Posts filed under 'TV/Radio/Media'

Retirement Expo Comes To Canberra – 2CC Outside Broadcast Scheduled

Canberra Retirement Expo
For the first time ever the popular Retirement And Lifestyle Expo, as seen in Sydney and Melbourne, is coming to Canberra.

Denise Drysdale will be making an appearance, and more importantly in my view, 2CC will be there with some outside broadcasts.

Regular 2CC and 2UE listeners will know that 2UE broadcast from their own fully fledged studio at the Sydney Retirement And Lifestyle Expo, and for them it is a very large and exciting event, I wouldn’t be surprised if 2CC treat it the same way.

2CC will be broadcasting the Drive Show on Friday November 25 from 3pm-6pm and Weekend Magazine & The Trading Post from 9am-2pm on Saturday November 26 (according to the information I heard Mike Frame distributing today). I personally plan on making my way down to the expo on the Friday and (hopefully) taking some photos of the 2CC outside broadcast. I can’t make it down there on the Saturday but if I could I’m sure I would be making the journey on that day as well.

The expo is taking place at Exhibition Park In Canberra from Friday November 25 to Sunday November 27 between 10am & 4:30pm

Entry is $8 for adults and $6 for Seniors Card holders and Pensioners. Accompanied children get in free.

For more information about the expo, click here for the five page PDF.


2 comments November 19th, 2005 at 10:11pm

My main portable radio

You may recall that in September I started talking about my “new” radio which is actually older than myself. In this I said that I would take a photo of my radio, which I finally remembered to do today. The radio is a Sony Walkman WM-F57, built in 1986, a year before I was born. The radio features an inbuilt multidirectional auto-reverse cassette deck and a speaker, with the use of the speaker on/off switch it is possible to have headphones and the speaker in use at the same time, but this would probably drain the batteries quicker. The radio runs on two AA size batteries.

Here is the front:
WM-F57 Front
As is shown under the tape deck window, the tape deck features Dolby Noise Reduction.

This picture is of the top of the radio:
WM-F57 Top
The switches at the top, from left to right are as follows:

  • Input: Tape, Radio
  • Tape Select: Normal, CrO2 (Metal)
  • Battery Condition Indicator Light (not a switch)
  • Dolby/FM Mode: Off/Mono, On/Stereo
  • Speaker: On, Off

The headphone socket can be seen on the next row, to the right of that is the tape direction mode switch, which changes the auto reverse mode from “A->B->Stop” to “A->B->Restart”, to the right of that is the direction change button, followed by the fast forward button, the rewind button, the play button and the stop button.

The next row contains a socket for a 3V DC external power source.

The back of the radio (slightly out of focus):
WM-F57 Back
At top right you can see the volume control dial, which works on a scale of 0-10. The visible label provides some information such as model number (WM-F57), frequency range (AM: 530-1605 kHz and FM: 87.6-108MHz), the number and type of batteries it uses and in small print a series of numbers which appear to be a serial number (3-335-824-01). The unreadable label in the photo is a notice about Dolby trademarks, and the section labeled “Open” with an arrow is the battery compartment.

On the opposite side to the volume control is a switch for band selection (AM and FM) and a tuning dial.

In the entire time I have had this radio the dial has ventured off 2CC (1206 AM) a couple times to briefly check other stations, and has only ventured off the AM band once to see what stations I could recieve (I seem to recall stopping on News Radio for about 30 seconds).

On some of Nattie’s longer walks, the radio has accompanied us, this morning would be a good example as we enjoyed David Young’s Garden on our 40 minute walk.


9 comments November 19th, 2005 at 09:23pm

Canberra Radio Ratings: Survey 2, 2005

Alrighty then, Nielsen have put their report up on the web here and I’ve summarised it all below. Unfortunately Nielsen don’t release detailed reports to the public for regional areas (Yep, Canberra is regional in radio), so we will just have to make do with overall results.

The general trend is for losses by the AM stations and gains by the FM stations. Interestingly, FM 104.7 managed to take over the top spot from Mix 106.3, the survey was undertaken from October 9 to November 5.

The results are as follows:

  1. FM 104.7 21.0% Up from 18.4&
  2. MIX 106.3 20.7% Down from 20.9%
  3. 666ABC 17.6% Down from 18.0%
  4. JJJ 8.5% Up from 7.1%
  5. ABC CLASSIC FM 7.0% Up from 6.9%
  6. 2CC 6.8% Down from 7.7%
  7. RADIO NATIONAL 6.7% Down from 8.1%
  8. 2CA 4.4% Down from 5.3%
  9. NEWS RADIO 2.5% Down from 2.6%


November 17th, 2005 at 05:14pm

Canberra Radio Ratings

Survey 2 for Canberra Radio has been released, with FM 104.7 taking top spot from Mix 106.3, both 666 ABC Canberra and 2CC recorded losses, as did 2CA and radio national. The general trend was a loss across the AM band and gains on the FM band, which isn’t exactly what I wanted to see, but it is interesting none the less.

I’ll wait for Nielsen to release the full details before running a more comprehensive story on the issue.


9 comments November 17th, 2005 at 01:51pm

Farewell George

As you may recall, on the weekend I reported that George Gibson had been replaced by Stuart Bocking on 2UE’s New Day Australia, I also said that I would endeavour to find out what happened to George.

It turns out that I jumped on 2UE management prematurely. Given the recent changes at 2UE and the “no notice given” approach which was used for Stuart Bocking taking over the show, I was under the impression that George had been dumped by the station. Fortunately this is not the case, George retired after becoming a grandfather for the (1st?/2nd?) time. George may return to radio in the future, but after nearly 15 years at 2UE and even longer elsewhere, he has called it a day.

John Kerr presented a rather moving tribute to George Gibson this morning.

My sincere apoligies to 2UE management if I have caused any undue concern or criticism. I take it that Stuart has wanted to do the overnight show for a while, so good luck to him, I’m sure he will settle in and do a good job.

Best of luck George Gibson, at least you don’t have to go home and have reheated pizza for breakfast any more!


November 16th, 2005 at 12:26pm

Yep, they did give away another million

Yes, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire did give away another million dollars, and no cheating was involved! Well done!

EDIT: Hmmm, forgot to put in the winners name…well done Martin Flood!


2 comments November 14th, 2005 at 09:27pm

Millionaire Cheat?

Last week one of the tabloid newspapers of Australia (either Daily Telegraph or Herald Sun), in it’s partially reliable entertainment gossip section, said that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire have another million dollar prize winner, who will be screening tonight. But they also said that Channel 9 were investigating excessive coughing, with audience members commenting on the amount of coughing, and also on the way the contestant suspiciously managed to get answers from nowhere, in the same way the UK Who Wants To Be A Millionaire cheat did.

Anyway, the episode is going to air tonight, so accusations of cheating have probably been proven false. Do we have another millionaire this week? The gossip says yes, and the way they have had a long discussion about strategy on the show, and not a single question, and now gone to an ad break indicates to me that the answer is yes…but we’ll just have to wait and see!


November 14th, 2005 at 08:46pm

John B1_B5 leads the 2CC Drive Show spelling competition

John B1_B5 is in the lead this afternoon with 8 correctly spelled words in 60 seconds.

There are four more places left in the spelling competition, and the rules are simple. Listen to Mike Welsh on 2CC and wait for the cue to call, there will be another one next hour and another one in the hour after that, and when you hear it, be one of the first two callers through on 62554444. The person who spells the most words correctly in their 60 seconds wins tickets to an exclusive 2CC movie screening (I think).

EDIT: Whoops, forgot that you can also win a holiday.


6 comments November 14th, 2005 at 03:46pm

Sunday on 2CC

Just when you think sanity has prevailed, you find out that Weekend Magazine is a Saturday only show, so whilst Canberra is saved from Sydney real estate, we are not saved from Sydney Gardening, and considering we have two hours of Canberra gardening in the morning, 2CC could be the new home for horticultural experts. At least we know where to turn when the petunias start talking. On the other hand, why not have another two hour show on 2CC from midday to 2PM on Sunday, perhaps Kevin Woolfe talking about sport, not just the major sporting events, but the local games as well, or maybe Weekend Welshy…catchy title…

Glenn Wheeler is starting to sound pretty good, he seems to have settled in nicely, and is certainly happy at 2UE. I still miss George and Paul, but I guess the 2UE webstream is there if I need it. I’m very unhappy with 2UE for removing George Gibson from weekend New Day Australia and placing Stuart Bocking in his place…strange decision in my view.

On another note, when I turned on the Trading Post this afternoon, I just happened to turn it on at the time when John B1_B5 was on there…interesting coincidence if you ask me!


3 comments November 13th, 2005 at 08:00pm

2CC On Saturday

Oh boy, just when I thought some sanity had returned to my life, 2UE pull some strange changes out of a hat and make my 2CC listening odd.

It started when I turned on the radio this morning at around 12:30am before going to bed and noticed Stuart Bocking, after a bit of research I have discovered George is gone and Stuart has taken over the show (eek!). I reported back in June that Stuart was moving to middawns and leaving Lawsie’s show, which seems to have come true. Stuart only seems to be doing racing tips once a week for Lawsie now, which is a large pity in my view, he was always a welcome and fun addition to Lawsie’s show when he entered the studio out of the blue.

Thankfully 2CC haven’t lost their minds, and Weekend Magazine was back today, with Mike Frame running a mostly snappy and entertaining show, well done Mike! Thankfully Weekend Magazine is on 2CC to save us from Sydney realty and gardening.

As previously reported, Mike frame also ran the Trading Post and the Saturday morning show which used to be the domain of Kane Bond, who has left 2CC.

Glenn Wheeler (Apoligies for spelling his name with one N previously) seems to have settled in to his afternoon show and was pretty good today, although he (presumably at 2UE’s discretion) has launched a 5:30-6PM trading post…ye gods, this brings that dreaded program format repetition back to 2CC…saved from Sydney gardening…driven nuts by Sydney Buying, Swapping and Selling. 2UE management are collectively insane if they think getting listeners from Canberra, Sydney and wherever else Glenn is heard to all ring in and try and sell stuff to each other…yes 2UE, everyone wants to drive for three hours or more just to buy a table…

I suppose this means that I think 2CC should move local programming to the afternoon to avoid loony 2UE segments…but I doubt they will.


4 comments November 12th, 2005 at 05:16pm

George Gibson gone from 2UE

This is taking the changes too far, George Gibson has been replaced by Stuart Bocking.

Regular readers may remember that in June I reported that there were rumors flying about Stuart Bocking taking over the weekday version New Day Australia from John Kerr, whilst what would happen to John Kerr was unclear. Fortunately this didn’t happen, but it looks like there was some truth to the rumors as Stuart Bocking has taken over the weekend version of the show.

For those who are wondering about the fate of George Gibson, I don’t know, but I will endeavour to find out.

Back in June I did say (perhaps not on this site) that I didn’t think Stuart would suit middawn where lengthy conversations are normal, and listening to some of his show this morning, I would have to say I think I was right…maybe he will adapt, but he is no George Gibson, he doesn’t have the same level personality and he doesn’t have the same fun demeanour. I hope he will adapt as I like middawn talk programs.

Just like last week’s surprise changes at 2UE, this change was a complete surprise, with listeners given no warning that George was going. This is very poor form 2UE, you are treating your listeners with contempt, and if you keep playing games of Schedule Scrabble you will lose an awful lot of listeners to stations like 2GB who seem to be able to maintain a schedule for more than one moon phase.


2 comments November 12th, 2005 at 05:05pm

Kane has left the building

It’s official, Kane Bond has left 2CC, Kevin Woolfe (filling in for Mike Jeffreys) revealed it yesterday, and a phone call today confirmed it.

2CC listeners have known he was going for a while, and those of us who subscribe to have suspected it for nearly a month due to an ad for his job.

I must admit that I will miss Kane. He was a very good producer, and nobody could run the Saturday morning show the way he did. He was a friendly voice on the phone who was often happy to have a chat. I didn’t agree with everything he said, although I generally don’t agree with everything anybody says, but he often had a good point and made it very well.

2CC have lost a great talent in Kane, he was one of those people who could make a show go smoother, and he was almost always able to get great interviews lined up for Mike Welsh.

Not everyone liked Kane, there were some things I didn’t like about him, but that’s the same with everyone. There are things I dislike in the people I like the most, and there are things I like in the people I hate. Overall Kane was a very nice person with a lot of skill, although I think he showed it in person more than he did on radio. Kane is somebody I will never forget.

Good luck Kane, whatever you do I wish you all the best…one day I’m sure I will see or hear your name somewhere and be able to say “I remember when Kane was at 2CC”.


November 10th, 2005 at 05:01pm

2CC Off The Air

I think the 2CC Transmitter just died. During the 3PM news 2CC just disappeared from all of my radios, leaving static, which indicates a transmitter problem and not a studio fault. I am still able to pick up every other AM station, including 2CC’s sister station the next studio 2CA.

I’ve rung 2CC to inform them, I’m probably not the only one….I am however holding out hope that this is a problem which has only happened in my house…John B1_B5, can you recieve them?

Update: At 3:15 they have fixed it, starting with some music and then cutting to an ad break.


11 comments November 10th, 2005 at 03:08pm

More Radio Oddities

Once again today was another odd day on 2CC. Weekend Magazine vanished into thin air, and listeners were subjected to the 2UE Sydney centric gardening show. Glen Wheeler seemed a bit more comfortable today but he still isn’t as entertaining as George Moore & Paul B. Kidd. Yesterday I started to think he had good taste in music, but he pulled a song right out of left field this afternoon that forced me to turn off the radio for a few minutes to avoid “sqealing and screeching with musical acompaniment”. If I wanted to hear that I would turn on an FM music station.

I am still very disappointed at the changes 2UE made to the schedule, and I’m not overly impressed with the absence of local programming between midday & 2pm which forced a Sydney gardening show through the Canberra airwaves. It is possible that Mike Frame had other commitments, but that gardening show was nowhere near as interesting as David Young’s Garden is.


4 comments November 6th, 2005 at 09:24pm

Mike Frame takes over weekends

Weekends on 2CC are now the realm of Mike Frame it would seem. The word is that Kane Bond is (eventually) leaving 2CC, and indeed there was an ad on a few weeks back for the Drive show Producer position.

On the topic of weekends, 2CC seem to have handled the sudden 2UE change reasonably well. They have introduced a new “Weekend Magazine” program from Midday-2pm on Saturday and Sunday, presumably to avoid the sydney centric gardening and real estate shows…or segments of shows as they should be known. The first issue of Weekend Magazine went fairly well, although it did seem to struggle for callers in parts.

Mike didn’t seem entirely convinced that Weekend Magazine would survive through to next week, and I think he may be right if it continues in its current format. It has dawned on me that the thing which was missing from that show was interviews. I suppose that they might not have had time to arrange any interviews, but for goodness sakes, get somebody from the art gallery or the mueseum or the zoo or even the weather bureau on the phone, they will be able to enlighten us with information on happenings that we might not have otherwise know about. Maybe they could get somebody from one of the many local markets on the phone. There is so much that heppens in Canberra on the weekend that we never hear about on the radio, and this is 2CC’s chance to grace the airwaves with some of it.

However, the jury is still out on Glen Wheeler’s weekend afternoon show, which so far has not been as entertaining as George Moore and Paul B. Kidd’s afternoon show. It sounds like 2UE are trying to copy the 2GB afternoon formula of having various subject segments scattered throughout the show, which is strange considering that people in general chose George and Paul’s show over the 2GB show. I was very concerned when I turned the radio back on earlier to find that there was a discussion about mothballs and dining rooms between Glen and his guest, who I later found out was Monica Trapaga…I think. It is very concerning when you can listen to a conversation for 3 minutes and still not know what they are going on about.

To that extent, I really think 2CC can take weekends by storm if they move the local programming to the Midday-6pm slot and let George and Paul, who command an audience of their own in the same way John Laws does, take the morning slot. Having a show like the one George and Paul present in the morning will put 2CC in a much better position to tackle ABC Local Radio’s “Macca On Sunday” show, which is a very light conversational show, and bring a whole new level of interesting programming to afternoons.

Sure, keep running Weekend Magazine, even in that timetable I came up with yesterday, give it some interviews with local the people behind the places and events of Canberra, and let George and Paul sail the good ship of radio ratings in the morning.

On reflection I think that having Weekend Magazine at 2PM-4PM and the Travelling Fisherman and the Toyota Outback club at 4PM-5PM would work better than what I said yesterday.

I suppose it is just a matter of waiting and seeing what happens.


3 comments November 5th, 2005 at 03:32pm

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