Archive for December 13th, 2005

Samuel’s Blog nominated for 2006 Australian Blog Awards

It would appear that this blog has been nominated for various awards in this year’s, or perhaps next year’s, Australian Blog Awards, depending on how you read the title.

Really, it doesn’t bother me whether or not people nominate me, nor does it really bother me if I happen to be a winner, as I really didn’t know about these awards until I was notified by a correspondent that I had been nominated. Certainly I have heard of these awards before, but only briefly, and I would have been happily oblivious to them if said correspondent hadn’t told me about them.

None the less, to those who have nominated me, thankyou, I appreciate your nomination, and regardless of what happens, it should be interesting.


8 comments December 13th, 2005 at 10:45pm

Collective concerns about the Sydney Riots

For the second morning in a row, John Kerr’s show was flooded with people calling about the Sydney riots this morning. Despite the fact that he cut out most of the usual segments of his show, it still took a very long time to get through all of the callers, with most waiting on hold for about 90 minutes. I was one of the people who waited for 90 minutes, calling at 12:03 and finally talking with John just after 1:30. Anastasia sounded somewhat snowed under, which is quite understandable considering the work she must have been doing.

I think this proves that people are really quite concerned about these riots, you would have to be pretty concerned to be willing to wait on hold for 90 minutes or more in the wee hours of the morning.

There was one suggestion which seemed fairly clever in my mind, involve fire trucks and the counter terrorism people. It would take some coordination, but blasting the offenders with a powerful burst of water and then having the counter terrorism people forcing them to surrender would certainly be helpful. Of course, coordinated road spike attacks would also be good, when the powers that be know that the rioters are in a particular area they could set up barriers of road spikes, it might catch a few innocent people, but it would certainly prevent the rioters from driving away to another trouble spot.

There are plenty of good ideas (and some bad ones) floating about as to how to deal with the situation, and really, the sooner it is dealt with the better. Hopefully the talks between the opposing sides today have helped to some extent.


December 13th, 2005 at 10:33pm


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