the compliant people with them and leave everyone else behind, and they knew that the obedient ones would simply accept and follow a directive telling them to go to certain buildings to avoid the end of the world.

Going home seemed like a good idea so I started to walk home through a shopping centre where I noticed the concierge desk staff trying to work out how to staff all of the stores now that so many people had left. I continued to walk towards home and got about half way up the block next to my home when I noticed a group of cows having a large argument in the street near my home. The argument was generating some sort of nuclear radiation so I decicded to take shelter in an abandoned car. The wind was blowing the radiation in my direction so I rolled the windows up. However the radiation kept getting worse and I realised that the wind wasn’t the issue, but rather my shift was attracting the radiation as it had a tracking device embedded from the new society…so I changed my shirt. By this stage though the radiation levels were becoming quite concerning and I realised I had to leave the area and wait for the cows to finish their argument and stop producing radiation. It was too dangerous to open the doors of the car and get out so I would have to drive it. The car had the same idea and took off before I could start it! I eventually got it started anyway and drove to the other side of my suburb and parked in a carpark in the middle of a cafe.

I left the car there and started to make my way back towards home, but then realised my backpck was still in the car. I negotiated with the cafe owner to go back to the car but then realised I was already wearing my backpack and didn’t need to go back after all. As I was walking back towards home I became slightly concerned that the abandoned car would probably now be considered stolen and my fingerprints would be all over it, but then realised driving it a short distance to escape a radiation storm caused by arguing cows would be a perfectly reasonable excuse, so it was all OK.

I walked through the shopping centre again and realised that all of the surveillance agencies of government would have gone to the new society, and felt a sense of relief that spies would no longer by spying on people on Earth. As I walked through the shopping centre I noticed a jewellery shop owned by my friend Maritz with a very long sign out the front showing her very long full name. I then walked past the concierge desk where they were now trying to figure out where their abandoned car had gone. I kept walking.

Everything seemed pleasant and wonderful as I walked towards home. And then abruptly the dream ended and I was jolted awake, knowing without even looking at the clock that it was time to go to work.

The dream seemed so real and the unusual jolt awake despite everything being good in the dream at that stage (normally a jolt awake would occur at a perilous moment), combined with the correct but unexplainable certain knowledge that it was time for work, left the distinct impression that the dream was more than just a dream. Perhaps I had been visiting a parallel universe and whoever or whatever arranged my visit realised I had stayed a bit too long and quickly sent me back, leaving me with the knowledge that I had to be elsewhere imminently.

Who knows? Regardless, it was a very interesting and intriguing dream full of interesting themes which are well-worth further thought.


Entry Filed under: Samuel's Dreams

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