CIT Direct Enrolments Strange Google Ad

CIT Enrolment

February 1st, 2006 at 11:35pm

I would have posted this earlier, but I felt like having a quiet afternoon.

As many of you would know, I missed CIT postal enrolments due to various employment and other circumstances, and I recently made the decision (long hard decision) to go for direct enrolment at CIT, this decision was aided by the fact that CIT had a few places in the Diploma of Networking course left after postal enrolments had been completed.

This morning, after checking that I had all the papers that I thought I might, at about 9:50, I left home for the CIT direct enrolment session which was scheduled to get underway at 10am. During the walk I had the radio on.

When I got there I went through the mildly convoluted process of preparing my own timetable based on classes which still have vacancies whilst making sure I fit in all the required classes. The postal enrolment people had been through this process yesterday, it was easier for them as they didn’t have to contend with full classes and rapidly filling classes.

After this it was time to fill out the aplication form with the codes of the chosen classes, walk down the corridor to have the details checked, as well as ID checked (the course requirements were not checked for some reason), which was followed by a walk down the corridor, around the corner, down the stairs (a seminar was taking place in the landing), around the corner, down the corridor and to the end of the queue where I waited to have my application form processed, invoice created etc.

I didn’t check the exact time, but it was probably 11:30 when this process was completed.

After leaving the building I was very relieved to find a coffee shop, where I had a large flat white which I drank slowly. This coffee shop will prove to be very convenient.

After this lovely cup of coffee I walked into Civic (technically that was just across the road) and went to the Canberra Centre post office (a bit further away). At this time I still hadn’t checked the time, and 2CC were running an ad break, I took a guess that it might be 11:40, only to find 2CC coming back from the ad break with Lawsie signing off…it was midday. I got to the post office just before the lunch hour rush and paid my course fees. After this I dropped into Dad’s work and then went home and had lunch.

I had a rather quiet afternoon, I really didn’t feel like doing much, and as such sat down at the computer to watch episode two of “The IT Crowd“, Channel 4’s new comedy which they are placing online. It’s not the funniest comedy ever, and it might not last, but I am enjoying it for some reason, and thank Channel 4 for making it possible for me to watch it. I ended up watching episode two and then rewatching episode one and two.

I suppose I should summarise this by saying that, if all goes to plan, I should hold a Diploma of Network Engineering in two years from now.


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  • 1. Chuck Berry  |  February 2nd, 2006 at 12:49 am

    Sounds like your day was quite exausting. A sentiment that is probably shared by others enrolling at tertiary institutions around our wide brown land. If I could I would chill out to ‘The IT Crowd” too. I do like gotee beards and ponytails, just as long as they don’t have hooved feet. At least you completed the most important task – that of finding a good coffee shop.

    You will be in for an exciting two years. Hopefully you will still find time to do ‘Samuel’s Persiflage’. You never know a position at 2CC might pop up.

  • 2. Kerces  |  February 2nd, 2006 at 10:08 am

    Only an hour and a half to enroll Sam? That’s nothing! At ANU it takes first years and new students a good day to enroll (everyone else gets to do it online) and last year it took me a month.

  • 3. Samuel  |  February 2nd, 2006 at 10:41 am

    OK, so it could have been worse, but it was an unusual experience for me.

    What do you mean by it took you a month? Surely you weren’t on campus filling out bits of paper every day for a month…was it a delay of some sort? I’m curious, that sounds quite horrible.

    On the bright side, I know what to expect before next semester!

  • 4. roy  |  February 2nd, 2006 at 5:36 pm

    Sam, you’ll do this standing on your head. (Just an expression…) What does the CIT do regarding RPL or recognition of prior learning?
    I hope they’ll be able to allow you to illlustrate early and often what you can do.

  • 5. Samuel  |  February 2nd, 2006 at 5:51 pm

    CIT have some process for RPL, I’m not sure of the exact details, but I think it is mainly used for getting into courses where you might not hold the formal prerequisites, or for starting further in to the course than the beginning.

    You might want to contact CIT on (02) 6207 3100 for more information. The website doesn’t say much about it other than “contact CIT”.

  • 6. Kerces  |  February 3rd, 2006 at 10:02 am

    Took me a month cos I’m just complicated and decided to do my degree at two unis.

  • 7. Samuel  |  February 3rd, 2006 at 10:16 am

    Ah, fair enough, that really doesn’t sound like fun, but as long as you’re happy

    I was poking fun at a friend last night because Reid CIT is just down the road from me, and that’s where all my classes are, whereas his classes take place at two CIT campuses many many kilometres from his home.


February 2006

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