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New Day Christmas Function on same day as Formal

November 10th, 2005 at 05:44pm

Last week I found out that the Dickson College year 12 formal is on the same day as the New Day Australia Christmas function which I;ve discussed before. I’ve already booked for the New Day function, and I don’t think I would really have enjoyed the formal all that much anyway…especially seeing as I don’t like modern music (with the exclusion of Schnappi) much and it shouldn’t take much to guess what everyone else will want to hear…

The bus back from Sydney leaves at 6PM on that day, so even if I wanted to attend both I wouldn’t be able to…I could do without the $85 expense for the formal followed by extras such as formal hire etc.

I’m very happy with my decision and I’m looking forward to meeting John Kerr at the function.


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  • 1. jessie  |  November 11th, 2005 at 12:33 am

    Hi Samuel,

    I’ve found your website very entertaining and I had some questions. Why do you like 2CC so much? I noticed in the October post about the Christmas function that you planned to take a tape of the station to listen to for when you lost the signal. Why won’t you listen to anything else? I sometimes listen to the different talkback stations here in Sydney but I don’t really stick to a particular station – I usually just flick around until I hear something that I’m interested in. I’ve only rung up on one show but that was ages ago – it was fun though!

    My second question is, do you still live with your Mum and Dad? You talk about Nettie a lot in the blogs but not about your parents or if you have siblings. I was just curious.

    Have fun at the Christmas party and don’t worry about missing the formal – they’re usually pretty horrible! (At least mine was.)


  • 2. Samuel  |  November 11th, 2005 at 12:45 am

    Hi Jessie,
    Thankyou for the nice comment ๐Ÿ™‚

    I like 2CC because I find the conversation interesting…more interesting than the other Canberra stations anyway. I do listen to other stations, but 2CC is my main station.

    Did I write that…it was supposed to be a tape recording, such as one that one of my highlights packages is derived from (see the Samuel’s Tape Highlights category), probably have music on the way back though.

    Yes, I still live with them, which is convenient for now. They tend not to do things which would fit in with this blog…and I respect their right to privacy. Sometimes I talk about them…can’t remember the last time, but they are really very nice. I’m an only child…long story involving medical conditions…

    I will have fun…John Kerr and myself have been wanting to meet up for a long time…I think there will be 150+ people there so it should be fun.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  • 3. jessie  |  November 11th, 2005 at 1:36 am

    You’re up late!

    Thanks for answering my questions, I’ll sleep easier tonight! Have you ever read any of the Adrian Mole (author: Sue Townsend) diaries? They were really popular when I was around your age and the style of your blogs reminds me of those books only instead of radio, Adrian was into poetry. I read them again recently, you might enjoy them, they are very funny and well written.

  • 4. Samuel  |  November 11th, 2005 at 10:55 am

    No, but I’ll certainly have a look, sounds like fun.

  • 5. cunninglinguist  |  November 11th, 2005 at 2:27 pm

    Jessie, I adored the Adrian Mole diaries too! Great memories there: Sabre the dog, Pandora, Adrian’s thing. Very funny ๐Ÿ™‚

    Samuel, are you single? My younger cousin (she’s 18) is single and fancy-free at the moment, I should get her to look you up ๐Ÿ™‚ Are there any tickets left for the New Day function?

  • 6. Samuel  |  November 11th, 2005 at 2:40 pm

    Yes I’m single, but I’m sorry, the New Day function sold out before it was even offically talked about. All Occasion Cruises offered to put on a second function, but John Kerr declined, which is understandable.


November 2005

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