Archive for November 1st, 2006

Stage 2 Water Restrictions

Canberra is now under Stage 2 water restrictions, which are remarkably similar to the old stage three water restrictions. Obviously “stage two” sounds less significant, drastic and urgent than “stage three”, and the redesignation of water restriction stages is probably a face saving measure from the Stanhope government who saw fit, for no decent reason, to lift water restrictions a while back.

A highlight of the restrictions is a ban on sprinkler and irrigation systems, so it will be interesting to see what happens to the sprinkler systems in common areas of government housing blocks, and other government buildings like Gorman House. In the case of government housing blocks, it is not uncommon for the sprinkler heads to be damaged and result in water fountains which rarely get fixed and waste a heap of water. Whether the government remember to turn off these systems is going to be quite interesting.

Certainly early signs are a poor indication for the government, with sprinklers watering the median strip on Northbourne Avenue, under the control of a Territory and Municipal Services employee, during peak hour this morning.

For full details see the Stage 2 PDF (mirrored here).


2 comments November 1st, 2006 at 10:44am

Belated Happy Birthday to 2CC

As I was unwell yesterday and didn’t get a chance to mention it…happy birthday to 2CC which turned 31 years old yesterday.


November 1st, 2006 at 08:33am

Bluehost resolves hosting issue quickly

The other morning while I was writing the Canberra Centre Expansion Opens This Week story, I tried to upload the pictures to the webserver, only to get a disk full message from the FTP server. I checked the server status page and it was also reporting a full disk.

At 2:23am I rang Bluehost support via Skype and, despite it being a Sunday evening at Bluehost HQ, I got straight through to a technician who took a look at the issue and said they would get straight onto the issue, which he suspected may have been another using exceeding their quota. Of course this does raise the issue of why quotas aren’t being enforced (perhaps they didn’t expect anybody to exceed 50 gigabytes) and why there aren’t any systems in place to monitor disk usage.

So I finished off the text of the article, had a coffee and worked on another article. When I next checked the server status page at 3:08am I was pleased to see disk usage back down to 81%, so I uploaded the pictures.

At 3:12am I received an email from Chris Bankhead, the support technician I had spoken to on the phone, who informed me that the problem had been resolved, and apoligised for the inconvenience.

Whilst I’m still a bit perplexed at how the problem occured in the first place, I am very pleased with the prompt response of Bluehost support.


1 comment November 1st, 2006 at 06:33am


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