Archive for March, 2007

Wrong Wrong Wrong

This, according to Windows Media Player is the track listing of Paul McCartney’s “All The Best” album.

Track Listing of Paul McCartney's All The best according to Windows Media Player

The actual track listing is as follows:
1. Jet
2. Band On The Run
3. Coming Up
4. Ebony And Ivory
5. Listen To What The Man Said
6. No More Lonely Nights
7. Silly Love Songs
8. Let ‘Em In
9. C Moon
10. Pipes Of Peace
11. Live And Let Die
12. Another Day
13. Once Upon A Long Ago
14. Say Say Say
15. My Love
16. We All Stand Together
17. Mull Of Kintyre

It got the picture and album right, but the rest…would “oops” be the right description?


23 comments March 5th, 2007 at 01:20pm

Inspired by Google Books?

The National Library of Australia announced that it has entered into a contract with Apex Publishing to support a major newspaper digitisation program which will commence later this year.

The Library will use Apex’s services to build a database covering the period 1803 to 1954 using one major newspaper from each state and territory. From early 2008 the Library expects to offer a new online service to enable full text searching of these newspapers and viewing of the content free of charge.

Sounds remarkably similar, but much less controversial than Google Books.


2 comments March 5th, 2007 at 10:54am

Sense on Global Warming

I don’t know about you, but as far as I’m concerned, the notion that humans are the primary reason for global warming seems nuts to me. I don’t deny that humans may have had some impact on it, but it is my view that global warming is part of a larger warming and cooling cycle of the planet, one that has been going on for a lot longer than we have been recording weather phenomena.

Now it seems the sun may be responsible for global warming, as Mars is apparently experiencing a similar warming to Earth. It seems logical that the one object which prevents this planet from freezing would be responsible for it getting hotter and colder…there has to be a reason for the ice age, and one can only assume that the earth is warmer now than it was during that ice age, so it seems reasonable that it would continue to do so, and then eventually move back towards an ice age.

Perhaps it is time that we, as a race (or indeed a species), stop pretending that we are almighty and powerful and can cause things which have been happening for thousands, if not millions, of years. We may have some influence, but the majority of the issue is surely out of our control.


22 comments March 5th, 2007 at 04:05am

Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

This week I have given the award to Paul McCartney and, after a hard decision, finally chosen “Another Day” as the feature song.

Every day she takes a morning bath
She wets her hair,
Wraps a towel around her
As she’s heading for the bedroom chair,
It’s just another day.
Slipping into stockings,
Stepping into shoes,
Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat.
It’s just another day.

At the office where the papers grow she takes a break,
Drinks another coffee
And she finds it hard to stay awake,

It’s just another day
du du du du du
It’s just another day
du du du du du
It’s just another day

So sad, so sad,
Sometimes she feels so sad.
Alone in her apartment she’d dwell,
‘Til the man of her dreams comes to break the spell.

Ah, stay, dont stand around
And he comes and he stays
But he leaves the next day,
So sad.
Sometimes she feels so sad.

As she posts another letter to the sound of five,
People gather round her
And she finds it hard to stay alive,

It’s just another day
du du du du du
It’s just another day
du du du du du
It’s just another day

So sad, so sad,
Sometimes she feels so sad.
Alone in her apartment she’d dwell,
‘Til the man of her dreams comes to break the spell.

Ah, stay, dont stand around
And he comes and he stays
But he leaves the next day,
So sad.
Sometimes she feels so sad.

Every day she takes a morning bath
She wets her hair,
Wraps a towel around her
As she’s heading for the bedroom chair,
It’s just another day.
Slipping into stockings,
Stepping into shoes,
Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat.

Ah, it’s just another day
du du du du du
It’s just another day
du du du du du
It’s just another day


9 comments March 4th, 2007 at 07:44pm

Samuel’s Blog Weekly Poll: David Hicks

A few hours late, but here’s the next weekly poll.

How long do you think it will be until David Hicks is back in Australia?

Total Votes: 25
Started: March 3, 2007

Feel free to discuss the poll subject in the comments below. You need to be a registered member of Samuel’s Blog to comment, but anyone can vote. The system will attempt to prevent you from voting more than once, and whilst it might not always be able to do that, I request that you only vote once.

Disclaimer: This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you’re using these numbers to do anything important, you’re insane. That being said, I do try to keep the results fair and accurate, and I try to prevent abuse by unscrupulous voters, but I can’t make any guarantees.

Now for the results from last week’s poll.

Do you agree with Australia’s asylum seeker policies?

Total Votes: 43
Started: February 24, 2007

I thought there would be more people who said “no”, clearly I was wrong.

For a list of all previous results, see the Weekly Poll Results page.


5 comments March 4th, 2007 at 01:59pm

Silly Cyclist

And good afternoon yet again Glenn,

Please tell me this cyclist being hit in the Airport Tunnel is just a really really bad early April Fools Day joke…why the hell would anybody ride a bicycle on that road…I dare say that most people try to avoid driving on that road if they can, and they've got a mass of plastic and metal to crumple and protect them.

I've avoided making any quips about the cyclist not being in his or her right mind because, quite clearly, they lack one.

On the plus side, that IQ will be no loss.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

8 comments March 3rd, 2007 at 02:30pm

Welcome back Glenn

Good afternoon Glenn,

Welcome back to the weekend, I hope your holiday was good. Ms. McSween did a grand job filling in for you, but nobody, and I emphasise nobody, could ever fill your shoes!

As for the Archibald Prize, seeing as art can not really be judged as good or bad, but merely as what you do and don't like, just be thankful that the winner wasn't a painting of a politician! We see enough of them as it is.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 3rd, 2007 at 12:30pm

The Final Word On The Storm

Well, I hope this is the last thing I will have to write about the “super cell” storm which struck Canberra on Tuesday night (27 February 2007). This article serves as my summary to not only my information on the storm, but my pick of the photos floating about on other websites about the storm.

But first, the local television news coverage was quite excellent last night, firstly at 6pm it was Win News with Jessica Good once again filling in for Peter Leonard. Features pictures of the storm, the cleanup, and the toll to many businesses.

Then at 7pm, ABC News with Virginia Haussegger, features more pictures of the storm and the cleanup, a bit more info than Win on the ESA’s excuse for not warning anyone, and also pictures (sourced from Seven News) of a similar storm which hit Sydney yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon.

My description of the events of the storm, as well as photos of the aftermath can be found here.

There are some very good photos on other websites as well, click the links to go to their photos.
Ampersand Duck
Loadedog (Warning: Photos towards the end of the gallery are “not safe for work”, eg. would warrant an adult only rating if it were television, or possibly a late night SBS spot).
The RiotACT
2 Blog or not to Blog
Two peas, no pod

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me to thank me for my photos, and a really big thank you to everyone for not sending me the set of photos that were emailed to just about every other website in Canberra.


15 comments March 1st, 2007 at 10:15am

From The Vault: January 20 2006

Here’s a new monthly feature. At the start of each month I, with the help of a random number generator, will pull a random post from the past out of “The Vault” and redisplay it for your enjoyment. WordPress, the software which keeps this site going, gives each article an ID number, which is where the random number generator comes in. All it has to do is keep picking numbers until it gives me an article which is at least three months old.

So, to start us off, from January 20 2006, it’s the Wayne Mac Book Signing.

Wayne Mac Book Signing

January 20th, 2006 at 03:30pm

Earlier in the week I interviewed Wayne Mac for Samuel’s Persiflage episode two, where we talked about Wayne’s book, Don’t Touch That Dial. On this occasion Wayne had to rush off after the show and as such was unable to sign the book or have his photo taken.

We made alternative arrangements, which involved meeting for lunch and coffee today. During this time Wayne signed the book with the following:
Dear Samuel, Persiflage...gotta love that word! Thanks for having me on your show. Very best wishes, Wayne 2006

Here is Wayne signing the book:
Wayne Mac signs book

And a photo of myself with Wayne:
Wayne Mac and Samuel Gordon-Stewart

This was also a good time for me to hand Wayne an audio CD copy of Samuel’s Persiflage episode two and a thankyou letter. My standard policy for guests on Samuel’s Persiflage is that they receive a letter with information about the show (including the fact that it is now archived by the National Library of Australia), as well as an audio CD copy of the show, and monthly download statistics. At this stage the podcast hasn’t been running long enough for me to establish how long these monthly updates need to continue for.

You may recall that during my interview with Wayne, he was talking about John Kerr’s jingle from 1963 and was just starting to say something about John Vertigan when we were forced to cut to the jingle by an unexpected banging on the front door. Today I took the opportunity to ask Wayne what he was going to say, and he informed me that the jingle was part of a package of jingles where the main song was recorded and the names inserted later. Upon listening to the jingle closely it is quite possible to hear the difference in the way the various bits of the song are sung. This jingle package was used by many stations for many DJ’s.

For the record, the book weighs in at 1.88 KG according to my weighing of it.



1. wes.mitchell | January 21st, 2006 at 8:04 am

It is great to see a wonderful book on radio of past days, especially by Wayne. (I might find me in there somewhere under my past proffessional name). Keep up the good work in keeping us oldies up to date on current radio.

11 comments March 1st, 2007 at 06:51am

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