Archive for October 13th, 2006
My planned moonrise photo has been delayed at least until the next full moon, depending on the time of day when the moon rises. Moonrises, in comparison to sunrises, are quite hard to capture, especially considering that the time of moonrise varies significantly on a daily basis, and moonrise is best captured with a dark sky. Ultimately this means an evening photo, any earlier and the sky is too light, and later and the nearest spot with a good view is a safety hazard.
October 13th, 2006 at 03:17pm
I become very excited over the release of Ubuntu Linux 5,10, the expenditure „the Breezy of Dachses “. It has a number of improvements over the 5,04 „hoary hedgehog “version, including better menu line, friendlier Startein squirting screen and better multi-language support.
If the educational institute specific Edubuntu release is exciting, it intends for use in the educational institutes which are good thing over this that them seem to be practically perfect for schools inclusively some excellent opened source programs, which do the same, if not better, job than the equivalent programs for commercial ranges of application. With each possible luck should I play with this at the Dickson university once soon and particularly saw, since we have a delimitation on our Windows XP licenses and not really on the increase of the number… the terrible costs included regarding also to intend. The good thing is here the fact that there is a high probability that personnel and class participants finds it to a high degree useful and attached it to wish in more positions, which can only be a good thing.
Financially Shuttleworth, giving supports the attractive people with Ubuntu wegUbuntu CDs and DVDs for free, with free shipping and everything by gazillionaire marking. You can still downloaden it of the Downloadseite, but I ordered some CDs of them, and you can too, by preceding more rüber to the ShipIt side.
October 13th, 2006 at 01:56pm
Alright, looks like WordPress reverted to the standard theme after about a half hour outage…and as such I see little point in fixing this mess until I get home.
However, first person to solve the flying picture problem wins an Audio CD copy of three Samuel’s Persiflage episodes of their choice, leave a comment below if you have a solution.
You have until 5PM Canberra time (see the flying current weather picture, it has the time on it) aka 7am GMT.
This must be my punishment for saying that I don’t usually believe in superstitions such as Friday the 13th!
October 13th, 2006 at 11:24am
Today’s Friday Funny comes to us from Charity in Sydney
8 years old. Hateful little dog. Bites.
1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor’s dog.
Mother, AKC German Shepherd.
Father, Super Dog… able to leap tall fences in a single bound.
Looks like a rat… been out a while.
Better be a reward.
Also 1 gay bull for sale.
$300 Hardly used, call Chubby.
California grown – 89 cents lb.
Must sell washer and dryer $300.
Call Stephanie.
Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes.
Excellent condition.
$1,000 or best offer
No longer needed, got married last month.
Wife knows everything
Do you have something you would like to contribute to Friday Funnies? If so, email it to All contributions welcome!
October 13th, 2006 at 10:28am
Looks like we’re experiencing some “issues” this morning…the flying windows are gone for now, but website stability remains a concern.
October 13th, 2006 at 10:00am
Yesterday at work I was installing a network printer on two computers, and decided to use the same peice of paper for the test page from each computer, the effect was quite interesting.

(Click to enlarge)
October 13th, 2006 at 07:12am
Well in about five minutes it will be the start of Clive Robertson’s four morning stint on 2UE filling in for John Kerr and Stuart Bocking. I’m looking forward to this, Clive is great talent and it should be fun having him on during the wee hours, and I would imagine that 2CC will be pleased with nine hours of sharp-witted, quick-thinking, highly-entertaining presenters with Mike Jeffreys following Clive with the breakfast show.
But it is Friday the 13th, and whilst I don’t usually subscribe to such superstitions, this is a rather unusual Friday the 13th as the digits in today’s date add up to thirteen (1 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 6 = 13). I haven’t verified it, but apparently it is the first time since the days of Genghis Khan that such an anomaly has occurred. This does lead a pesimistic back-of-mind thought that on this particular day it might be wise to be wary of Murphy’s Law…whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
So what could go wrong? Let’s see…2UE decide that Clive doesn’t need a producer and, just like Stuart and John, can answer the phones himself whilst running a radio show…a power surge causes various systems including the phone and the station audio computer to freeze, with the newsroom vacant Clive is the only person left in the building and so he sings to us for hours until one of the breakfast show staff turn up.
John Kerr, taking a flight out of the country today, suddenly finds that the airline have a pilot strike and he is now required to fly the plane…reluctantly John agrees and, due to a navigational error, lands at the North Pole where he is voted in as the new Santa Claus, and is not permitted to return to Australia except for present runs at Christmas.
2UE’s 11am fire drill sees everyone evacuated, including John Laws and the newsroom…a pre-recorded news bulletin is played, and a song scheduled to play after it, followed by an ad break…the chief fire warden accidentally locks the door to 2UE and leaves the key inside, providing 2UE and network stations with dead air for a couple hours while the locksmiths try to open a door which, due to extreme heat, has warped and has to be knocked down by the fire brigade.
When 2UE are finally back on-air, John Stanley proceeds with his “break mirrors and walk under ladders segment”, whilst trying to smash a mirror with a hammer he loses control of the hammer, which flies through the window and knocks out the station manager, who then falls down the stairs where all the staff who are due to be on air in the next 24 hours are standing. John Stanley is required to fill-in until 6PM Saturday, but due to a ladder falling on his head, a producer arranges a new “talking clock” network by dialling the talking clock and putting it to air, which is subsequently picked up by all network stations, but only for a few minutes as Optus D1 melts due to defective protective material, and takes out all Southern Cross network feeds with it.
Mike Frame and Kris McKenzie fill in on 2CC for the next three days whilst Southern Cross arrange a new satellite feed, taking six hours on/six hours off shifts.
At the very least, this proves that my imagination is still active!
October 13th, 2006 at 12:00am