2CC On Saturday Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

Sunday on 2CC

November 13th, 2005 at 08:00pm

Just when you think sanity has prevailed, you find out that Weekend Magazine is a Saturday only show, so whilst Canberra is saved from Sydney real estate, we are not saved from Sydney Gardening, and considering we have two hours of Canberra gardening in the morning, 2CC could be the new home for horticultural experts. At least we know where to turn when the petunias start talking. On the other hand, why not have another two hour show on 2CC from midday to 2PM on Sunday, perhaps Kevin Woolfe talking about sport, not just the major sporting events, but the local games as well, or maybe Weekend Welshy…catchy title…

Glenn Wheeler is starting to sound pretty good, he seems to have settled in nicely, and is certainly happy at 2UE. I still miss George and Paul, but I guess the 2UE webstream is there if I need it. I’m very unhappy with 2UE for removing George Gibson from weekend New Day Australia and placing Stuart Bocking in his place…strange decision in my view.

On another note, when I turned on the Trading Post this afternoon, I just happened to turn it on at the time when John B1_B5 was on there…interesting coincidence if you ask me!


Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,TV/Radio/Media

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  • 1. John B1_B5  |  November 13th, 2005 at 10:28 pm

    There’s some character called Max who gets his ‘jollies’ by calling people selling stuff on the Trading Post and telling them he’s “on his way” to their place, but never shows up . He did it to me this morning, but I sold the coffee table anyway , har,har .

  • 2. Samuel  |  November 13th, 2005 at 11:05 pm

    That person changes name constantly and does seem to get a kick out of stuffing people around. When I have sold things on the trading post he was Jim and David.

    Glad you sold the table…what about the books? (Was it those radio engineer manuals again?)

  • 3. John B1_B5  |  November 13th, 2005 at 11:55 pm

    No, actually they were old magazines, but nobody seemed to be interested in them .


November 2005

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