Archive for November 5th, 2006

Clive, John, and the perils of running late

As you would probably be aware from things I’ve written previously, 2UE’s weekday New Day Australia host Stuart Bocking is on semi-leave in Melbourne enjoying the Melbourne Cup carnival and reporting for 2UE, as such John Kerr is supposed to be filling in for him…fresh from his overseas holiday…but whoops? What was that? The plane or train or other form of transport leaving before John could get on board? Oh dear!

But never fear, Clive Robertson is here, and will fill in for Stuart Bocking and John Kerr. John should be back for the Tuesday morning show, and Stuart will probably be ready to take over from John on Thursday morning, allowing John to return to his weekend show on Saturday morning, unless Stuart gets stuck in Melbourne, in which case Clive Robertson or Clinton Maynard will fill in.

I’m still at a loss to find out who will fill in for John Stanley for his few days of honeymoon/Melbourne Cup leave this week, it’ll probably be Murray Olds…but we’ll see.


November 5th, 2006 at 11:15pm

Happy 50th Birthday Aunty (British Comedy?, Budget Cuts?, Bob Commences?) err…BC

Unlike Channel Nine last year, ABC Television are spot on when they claim to be fifty years old…in fact, they are correct to the day.

On the 5th of November 1956, ABN-2 (see, the GST was coming all the way back in the 50s!) started broadcasting, and Robert Menzies (hence “Bob Commences”) said a few words to start the broadcast (well, it was near the start). The Sydney television station started up a mere 13 days before its Melbourne counterpart ABV-2 began, just in time for the Melbourne Olympic Games.

Tonight at 8:30, ABC Television are running a special “50 Years of ABC Television” broadcast, and tomorrow will be running the first of a two part series on “50 Years of ABC Television News”.

The ABC have been nice enough to put their opening blooper show broadcast online, which can be viewed by clicking here for Windows Media Format and here for MPEG4 format.

So, happy birthday ABC Television…and considering one of your more famous “Aunty” shows, I think the following song is in order!

For she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow
For she’s a jolly good fellow (pause), and so say all of us
And so say all of us, and so say all of us
For she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow
For she’s a jolly good fellow (pause), and so say all of us


November 5th, 2006 at 06:40pm

Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

The weeks are flying past at the moment…it doesn’t seem like a week since the last Musician Of The Week award, but it is, so here’s a new Musician Of The Week…Dean Martin! And the feature song is “Little Ole Wine Drinker, Me”.

I’m prayin’ for a rain in California
So the grapes can grow and they can make more wine
And I’m sitting in a honky in Chicago
With a broken heart and a woman on my mind.

I’ll ask the man behind the bar for the jukebox
And the music takes me back to Tennessee
And they ask “who’s the fool in the corner, cryin'”
I’ll say, “a little ole wine drinker, me”.

I came here last week from down in Nashville
‘Cause my baby left for Florida on a train
I thought I’d get a job and just forget her
But in Chicago a broken heart is still the same.

I’ll ask the man behind the bar for the jukebox
And the music takes me back to Tennessee
When they ask “who’s the fool in the corner, cryin’?”
I’ll say, “a little ole wine drinker, me”.
I’ll say, “a little ole wine drinker, me”.


November 5th, 2006 at 06:21pm


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