Election Watch
October 14th, 2007 at 06:39am
Originally posted October 13 at 10:17pm
2UE are reporting that the prime minister is currently en route to Sydney Airport, is about to fly to Canberra, and will visit the Governor-General tomorrow to call the election.
One wonders if, finishing answers to all the outstanding questions I have to attend to first, I should join the media scrum outside the Governor-General’s residence tomorrow morning and wait for the election to be called?
Update: 14 October at 6:39am: The tip is that John Howard will be visiting Michael Jeffrey at Government House between 9am and 11am, and as I have (to the best of my knowledge) answered all the questions posted on this blog as comments, and scheduled answering the handful of remaining emails for later today, I intend of being there when John Howard arrives. This is an important day in the history of democracy in this nation, and I strongly believe my place today, as a candidate, is right there when the announcement is made. I will take the camera with me, so if John Howard holds an impromptu press conference outside Government House, which he probably will, I will record it.
This isn’t quite related, but I will post my answers to questions as a new article either later today, or tomorrow morning. End Update
Further update: 14 October at 6:44am: AAP have just released an updated story, and are being less specific than me about the time of John Howard’s expected visit, simply saying that “Cameras are already set up outside Government House at Yarralumla to catch the PM’s expected visit this morning”. End Update
Entry Filed under: General News
1. Tim | October 13th, 2007 at 10:25 pm
I’m thinking about going along as well. Do you have a hypothesis of the time it might happen?
Incidentally, AAP’s story seems to indicate that we don’t know for sure yet what he is doing when he gets to Canberra, and it’s still speculation.
2. Samuel | October 14th, 2007 at 5:16 am
No idea Tim. Mr. Howard stayed at the lodge overnight but nobody really knows when he will make the short trip to Government House.
There is a hunch going around that it will happen between 9am and 11am, but it is a hunch so I wouldn’t put too much trust in it.