Archive for November 10th, 2006
Good morning Mr. Kerr,
I should probably congratulate you…if the new 2UE website is to be believed, your show has been extended by a few hours as it lists Tom Wards as appearing on your show at 8:30am Saturdays! An amusing typo.
The Crowne Plaza Terrigal faxed through my order form yesterday, and I have filled it out, I’ll post it on Monday…which incidentally is when I start the new job.
I am very tired now as I’ve had minimal sleep in the last 36 hours due to finding out about my #### #### being approved on Thursday morning, and the subsequent scramble to get all of my work finished at my temporary job before I finished yesterday.
If it’s OK with you John, I would just like to give a really big "thank you" to Belconnen Community Service and Julia Ross Recruitment who have kept me in employment for the last couple months whilst I waited on the #### ####…they made my life a whole lot easier, and it was great working for them.
Have a great day John and all of the lovely listeners.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
November 10th, 2006 at 11:00pm
It’s been a while since anybody wrote an email to me quite like this one!
From……: Steven Oldes
Subject…: What the hell?
What the hell is this site all about? I think you are serious freak with major issues
Thanks Steven!
November 10th, 2006 at 12:44pm
This week’s Friday Funny is sourced from Peter FitzSimon’s column in the Sun-Herald Newspaper.
A Kiwi was hoping to emigrate to Australia. Upon his arrival in Australia, he was questioned by a customs officer, “What is your business in Australia?”
“I wish to immigrate” was the Kiwi’s reply.
The customs officer then asked “Do you have a criminal record?”
Confused, the Kiwi then replied “I didn’t think you still needed one.”
Do you have something you would like to contribute to Friday Funnies? If so, email it to All contributions welcome!
November 10th, 2006 at 10:33am
G’day Lawsie,
Sorry to hear that you had to put your lovely little cat to sleep…I’m sure you did it for the best reasons, and I know that it is very very hard, but hang in there buddy, you saved your lovely little cat from agony and pain and that was a very humane and loving thing to do.
I know that I wouldn’t want to ever part with my little doggie Nattie, but if it was a choice between a painful lingering end, or a reasonably happy end, I know which one I would choose.
Just have faith that you did the right thing, and take your time to grieve.
Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
November 10th, 2006 at 10:30am
By request, here is the “card” I faxed to John Stanley on Wednesday to congratulate him on his wedding. John spent the first few days of the week in Melbourne with his new wife on a Melbourne Cup honeymoon. John and his wife will take an overseas holiday as a second honeymoon later in the year.

(Click to enlarge)
November 10th, 2006 at 07:44am