Whinging Whiteboard Owners I’m off to the retirement expo

Christmas Copier Repair

November 25th, 2005 at 12:33pm

Slashdot brings us the news that copiers are broken more over Christmas than at any other time of the year.

It would appear that the christmas period, “leads to a 25 percent hike in service calls due to incidents such as the classic backside copying prank. Such a stunt, a mainstay of the office party, often results in cracked glass on the copier, with 32 percent of Canon technicians claiming to have been called out to fix glass plates during the Christmas period after attempts to copy body parts went wrong”.

Unable to come up with a witty title for the post, I settled for a semi-witty adaption of a Chritmas Carol. It’s an adaption of “Tis The Season To Be Jolly Deck The Halls” and could probably remain as such if you are a copier-repair contractor who gets paid extra over Christmas.

Tis the season to copy bodies, tra la la la la, la laa laa laa
And make calls to repairers, tra la la la la, la laa laa laa
Breaking glass is a given, tra la la, tra la la, la la la
After some heavy drinking, tra la la la la, la laa laa laa


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  • 1. Doris2cc  |  November 25th, 2005 at 3:54 pm

    Dear Samuel

    I am a little bit concerned that you are making jokes about people mis-using company property to make pictures of their posterior regions… this kind crudeness has no place in a public forum. I thought you were different from the general riff raff on the internet. I don’t think I shall be meeting you at the retirement expo after all. This latest development is quite disturbing to me. I hope you can clean up your act.


  • 2. timmwah  |  November 25th, 2005 at 4:02 pm

    Sam! I hope you know that the title of that song is in fact “Deck The Halls”. I would think someone of your calibre, hoping for a future in radio, would be more accurate. Don’t you agree?

  • 3. Samuel  |  November 25th, 2005 at 4:17 pm

    I don’t think I was trying to make jokes about such things, instead I was actually highlighting the dangers of such. Not only is it conceivable that the people who damage copiers and other equipment may be required to pay for repairs, but people have been seriously injured with the glass shattering.

    “Deck The Halls”, hmmm, you’re right, I always thought it was “Tis The Season To Be Jolly”, thankyou for the correction, I will amend the mistake at once.

  • 4. Doris2cc  |  November 25th, 2005 at 5:10 pm

    Samuel – that seems reasonable enough. If that is the case, well done on highlighting a potential hazard… although I tend to think that people who engage in such crude behaviour deserve what they get.


November 2005

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