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The Sunday Share: Music which has been the theme music for talk radio: Giorgio Moroder

September 22nd, 2024 at 04:34pm

The last time I shared something with you on a Sunday it was a closing theme for Art Bell on his various shows. Well, this week I am continuing that theme with the opening theme from Art Bell’s various shows, most notably Coast To Coast AM which has continued to use the theme despite Art leaving the show many years ago and running various competing shows (which mostly used the same opening theme) after that time.

The piece of music is by Giorgio Moroder and is simply called “Chase” and sometimes mistitled as “The Chase”, while also being the theme to the movie Midnight Express.

Not a night has gone by in US radio for decades where this piece of music hasn’t been broadcast on hundreds of radio stations. One can only imagine the royalty payments which have stemmed from that.


Entry Filed under: The Sunday Share

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