Archive for March 11th, 2007

Thanks for the summer!

Good afternoon Glenn,

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for another wonderful summer of weekend (and night time) entertainment. Those of us down here in Canberra will once again have to leave you from next weekend for the football, but I will be sure to fire up the 2UE webstream when I can, and I will continue to keep in touch.

It's a pity you didn't get a chance to organise a Canberra lunch, but I suppose there is always next summer.

Keep up the good work, I know the airwaves and the people listening to them down here will miss you.

And as much as I hate doing this kind of thing this early…Happy Easter, I'll send you some easter eggs closer to the date (at least I didn't wish you a Happy Easter on Boxing Day).

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments March 11th, 2007 at 01:30pm

Samuel’s Blog Weekly Poll: Jon Stanhope

This week’s poll, whilst hardly likely to achieve anything, should have an interesting result none the less.

Has Jon Stanhope done a good job as Chief Minister of the ACT?

Total Votes: 55
Started: March 10, 2007

Feel free to discuss the poll subject in the comments below. You need to be a registered member of Samuel’s Blog to comment, but anyone can vote. The system will attempt to prevent you from voting more than once, and whilst it might not always be able to do that, I request that you only vote once.

Disclaimer: This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you’re using these numbers to do anything important, you’re insane. That being said, I do try to keep the results fair and accurate, and I try to prevent abuse by unscrupulous voters, but I can’t make any guarantees.

Now for the results from last week’s poll.

How long do you think it will be until David Hicks is back in Australia?

Total Votes: 25
Started: March 3, 2007

It surprised me that so many people don’t think that David Hicks will ever step foot in Australia again, especially seeing as he isn’t facing a particularly serious charge. Of the others, more than a year was most popular, followed equally by the two options filling the three months and a day to a year range, then less than a month, and one to three months. All of that indicates to me that most people don’t expect to see David Hicks in this country for quite some time.

For a list of all previous results, see the Weekly Poll Results page.


1 comment March 11th, 2007 at 01:38am

Aeroplane Travel

Good morning John,

You were talking about the amount of time people have had to wait for planes, well I've never had to wait for one, but that's only because I've never been on one.

I do remember one of my teachers telling me a story though about one time she was going to catch a plane from Melbourne to Canberra on Christmas Eve, while she was waiting for the boarding call in the waiting lounge she was having a chat with a pilot and mentioned that she was going to Canberra, the pilot told her that he was too, and she was going to be the only passenger on the flight, she could have any seat she liked, but she would have to sit right down the back with the flight attendants during take off and landing to balance the plane!

Apparently they would have cancelled the flight, but as it was Christmas Eve and they needed the plane in Canberra for another flight, they decided to go ahead with only one passenger. My teacher said it was the best in-flight service she has ever had.

Have a great morning,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments March 11th, 2007 at 01:30am


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