Archive for June 25th, 2007


Good morning Mr. Laws

I am very sad to hear that you have decided to retire, and I know that your departure from radio will leave a gaping hole in the lives if many people, myself included.

I am however, glad that you have decided to retire on your own terms, and I wish you all the best for the rest of this year, and then for a long and prosperous retirement.

I really don't know quite what to say, I'm trying not to cry as I write this…you're an inspiration John, I will miss you, and I'm pretty sure that the rest of the nation will too. I think I'll have to take up John Stanley's offer of spending the day with him and his staff at 2UE just so that I can wish you all the best in person.

Warmest regards.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

11 comments June 25th, 2007 at 10:24am

Lawsie Retiring

According to somebody who is listening to the radio right now (I’m not) Lawsie has just announced his retirement…more details as they come to hand.

Update: Here is the press release from 2UE:

MEDIA RELEASE: 25/6/2007


Australia’s most successful broadcaster, John Laws, today announced his retirement, effective at the end of 2007.

Mr Laws, who currently broadcasts through 71 radio stations across Australia, thanked his listeners for their loyal support throughout his 55 year career.

He said, “Radio has been my life. It is the second great love of my life after my family. I thank all of my listeners for being with me throughout my career and I will miss them desperately when I finish at the end of the year”.

Mr Tony Bell, Managing Director of Southern Cross Broadcasting Ltd said, “John Laws has been the undisputed king of radio in Australia over the last 54 years, entertaining more people than any other broadcaster in the country’s history.

“We are delighted he has been with 2UE over the last 19 years and will stay with us until the end of 2007.

“On behalf of the management and staff of Southern Cross Broadcasting, we extend our sincere thanks for the outstanding contribution John has made to our network and the industry – in which he will always be an icon”, concluded Mr Bell.

Southern Cross will commence shortly a search for a suitable replacement for John Laws.

End Update


2 comments June 25th, 2007 at 09:45am

Samuel’s Sleep-O-Meter

John Kerr asked me something rather interesting during a conversation we had this morning:

What on earth are you doing awake at exactly half past two if you start work at eight AM?

It was a good question, and it got me thinking about how much sleep I do actually get (again)…and I’ve decided to start a new statistic simply because I’d like to see how the graph would look.

This will be fairly straight forward…it’s quite simply a tally of how much sleep I get in each clock day. Just for the purposes of clarity, I will post these as daily totals in HH:MM format.

Sunday: 6:30


2 comments June 25th, 2007 at 09:44am


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