Archive for October, 2007

Sydney Day One and preview of Day Two

I will go in to a bit more detail later on, but right now I’m a bit pressed for time and uploading eight photos of the view from my hotel room. At this stage I’m not going to say where I’m staying, although anybody who knows Sydney or can find a few things on a map of Sydney should have no problems working it out once they see the photos. I will name the place after my stay has concluded, which will be Thursday. I originally booked this hotel for a particular duration, and then later on decided to spend more time in Sydney, by which time the hotel had no capacity to extend my stay, so I will be moving to another hotel on Thursday.

Yesterday was fairly uneventful. I arrived in Sydney early so I spent an hour or so at the new, and only partially complete, Rouse Hill shopping centre. I had lunch there and a bit of a stroll before making my way to the hotel. I got settled in and then realised that I had left my hadphones and headset microphone at home…I did not forget my radio, although I did forget the batteries.

The hotel’s clock radio did not work, and the television was receiving pure static. The hotel staff replaced the clock radio with another one that doesn’t work (and as I have my own radio I don’t really care enough to get them to fix it) and they had a technician fix the television signal in time for me to watch the final ten minutes of The Bill.

My personal 2CC webstream from home was working, so I rang 2CC’s Mike Welsh to discuss the topic (whether or not the partially demolished Cameron Offices in Belconnen should be heritage listed) he was talking about, and then I went off to the nearby shopping centre to pick up some batteries and have a coffee.

The night was very uneventful as I was tired, having not slept much the night before as I was preparing for the trip. I had dinner, heard some of Stuart Bocking’s show, watched Media Watch, sent Stuart an email, and went to sleep. I woke up to hear the first hour or so of Clive Robertson, then I gave him a call, and shortly thereafter, went back to sleep.

I will link to the photos later, but right now I have to go as I have hired a boat for a few hours, and I need to leave.

(On leave in Sydney)

1 comment October 23rd, 2007 at 10:11am

30km/h Speed Limits

Good evening Stuart,

I think this idea of turning residential streets in to 30km/h speed zones is a bit silly. Perhaps there might be some merit in doing that to some of the busier school zones, but I can't see any point in doing it to residential zones.

Mind you, some car parks have some very odd speed limits…I saw one today that had an 8km/h limit. How do they expect anyone to measure 8km/h accurately on a car speedometer? Surely 5 or 10 km/h would be more logical.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
On leave in Sydney

2 comments October 22nd, 2007 at 10:00pm

Happy Birthday Marcella Zemanek

Today is the birthday of Marcella Zemanek, wife of the late Stan Zemanek.

Marcella has a weekly movie review segment on Glenn Wheeler’s weekend afternoon show on 2UE, and Glenn has turned it in to a birthday party.

Happy Birthday Marcella!


3 comments October 20th, 2007 at 03:53pm

Vodafone’s Reid Cell Out Of Action

I just noticed that my mobile phone is barely getting a signal. Usually at home it gets a signal from Vodafone’s “Reid” tower (although I have no idea where that transmitter is based as I certainly haven’t seen it), and at the moment it is getting its signal from the Campbell tower.

Update 3pm: It’s back on the air now.


1 comment October 20th, 2007 at 02:00pm

Favourite Police Shows

Good afternoon Glenn,

My favourite police drama is Water Rats which channel Nine screened a few years back. I am also a fan of The Bill, especially now that it has mostly done away with the soap opera storylines and returned to solving crimes.

And unlike Domenic, I can't stand CSI. As far as I'm concerned it's an annoying waste of an hour of air-time…although I could say that about most of the shows on television these days.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments October 20th, 2007 at 01:00pm

Google Ads

You may have noticed that the Google Ads returned from a lengthy absence recently. They disappeared earlier this year when Google sent me a personal identification number through the post and I forgot to enter it, and then misplaced it. Google then cut off the ads, and I eventually remembered to ask them to re-send the PIN, which they did. I then entered it, and the ads returned.

Now that they are back, they are posing a minor administrative nuisance as some of them are promoting things which I believe to be fundamentally false. Once such ad I have spotted is for a website called “The Big Switch” which tried to encourage people to convince their local politician that climate change is caused by human activity. I sent the following email to the organisers of that website a short time ago:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that, effective immediately, I am blocking your Google advertisements for from being displayed on my website.

It is my strong view that climate change is a mostly natural phenomenon, and I will not allow you to run your scare campaign on my website.

I commend you for standing up for what you believe in, but I’m not going to accept any money for advertisements promoting something I believe to be fundamentally incorrect.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

I have now blocked ads for that website, but it could take a few hours for the block to come in to effect.

I’m not going to try and block ads for political parties as I believe they have a right to advertise wherever they like during an election campaign, but other ads that promote things I strongly disagree with will be banned if and when I spot them.


5 comments October 20th, 2007 at 12:09pm

Pizza and Senator Penny Wong

Good evening Stuart,

Your situation of being able to smell the pizza but not eat any of it It sounds quite arduous…and being left with half an anchovy. Perhaps I'll have to bring you something edible during my stay in Sydney next week.

Also, did you hear Steve Price talking to Senator Penny Wong this afternoon? I can't believe that the Labor party made her their campaign spokesperson. The way she kept avoiding the question about whether or not Kevin Rudd will turn up to the debate on Sunday was like listening to an answering machine. If the best they can do for a spokesperson is someone who repeats, word-for-word, their attempts at not answering questions, then I have to wonder why they even bother having a spokesperson.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments October 18th, 2007 at 11:00pm

The Rumour Is True!

That, of course, is based on the assumption that you are thinking of the same rumour that I am thinking of.

The rumour I am thinking of is the rumour that I have withdrawn from my run as an independent candidate in the upcoming federal election. I’m too late to prevent stupid comments like “I do not think he was ever serious about running for the House of Reps” from “act”, and I would be very surprised if I don’t receive a bunch of similar comments from the usual suspects over the coming days (if you don’t know who I’m referring to, consider yourself lucky).

Anyway, the mail main reason for my withdrawal from candidature is a lack of support. Despite the handful of people who have put their hand up to sign my nomination form this week, I am still well short of the required fifty signatures. At the beginning of the week, when I made this decision, I was short of twenty signatures, and had about a week to get just over 30 more.

It wasn’t impossible, but at that stage, with a couple other minor issues getting in the way (issues that I could have overcome but were just incredibly inconvenient and poorly timed), and the fact that I have non-refundable bookings for a week-long holiday in Sydney next week that I booked nearly two months ago, I decided that the best option for me, and for Fraser, was for me to withdraw from the race.

Another thing which really hit home on Sunday whilst I was standing outside Government House waiting for the Prime Minister to arrive and meet the Governor-General, was that as much as I was telling myself that I was there as a candidate to witness an historic event, I couldn’t shake the fact that I was there as a journalist (and before any of the usual suspects get started, no, not just for this website). I enjoy journalism, I enjoy being a caller on talkback radio, and oddly, I like the little bit of anonymity that affords me. These things just don’t mix with politics.

I’m certainly not going to rule out a shot at the ACT election next year, but I’m not committing to it at this stage either. In many ways I am very disappointed with this decision to withdraw, and I would only commit to another run for office if I was able to be sure that I would stay right through to the election, and then (if I should be so fortunate) the four year term of office which might follow it.

I have learnt a lot from the last month or so. It has been a very worthwhile experience, and whilst I had a fair deal of respect for politicians before all of this, my respect for them (even if I disagree with a lot of them) has increased quite a bit.

I will take this website out of campaign mode shortly, but I suppose I should probably pre-empt one more question first, why did it take me so long to make my decision public if I made up my mind on Sunday? Simply so that I could inform a number of people who have been very supportive of me first. One of them did not get back in to town until yesterday, and I wanted to be sure that he knew before I made the announcement.

For those of you who are interested, the campaign website has been archived and can still be accessed at

Any (sensible) questions, please feel free to ask.


8 comments October 18th, 2007 at 02:03am

Samuel’s Musicians Of The Week

This week’s award goes to Steely Dan. Steely Dan were an interestingly unconventional group, and the lyrics of the feature song this week, Do It Again, could probably be described as “odd”.

In the mornin’ you go gunnin’
For the man who stole your water
And you fire till he is done in
But they catch you at the border
And the mourners are all singin’
As they drag you by your feet
But the hangman isn’t hangin’
And they put you on the street

Yeah you go back Jack do it again
Wheel turnin’ ’round and ’round
You go back Jack do it again

When you know she’s no high climber
Then you find your only friend
In a room with your two timer
And you’re sure you’re near the end
Then you love a little wild one
And she brings you only sorrow
All the time you know she’s smilin’
You’ll be on your knees tomorrow

Yeah you go back Jack do it again
Wheel turnin’ ’round and ’round
You go back Jack do it again

Now you swear and kick and beg us
That you’re not a gamblin’ man
Then you find you’re back in Vegas
With a handle in your hand
Your black cards can make you money
So you hide them when you’re able
In the land of milk and honey
You must put them on the table

Yeah you go back Jack do it again
Wheel turnin’ ’round and ’round
You go back Jack do it again


2 comments October 14th, 2007 at 06:48pm

November 24!

In case you don’t already know, Prime Minister John Howard announced at midday that the election will be held on November 24.

Photos and videos coming shortly.

Update 1:21pm: I went down to Government House around 8:30. On my way I spotted a journalist camped outside The Lodge so I stopped to talk to her and she said that she had no idea when the PM was going to make his move, so I continued on to Government House. When I got there and setup I realised I had left part of my tripod at home, so I dashed back home, picked that up, and setup between Sky News and 2UE just after 9am. The Governor General got back from church around the time I arrived.

The crowd grew slowly throughout the morning, but to start with it was mostly media.
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Kieran Gilbert from Sky News did a bunch of live crosses. Between 9am and 11am he almost spent more time on the air than off the air.
Sky News' Kieran Gilbert outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

As the public turned out for the event, so did the enthusiastic pets.
Dog outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Most of the public stood right next to the gates. The Greens picked up the position directly beside the gate.
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

It was a reasonable turnout.
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Channel Seven were setup with live broadcast facilities, and one of their staff members was wearing a jacket with the old Seven Sport logo on it.
Channel Seven outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
Channel Seven outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

The ABC were there too. Jim Middleton was their television correspondent.
ABC's Jim Middleton outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Protective Services did a number of circuits of the area, and a police wagon parked nearby for John Howard’s arrival.
Protective Services outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

And then it was on. A bit before 11am the media started getting excited as they were all informed that John Howard was on his way, then the gates of Government House opened, and then at almost right on the dot of 11am John Howard arrived.

And just as quickly as he arrived, he left again. 2UE’s Adam Sims received a phone call just as John Howard was leaving, and therefore managed to provide commentary for this video.

And from there it was a rush up to parliament house. The front desk had Sky News on their television waiting for the press conference, and whilst they weren’t going to let any of the public in to the press conference, the four interested people (myself included) were told that they might be able to get a peak at the conference, or at least the media attending it, through a gate at the other end of Parliament House.
Protective Services outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

And then the protective services staff were told to move everyone away from the area, and we didn’t get to see anything at all.

I did enjoy telling 2UE’s Glenn Wheeler about my experiences just after 12:15 though.

And with that, the important dates are as follows:

Monday, October 15: Scheduled Parliament sitting suspended from midday.
Wednesday, October 17: House of Representatives to be dissolved at midday.
Issue of writs, commanding the Australian Electoral Commission to conduct the election.
Monday, October 22: Close of electoral rolls.
Tuesday, October 23: Close of electoral rolls. (Somehow the Australian Electoral Commission told John Howard the wrong date and have since corrected it)
Thursday, November 1: Close of candidate nominations.
Saturday, November 24: Election day.

May the most favoured candidates win!

End Update

Further update 2:32pm: Friend and 1WAY FM employee Tim Malone was there with me. Tim has written his account of the morning on his blog, and seemingly went to a lot more effort with his video coverage than I did.

Those of you who were watching Kieran Gilbert’s marathon coverage of the morning on Sky News, or watched the videos on may have spotted Tim crossing the road. In case you missed it, here it is again.
Tim Malone on Sky News outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
End Update


3 comments October 14th, 2007 at 12:36pm

Election Watch

Originally posted October 13 at 10:17pm

2UE are reporting that the prime minister is currently en route to Sydney Airport, is about to fly to Canberra, and will visit the Governor-General tomorrow to call the election.

One wonders if, finishing answers to all the outstanding questions I have to attend to first, I should join the media scrum outside the Governor-General’s residence tomorrow morning and wait for the election to be called?

Update: 14 October at 6:39am: The tip is that John Howard will be visiting Michael Jeffrey at Government House between 9am and 11am, and as I have (to the best of my knowledge) answered all the questions posted on this blog as comments, and scheduled answering the handful of remaining emails for later today, I intend of being there when John Howard arrives. This is an important day in the history of democracy in this nation, and I strongly believe my place today, as a candidate, is right there when the announcement is made. I will take the camera with me, so if John Howard holds an impromptu press conference outside Government House, which he probably will, I will record it.

This isn’t quite related, but I will post my answers to questions as a new article either later today, or tomorrow morning. End Update

Further update: 14 October at 6:44am: AAP have just released an updated story, and are being less specific than me about the time of John Howard’s expected visit, simply saying that “Cameras are already set up outside Government House at Yarralumla to catch the PM’s expected visit this morning”. End Update


2 comments October 14th, 2007 at 06:39am

ACRA Award Winners

The Australian Commercial Radio Awards were held last night in Melbourne. The full list of winners is below, however as this is a generally Canberra focussed blog, I will run through the winners of note in Canberra first.

Firstly congratulations to 2CC’s Drive announcer Mike Welsh who took out the best provincial talk presenter award. Mike defeated station colleague Mike Jeffreys who won the award not that long ago.

Mike Welsh’s producer, Michael Thompson, took out the award for best provincial newcomer off-air.

The sales team at Mix 106.3 took out the award for best provincial station sales achievement and Joseph Gleeson picked up the best entertainment/music show producer for his work on Mix 106.3.

Also of some note, 2GB’s Jason Morrison picked up a Brian White Memorial Award. Jason has a regular segment on 2CC’s breakfast show at 7:25.

3AW’s Clinton Grybas picked up the award for best metropolitan sport presenter. Clinton used to be heard on 2CA calling the AFL, and was also involved in the coverage of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games last year.

Max Healey, Leigh Zaghet and Alastair Reynolds from 2UE/Southern Cross Broadcasting and Syndication picked up the Engineering Excellence award. These three people are responsible for keeping a number of stations including 2CC on the air for a number of hours every day, including making sure John Laws, and 2GB’s Continuous Call Team, get to air whenever they are on. Clive Robertson could hardly speak any higher of Mr. Reynolds, the three of them obviously do some very good work.

Of special interest to me is an award going to Australian Independent Radio News client station Flow FM. They picked up an award for best country station sales achievement.

Tributes were also paid to recently deceased industry legends Stan Zemanek and Frank Hyde.

The full list of winners, courtesy of RadioInfo, follows.

Category Finalists are denoted with the following letters: Country, Provincial, Non Metropolitan and Metropolitan

Sea FM Morning Crew with Matt, Maree and Smithy – 101.9 Sea FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Maryborough QLD C
Phebe Irwin and Dave Gorr – “Phebe and Dave’s Bigger Breakfast”, Wave 96.5 FM, Grant Broadcasting, Wollongong NSW P
The Kyle and Jackie O Show – 2Day FM, Austereo, Sydney NSW M

Jennifer Menchin – 2BS, Bathurst Broadcasters, Bathurst NSW C
Mike Welsh – “Mike Welsh Drive Show”, 2CC, Capital Radio, Canberra ACT P
Neil Mitchell – “3AW Morning Program”, 3AW, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Melbourne VIC M

Cameron Williams – 97.7 Snow FM, Capital Radio, Jindabyne, NSW C
Kris Fade – The Edge 96.1, Australian Radio Network, Sydney West NSW P
Jabba – Nova 969, DMG Radio, Sydney NSW M

Neil Mitchell – 3AW, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Melbourne VIC

Greg Henricks – “Sting in the Tale”, 92.5 Gold FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Gold Coast QLD
Jason Morrison – 2GB, Macquarie Radio Network, Sydney NSW

Geoff Mann – “Without a Doubt”, 2DU, Super Network, Dubbo NSW C
Steve Allan – “2GO Good Sports”, 2GO FM 107.7, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Gosford NSW P
Clinton Grybas – “3AW Sport”, 3AW, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Melbourne VIC M

Sarah Taylor – 3WM, ACE Radio Broadcasters, Horsham VIC C
Rod McLeod – 92.5 Gold FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Gold Coast QLD P
Tony Tardio – 3AW, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Melbourne VIC M (AM)
Kristy Warner – Nova 969, DMG Radio, Sydney NSW M (FM)

Glen Roth – 97.7 Snow FM, Capital Radio, Jindabyne NSW C
Jason Matthews – 92.5 Gold FM/ Sea FM 90.9, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Gold Coast QLD P
John Brennan – 2GB, Macquarie Radio Network, Sydney NSW M

Karina Singer – Sea FM 101.9, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Maryborough QLD C
Johnno Keetels – Sea FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Sunshine Coast QLD P
Mickey Maher – B105, Austereo, Brisbane QLD M

Derek Bargwanna – 2Day FM, Austereo, Sydney NSW
Sam Cavanagh – Fox FM 101.9, Austereo Melbourne VIC
Joseph Gleeson – Mix 106.3, ARN/ Austereo, Canberra ACT

Tony Briscoe – “Charles Wooley Across Australia”, Heart 107.3, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Hobart TAS NM
Paul Christenson – “Alan Jones Show”, 2GB, Macquarie Radio Network, Sydney NSW M

Dennis Guthrie and Charles Wooley – “Beaconsfield Master Blaster”, Heart 107.3, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Hobart TAS NM
Sideshow Mike Andersen – “Anzac Day”, Triple M, Austereo, Sydney NSW M

Early Openers – “Spirit of the Bush”, Mixx FM 106.3, ACE Radio Broadcasters, Horsham VIC C
Matty Acton and Renee Peterson–“The List–Backstage at the Big Day Out 2007”, Sea FM 90.9, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Gold Coast QLD P

Luke Bradnam and Ben Harrison – “Gold Coast Game Fishing Comp”, 102.9 FM, Hot Tomato, Gold Coast QLD NM
Triple M Football – “2006 AFL Grand Final”, Triple M, Austereo, Melbourne VIC M

Ray Adams – “For Pup’s Sake Dog Grooming – Rex”, ACE Radio Broadcasters, Mixx FM, Hamilton VIC C
Kent Howlett and Lawrence Moorfield – “Strike Action, Strike Bearer, Strike Out”, Hot Tomato, Gold Coast QLD P
Rusty Graham – “The Island Party Boat”, Nova 106.9, DMG Radio, Brisbane QLD M

Steve White – Sea FM/92.7 Mix FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Sunshine Coast QLD NM
Leanne Glamuzina – Nova 106.9, DMG Radio, Brisbane QLD M

The Morning Crew with Matt, Maree and Smithy–“Smithy’s Challenge Wheel”, 101.9 Sea FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Maryborough QLD C
Sea FM – “15 Concerts in 15 Days”, Sea FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Sunshine Coast QLD P
2Day FM Promotions – “Kyle and Jackie O Boost Your Life”, 2Day FM, Austereo, Sydney NSW M

Dave and Hughesy – “Telco Torture”, Zoo FM, Super Network, Dubbo NSW C
Luke Bradnam – “Granny Calls Granny”, 102.9 FM, Hot Tomato, Gold Coast QLD P
Matt Hale – “Cake Message Phonecall”, 96FM, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Perth WA M

Trent McCurdy – “The Dirty 30”, Mixx FM, ACE Radio Broadcasters, Horsham VIC NM
Charles Wooley – “Charles Wooley Across Australia”, Heart 107.3, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Hobart TAS NM
Hamish and Andy – Fox FM 101.9, Austereo, Melbourne VIC M

Radiowise Media Networks – “Home Grown Humour”, Sydney NSW

The Sales Team – 5RM/Magic 93.1 FM, Star Broadcasting, Riverland SA C
Flow FM – Flow FM, W&L Phillips, Kapunda SA C
Mix 106.3 Sales Team – Mix 106.3 FM, ARN/Austereo, ACT P
Triple M Brisbane – Triple M, Austereo, Brisbane QLD M

Stephanie Hodgetts – Star Broadcasting, Riverland SA NM
Tanya Williams – Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Brisbane QLD NM
Simon Kent – Austereo, Melbounre VIC M

Denise Nolan – 5RM/Magic 93.1 FM, Star Broadcasting, Riverland SA C
Leonie Leonard – Hot FM/Sea FM 98.7, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Mackay QLD P
Juanna Masters – Fox FM 101.9/Triple M, Austereo, Melbourne VIC M

Belinda Didsman, Zanna Munro, Phil Cole and Jennifer Menchin – “60 Jobs in 60 Days”, 2BS, Bathurst Broadcasters, Bathurst NSW C
NX FM – “Have Maccas with Matty”, NX FM, Austereo, Newcastle NSW P
Triple M – “The Snickers Hour”, Triple M, Austereo, Melbourne VIC M

Janeen Hosemans – “Bessie Fitzpatrick – Orringe Appeal”, 2BS, Bathurst Broadcasters, Bathurst NSW C
93.9 Bay FM – “Bay FM Community Forum”, 93.9 Bay FM, Grant Broadcasting, Geelong VIC P
KO FM Promotions Team – “Murdoch Family Rescue”, KO FM, Austereo, Newcastle NSW P
Triple M – “Youngcare Appeal”, Triple M, Austereo, Brisbane QLD P

Andrew Andrews – 103.5 Mix FM/Sea FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Maryborough QLD C
David Huth – Sea FM/92.7 Mix FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Sunshine Coast QLD P
Ben Ryan – Nova 106.9, DMG Radio, Brisbane QLD M

Max Healey, Leigh Zaghet and Alastair Reynolds – 2UE, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Sydney NSW

Natalie Florence – “3AW Producer Manual”, 3AW, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Melbourne VIC

David Bye – 5RM/Magic 93.1FM, Star Broadcasting, Riverland SA C
Paul O’Connor – Hot FM/Sea FM 98.7, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Mackay QLD P
David McDonald – 4BC/4BH, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Brisbane QLD M

Charles Croucher – 2BS, Bathurst Broadcasters, Bathurst, NSW C
Zoe Ella – Hot FM, Macquarie Regional Radioworks, Townsville QLD P
Dylan Lewis – Nova 100, DMG Radio, Melbourne VIC M

Krystle Theodore – Mixx FM 106.3/3CS, ACE Radio Broadcasters, Colac VIC C
Michael Thompson – 2CC, Capital Radio, Canberra ACT P
Faith Bradley – 4BC, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Brisbane QLD M

Congratulations to all the winners.


October 14th, 2007 at 06:06am

Time Pips

Good afternoon Glenn,

To answer the question about the time pips, I asked the staff at 2CC this question a couple years ago and the answer was that the six pips start at 5 seconds to the hour, and the final pip is right on the hour.

As 2CC get their time pips from 2UE, the answer is valid for you as well.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 13th, 2007 at 01:00pm

The First Recorded IT Help Desk Visit

Well it looks like I have a bunch of comments and emails to reply to, which I will endeavour to get done today, but in the meantime it is time for this week’s Friday Funny, and it looks like my general policy of not embedding YouTube videos is taking a break, because this was sent to me a while back by a few people.

Do you have something you would like to contribute to Friday Funnies? If so, email it to All contributions welcome!


October 12th, 2007 at 10:17am

Bogong Moths

Good morning Mike,

I don't think I'll be visiting the restaurant which is serving a moth frittata as a lunch item. The moths might be slightly annoying, and I don't enjoy being attacked by them every time I open a door at work, but I certainly don't want to eat flamed moth.

I do have to wonder if there are any issues with hygiene in catching moths and then cooking them like that. Would the net have to be sterilised? And how are they killing the moths? I find it hard to believe that a moth could be easily caught in a net for any length of time without some sort of poison being used.

My dog likes the moths though. She chases them around, catches them, and then spits them out because they are furry and fluttery and ticklish.

As for the cows on Pialligo Avenue…at least they're on the moove…

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment October 11th, 2007 at 07:30am

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