Archive for June 7th, 2007
The A380 has come and gone again.
I think this message from Ryan sums it up:
1.45pm WTF? We had the whole office outside in the cold mate, very unimpressed….. Whats the story samual?
Well, 1:45pm was accurate when I left for Mt. Ainslie…unfortunately the time blew out to about 2:15. There were an awful lot of very cold people on the top of Mount Ainslie, and worse yet, due to the altitude of the plane, it looked just like any other plane to the naked eye.
That being said, the cameras picked it up pretty well, and Channel Nine (who seemed to be the only television station up there) may have some good footage on their news bulletin tonight.

I’ve cropped those images so that you can actually see the plane without squinting, however you can get a slightly larger version if you click on them.
As quickly as the plane came, it went again. One quick lap of Canberra was all we got. Mind you, it was that far behind schedule that it’s probably not even back in Sydney yet.
So, to all of you who froze because I was relaying the 1:45pm time, I apologise…I hope you have a heater nearby, I know I need one.
June 7th, 2007 at 03:10pm
The Airbus A380 is in the air and appears to be on time for a 1:45pm Canberra Flyover.
June 7th, 2007 at 01:06pm
Hello to everyone who is landing here today for details on the Canberra A380 flyover. The details are in the post below this one, however I will outline my plans for coverage of this event today.
Around 1PM the plane is scheduled to take off from Sydney Airport, I will be monitoring the media for information about any delays. If there are delays I will inform you, otherwise I will be heading to the top of Mount Ainslie.
1:45 (or whatever time it gets here): A380 will be over Canberra and I will get some photos, if time, weather and flyover route permits, I will also get some video of the plane.
After this I will come back here and post whatever photos and video I have of the flyover.
June 7th, 2007 at 11:34am
Apparently the enormous Airbus a380 will fly over Canberra at an altitude of 5000 feet today. I’m not currently sure what time this will happen, but I will be sure to have the camera ready.
Update: Looks like the A380 will leave Sydney around 1pm for its flight to Canberra and back. I’m still pursuing details of the Canberra flyover. End Update
Further Update: With thanks to Qantas Corporate Communications I can inform you that the A380 will fly over Canberra at an altitude of approximately 5000 feet (1524 metres), around 1:45 this afternoon. This will occur after the A380 flies over Sydney Harbour at about 3000 feet around 1:15pm. The plane isn’t scheduled to land in Sydney until 3pm, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the A380 does a couple laps of Canberra.
Approximately 200 Qantas corporate customers, frequent flyers, media representatives and staff will be the lucky people to go down in history as the passengers on the first flight by the Airbus A380 to carry passengers in Australia. I’ll wave to them, I wonder if they will wave back?
Many thanks to Qantas for their quick response to my request for information. End Update
10:20am Update: Obviously this story is a high priority for me today! I’ve been informed by someone in the know that the aviation industry is experiencing some delays in Sydney today due to the weather. No word on whether that will affect the A380 flight, however I’m sure the media will be sure to tell us if it is late leaving Sydney. End Update
June 7th, 2007 at 06:27am
Good morning merry men of the airwaves,
Earlier today Mr. Robertson asked the Abester how many fingers were being held up by the aforementioned Mr. Robertson (I'll dispense with the convolution now).
I have always found that 17 is the best answer to that question. 17 is a prime number so I can't be accused of seeing double or triple, and it's not my fault if the person holding up their fingers can't see their extra digits.
The other answer which I find useful is "why are you asking me, you're the one who put them there".
Regardless of the line I use, I generally get labelled as difficult and get left alone.
It works!
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
June 7th, 2007 at 12:58am