Work Sweep
November 7th, 2006 at 04:23pm
Yay, I got $14 for coming second in one of the sweeps at work…not bad for a $2 investment…covers some of my $23 investment ($16 TAB + $2 Work Sweep + $5 Dad’s Work Sweep) for the day. I still don’t know how I went with the sweep at Dad’s work, I’ll find out tonight.
I think this is my last Melbourne Cup post for now, full results of my activities tonight and some posts to catch up on tomorrow.
Gambling problems? Phone Lifeline Canberra on 13 11 14 or your local gambling support service.
Entry Filed under: Sport
1. Jey | November 7th, 2006 at 4:34 pm
hmmm Samuel, starting to think you’re the one with the gambling problem :p
2. Samuel | November 7th, 2006 at 4:36 pm
hehe…nah, just a little splurge on cup day…and only money I can afford to lose.
3. Colonel Moodus | November 7th, 2006 at 5:05 pm
He Sam, why not live a little and put the number for Ray’s Tent City instead of the gamblers’ hotline in the next gambling-related post?
4. Loki | November 7th, 2006 at 11:33 pm
I actually felt the urge to have an excessive flutter today and rang the hotline, but there was a recorded message that all the counsellors had ducked out to the TAB to place a bet on the race that stops a nation, which I thought was very odd!
5. Roger Mellie | November 8th, 2006 at 2:35 am
Would anyone like to wager that the total cynic is John b1b5?
6. Clayton Northcutt | November 8th, 2006 at 11:47 am
I’d be willing to be that he is Johnboy.
7. Roger Mellie | November 8th, 2006 at 11:53 am
Johnboy and Samuel have a sordid past Clayton. I think even though Johnboy exposed some people on this site as being tthe greatest satirists on the internet, or words to that effect, he is not the_total_cynic.
The underscores and moronic comments all lead to one person.
8. Colonel Moodus | November 8th, 2006 at 5:55 pm
I’ll wager it’s either John Brock or John Brockovich. I’m waiting facelessly and from behind my keyboard for another outburst and pictures of thought-provoking modern sculpture…
9. Loki | November 8th, 2006 at 7:50 pm
In keeping with the Melbourne Cup Carnival theme, John B1_B5 would be the unbackable favourite in a one horse race.
Yes, Samuel and Johnboy are firmly clinched in an ongoing feud, however, while the former has shown poise and maturity, the latter is sniping with inflammatory and unwelcome behaviour.
Recently he lumbered Samuel with the ilk of those such as John B1_B5 which are “pumping all the weird in to the blogosphere”.
To me this is very unfair, as I think Samuel is blogging’s voice of reason.
And while Samuel has returned to The Riot Act to selflessly publicise the plight of Dickson College, John B1_B5 – who swore he was never coming back to this blog – is positing very odd comments under yet another of his underscored pseudonyms.
10. Roger Mellie | November 9th, 2006 at 3:07 am
I still want to know why Johnboy was poinitng that rather odd shaped megaphone in Samuel’s direction. Is Samuel hard of hearing?
I have not been back to that horrible horrible riot act site after Johnboy was deliberately not hyphenating Samuel’s Scottish surname. A contentious issue that still hits a raw nerve with Samuel and others who I have contacted. I don’t want to mention any names but suffice to say Olivia Newton-John, Pee-Wee Herman and Courtney Thorn-Smith are using their contacts in LA to get the riot act closed down for abusing double-barrelled names and not paying them the respect they deserve.
Colonel Moodus is right on the money and Loki has raised some interesting points about Johnboy’s attitude. An attitude may I add, that needs some serious adjusting.
I am starting to rabbit on like a rabbitohs supporter.
*Has there been a conclusion to Loki’s investigation into the dropping of the rock on the head of Alan Jones?
Did Samuel provide an alibi that could be backed up in a court of law/
11. Loki | November 9th, 2006 at 11:19 pm
Mr Mellie, I agree, some of Johnboy’s antics can only be classified as sheer naughtyness, as opposed to subtle humourism.
Meanwhile, I believe Samuel has firmly debunked my arithmatic … my sums added up to four, whereas Samuel was apparently irrefutably, even in a court of law, a three.
Pity the episode happened just too late for the release of Chris Master’s blockbuster – perhaps mention of it, and Samuel’s eerie parallels, will be made in subsequent re-prints.