The Lion’s Letter
I had a most unusual dream last night, it took place in an African settlement which looked like a suburban park in a TV show, as the areas of the park seemed to be in sections, there was no apparent continuity in the landscape.
Anyway, in this settlement there was a lion which seemed to be dispised by many, I met the lion who was quite friendly, and took him over to the local letter writer (who was also a professor) where the lion dictated a letter explining to everyone that he is actually quite nice and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. I carried the letter and the lion let me ride on his back. We rode around for a while (including crossing a road which looked much like Ballumbir Street in Civic), and went to see the Prime Minister (yes, John Howard was in my dream). John Howard was having a meeting with some advisors when we turned up and handed him the letter, he read the letter and said he would have a chat with the letter writing professor. He seemed quite pleased with the lion, and then the dream ended.
12 comments February 8th, 2006 at 11:26pm