Archive for November 7th, 2006

Work Sweep

Yay, I got $14 for coming second in one of the sweeps at work…not bad for a $2 investment…covers some of my $23 investment ($16 TAB + $2 Work Sweep + $5 Dad’s Work Sweep) for the day. I still don’t know how I went with the sweep at Dad’s work, I’ll find out tonight.

I think this is my last Melbourne Cup post for now, full results of my activities tonight and some posts to catch up on tomorrow.

Gambling problems? Phone Lifeline Canberra on 13 11 14 or your local gambling support service.


11 comments November 7th, 2006 at 04:23pm

Melbourne Race Eight

Updated and rewritten for “correct weight” final dividends

1st: Polar Bear (Win: $3.00) (Place: $1.50)
2nd: Lancettier (Place: $6.40)
3rd: Dr. Nipandtuck (Place: $3.20)

Quinella: $35.80
Exacta: $53.50
Trifecta: $613.40
Running Double on the Melbourne Cup and Race Eight: $47.50

Unfortunately I took a quinella in this race and got first and third…oh well.

Correct weight, results now paying! Gambling problems? Contact your local gambling support service, in Canberra that’s Lifeline on 13 11 14


6 comments November 7th, 2006 at 03:59pm

Melbourne Cup Finishing Order

Here is the complete rundown of who came where in the Melbourne Cup

4th: Zipping
5th: Land ‘n Stars
6th: Mahtoum
7th: Yeats
8th: Activation
9th: Mandela
10th: Glistening
11th: Kerry O’Reilly
12th: Railings
13th: Headturner
14th: Short Pause
15th: Dolphin Jo
16th: Art Success
17th: Dizelle
18th: Geordieland
19th: Tawqeet
20th: On A Jeune
21st: Demerger
22nd: Ice Chariot
23rd: Zabeat.
Scratched: Efficient


November 7th, 2006 at 03:48pm

Melbourne Cup Interim Results

I hope you had a grain of salt handy, because my tips did nothing!

Update 3:24pm: Correct Weight! Results now paying! End Update

2: Delta Blue (Win: $17.50) (Place: $5.50)
12: Pop Rock (Place: $2.10)
23: Maybe Better (Place: $3.90)

Quinella: $41.30
Exacta: $91.80
Trifecta: $1100.40

Results are interim and are SuperTAB results (Victoria TAB, ACTTAB etc), NSW TAB and UNITAB results may vary.

If you have a gambling problem, contact your local gambling support service, which in the ACT is Lifeline on 13 11 14.


11 comments November 7th, 2006 at 03:20pm

Melbourne Cup Tips

Have you got your grain of salt ready? Yes? Good! You might need it considering what I said last year before the Melbourne Cup.

I have to agree with most experts who say that Makybe Diva will not win. It was fairly obvious in my view that she wouldn’t be scratched, but she won’t win. Don’t get me wrong, I think she is a very good horse, but I just don’t think she will win.

Perhaps that is best forgotten…I did manage to pick the horse which came second, so it wasn’t a complete disaster.

This year I am tipping four horses in no particular order, hopefully they will be the first four across the line.

3: Railings
5: Geordieland
11: On A Jeune
20: Glistening

I’ve also picked up Yeats in John Kerr’s New Day Australia sweep, I’m in a sweep at work and don’t know which horse I have yet, and will probably be in another sweep by mid-morning.

I also have three tips for the race following the Melbourne Cup

1: Roman Arch (Update 9:25am: It’s Scratched…sorry)
2: Polar Bear
13: Dr Nipandtuck

Update 9:25am: On my way into work today I stopped at an ACTTAB agency (Hello Margaret…good to see you again after all these years) and put a two dollar boxed quinella on both races, costing $12 for the Melbourne Cup and $2 for the next race (I’ll explain that if you like). I also placed a 50 cent place bet on the Melbourne Cup costing $2. This is where I found out that Roman Arch is scratched, and running on my policy of not changing a bet, continued the bet with the remaining horses.End Update

Channel Seven will have full coverage of every race and associated events at Flemington, hosted by my favourite television sport personality Bruce McAvaney. Southern Cross Syndication are the exclusive distributor of the Melbourne Cup to commercial radio (other than the racing stations) and I will probably listen to 2CC’s relay of it, possibly while watching Channel Seven and checking the delay.

For those of you who are nowhere near a radio or a television, Sport 927, 2KY, ACTTAB Radio, 2UE, 2GB and many others all have webstreams and will all be covering the race, which gets underway at 3pm. Of those, 2UE and 2GB will likely have a surrounding program, whilst the others will have mahy other races to cover before and after the Cup.

If you have an account with the NSW or Victorian TAB, you can watch the race live online via Sky Channel.

And of course, if you have a gambling problem, contact your local gambling support service, which in the ACT is Lifeline on 13 11 14. Of course the best advice is to avoid a gambling problem in the first place by following the simple rule of “only bet what you can afford to lose”. Lifeline also have a bunch of information and advice on gambling problems here.

Good luck!


17 comments November 7th, 2006 at 01:35am

John Kerr’s Back!

The title says it all really…welcome back John!


5 comments November 7th, 2006 at 12:09am


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