Optional Voting
And Good Morning yet again John,
You had a caller earlier who claimed that people over the age of 80 should not be forced to vote because either they might not live until the next election, or it is too hard to get to a polling booth.
Well the first argument is nuts in my mind…none of us are guaranteed to live until the next election…does that mean we should all get optional voting? Optional voting isn't something you can give to one group and not another, and I personally think it should remain compulsory.
As for the second point, well we have this thing called a postal vote…and I believe that the electoral commission can visit people in hospitals, so if it is too hard to get to the polling booth, you do have other options.
I would hate to miss out on my chance to shape the future of the nation, and it upsets me that others don't see their right to vote in the same light, and treat it with as much respect.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
2 comments March 17th, 2007 at 05:30am