Archive for November, 2005

Sydney Radio Ratings

The metropolitan radio ratings were released yesterday, and of particular interest to me are the Sydney ratings (sorry, but Canberra isn’t considered Metropolitan).

Of the daytime shows from 2UE that are also broadcast in Canberra

  • John Laws Morning Show: Up from 9.7% to 10.1%
  • John Stanley Afternoon Show: Down from 9.6% to 9.2%

I found the breakdown of the age groups to be rather interesting when comparing 2UE and 2GB.

  • 10-17YO: 2UE 1.5% – 2GB 0.9%
  • 18-24YO: 2UE 5.5% – 2GB 1.6%
  • 25-39YO: 2GB 5.3% – 2UE 3.8%
  • 40-54YO: 2GB 8.8% – 2UE 7.7%
  • 55YO+: 2GB: 26.4% – 2UE 16.2%
  • Grocery Buyer: 2GB 13.8%10.1%

Would anybody care to explain to me what differentiates a person from a grocery buyer? Do we actually have people who never visit a shop?

Ayway, the thing I find interesting is the way 2UE are rating fairly well in my age group of 18-24 which is not traditionally a talk radio listener filled age group.

Overall in Sydney the ratings results show the following:

  1. 2GB 12.5%
  2. 2DAY 9.1%
  3. WSFM 9.1%
  4. 2UE 8.9%
  5. MMM 8.7%
  6. ABC702 8.2%
  7. Mix 106.5 8.2%
  8. Nova 96.9 7.7%
  9. 2CH 5.7%
  10. JJJ 3.5%
  11. ABC Classic FM 2.5%
  12. ABC Radio National 2.4%
  13. ABC News Radio 1.5%

The official ratings sheet from Nielsen Media can be viewed at


November 1st, 2005 at 12:18pm

School Photos

Yesterday around midday Dickson College had the annual year 12 photo taken. This would have been enjoyable if it wasn’t for the fact that it took about 20 photos until the photographer was satisfied. After about the third attempt it becomes increasingly difficult to look happy…I was certainly underwhelmed by the time the 20th photo came around.

On the plus side, after this I had lunch and took a birthday card out to 2CC. If I remember I’ll update this post later with a PDF or image of it. Before I forget, I must thank the Dickson College Library staff for laminating it for me…I didn’t even ask them to do it, they just offered.


November 1st, 2005 at 11:56am

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