Archive for November 25th, 2005

New Day Australia Christmas Cruise Weather

Since yesterday’s post about the Christmas Cruise Weather, the forecasted conditions have improved and the temperature has warmed up.

Christmas Cruise Weather
Mostly Cloudy 17-27

Thanks to The Weather Company.


11 comments November 25th, 2005 at 10:33pm

Samuel on “The Best Of The John Laws Week”

Every Friday morning around 11:30 John Laws plays a half hour segment which is composed of highlights of his show during the week. Usually I would hear this segment as it goes live to air, however I was busy today at that time as I had a meeting with one of my correspondents (Thankyou, I enjoyed our little meeting, the coffee was very nice). I avoided recording the segment as it is usually placed on the John Laws website within 24 hours of it going to air.

As you may recall, on Monday (November 21) I spoke with John Laws about Nguyen Tuong Van, I was only one of many who did so this week, including many open line callers, many emailers and plenty of politicians. I was quite contented knowing that I had spoken with Lawsie, and that I have my own personal momento of his show, so imagine my surprise when I went to listen to the Best Of Laws segment and found that my call had made it into the opening overview of the week, and then into the segment about Van Nguyen. Not only this, but it was also the only open line caller or emailer to make it into Best Of Laws. I must say that I feel somewhat privileged to have made it into the Best Of Laws segment, and so I must thank John Laws and his production team for using my call.

I’ve cut down the mp3 to the relevant sections from Best Of Laws, and you can hear it by clicking here.

Alternatively you can hear Best Of Laws by going to and clicking on the link.


4 comments November 25th, 2005 at 10:20pm

Construction In Civic

The Section 84 development in Civic is certainly progressing well, and seeing as I took a photo of it a while back and was walking passed it with a camera today, I thought I might give you an update on it’s progress.

Here it is on October 4, 2005
Section 84

And here it is from an angle which allows me to take more meaningful photos today (Nearly two months after the last photo).
Civic Construction
The building on the left of the photo is the same one shown in the first photo.

Here is a picture showing two buildings.
Civic Construction

Are the construction workers aliens?
The Men From Marr\'s

There is still plenty of work to do though.
Civic Construction


13 comments November 25th, 2005 at 06:17pm

2CC At The Retirement And Lifestyle Expo

The Retirement And Lifestyle Expo did appear to be very interesting, there wasn’t much there that was relevant or useful for myself, but those who are looking to retire soon or have already retired will find it interesting and find plenty of useful information. At one stage I could hear Denise Drysdale performing but I did not actually see her.

I did say that I would have some photos, I didn’t get as many as I was hoping for due to the fact that I don’t really want to take too many photos of the people involved, and I’m sure they don’t need me taking a few zillion photos. I stayed for about 45 minutes, but it is understandably off putting having spectators, there is a large difference between public speaking and radio broadcasting. It is much easier to forget that you are talking to a lot of people when you are in a studio, when you have spectators it does become a bit more difficult as the “public speaking issue” comes into it.

Anyway, I took two photos, the first one showing the studio at the exhibition.
2CC Outside Broadcast Studio

And there is one of Mike Welsh’s first interview of the afternoon, this photo is badly out of focus due to a mistake on my behalf. This camera is new to me and I really need to read the instruction manual properly. My experience with it so far indicates that it focusses better with a flash, but a flash is very off putting when broadcasting and I didn’t want to cause any problems.
2CC Outside Broadcast Interview

If you happen to be at the retirement expo over the weekend, you should be able to drop by and say hello or wave to David Young and Mike Frame, I’m sure they will be happy to say hello or wave back.


4 comments November 25th, 2005 at 04:55pm

I’m off to the retirement expo

Alrighty then, time for me to head off to Exhibition Park to see the 2CC Outside Broadcast (which is actually indoors, but what else can you call it when you use the “OB” abbreviation?)

You can expect photos soon!


1 comment November 25th, 2005 at 01:59pm

Christmas Copier Repair

Slashdot brings us the news that copiers are broken more over Christmas than at any other time of the year.

It would appear that the christmas period, “leads to a 25 percent hike in service calls due to incidents such as the classic backside copying prank. Such a stunt, a mainstay of the office party, often results in cracked glass on the copier, with 32 percent of Canon technicians claiming to have been called out to fix glass plates during the Christmas period after attempts to copy body parts went wrong”.

Unable to come up with a witty title for the post, I settled for a semi-witty adaption of a Chritmas Carol. It’s an adaption of “Tis The Season To Be Jolly Deck The Halls” and could probably remain as such if you are a copier-repair contractor who gets paid extra over Christmas.

Tis the season to copy bodies, tra la la la la, la laa laa laa
And make calls to repairers, tra la la la la, la laa laa laa
Breaking glass is a given, tra la la, tra la la, la la la
After some heavy drinking, tra la la la la, la laa laa laa


4 comments November 25th, 2005 at 12:33pm

Whinging Whiteboard Owners

I had another strange dream last night, and whilst I only remember bits of it, I think I can remember enough of it to do it justice.

This takes place in a multi-storey carpark, where a bunch of people have decided to park their portable whiteboards (similar to the one shown here). The whiteboard owners are somewhat of an annoyance however as they unsuccessfully try to convince the carpark staff that the whiteboards take up less space and should therefore get a discount on parking fees.

Later on, the whiteboard owners start to make their way out of the carpark with their whiteboards, in doing this they have to go down a ramp, which the complain is too steep (despite it being just as steep as the one they came in on). Eventually the whiteboard owners were out of the carpark and walking down the street with their whiteboards.


3 comments November 25th, 2005 at 11:00am


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