Posts filed under 'TV/Radio/Media'

Christmas on 2UE and 2CC Update

Glenn Wheeler has just announced that he will be on-air on the afternoon of Sunday, December 25. Does this mean that 2UE will maintain a mostly normal schedule on Christmas day? If so, 2CC listeners might just get to hear George and Paul on Christmas morning…I can’t think of a better way to start Christmas! George and Paul would certainly bring a large element of fun to Christmas with their unique and zany style of presentation.

I will probably ring 2UE during the week to find out what they have in store for Christmas.


2 comments December 17th, 2005 at 02:50pm

Carols In The Park

Carols In The Park is on tonight here in Canberra, from about 6PM. The venue is Norwood Park in Gungahlin, entry is free and all proceeds from sales go to charity. For those of you who can’t make it, there will be coverage on Radio 2CC and Foxtel’s Aurora channel.

Mike Frame will be running 2CC’s broadcast, and if you look carefully, you might spot some other 2CC staff in the crowd.

You can find the official guide in this week’s Chronicle, it includes the words to many christmas carols, which will (hopefully) keep the audience on the same words as each other, even if they aren’t in tune! But it is christmas, so it hardly matters if we are in tune.

UPDATE: TURNIP ALERT: Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope will be in attendance and will run the official opening, hopefully he will avoid his trademark political grandstanding and let everyone enjoy their night. Remember Jon, Aurora (Foxtel’s Christian Channel) are replaying this twice on Christmas Day, think about appropriate publicity before you speak, you will have plenty of other, and more appropriate, times for your political views.


2 comments December 17th, 2005 at 10:54am

Mike Jeffreys Goes On Holidays

As 2CC listeners would know, Mike Jeffreys is now on holidays for four weeks, he will return on Monday, January 9 if all goes to plan.

At this stage I am led to believe that Mike Welsh will fill in for Mike Jeffreys on the breakfast show in the coming week, and Mike Frame will fill in for Mike Welsh on the drive show. Mike Welsh is taking the week off between Christmas and New Year, I have no idea what will happen during that week or the weeks after, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear the voices of Mike Frame, Kevin Woolfe and Leigh Zaghet running various shows.

This morning a number of people rang in to wish Mike Jeffreys a merry christmas and a happy new year, I was going to, but only had 80 cents of mobile credit, and left a message for him instead (Thankyou to Kim for passing that on).


December 17th, 2005 at 01:01am

2UE and 2CC on holiday

Anybody who stopped listening to 2UE a few weeks back and started listening again in the last week could have been certain they were listening to a different radio station. 2UE in this time have completely changed the weekend schedule, changed weekend overnight presenter, and more recently sent the entire weekday daylight lineup on holidays, leaving a very different sounding station.

Mike Carlton is replaced by Peter FitzSimons, somebody who regular Sports Today listeners might recognise.

John Laws is replaced by Tim Webster, this will be in force for seven weeks whilst Lawsie takes a break, unlike his last extended break which was due to back surgery, he will probably be paid for this one.

John Stanley is replaced by Murray Olds, which probably indicates that John Mangos was another victim of the recent lineup changes, either being made redundant or choosing to leave. John Mangos no longer appears on the 2UE website, which I think is a loss for 2UE, but it’s good to see that Murray Olds has stayed with them, as he always had a quality show on the weekends.

Steve Price is replaced by Steve Liebmann, the former Channel 9 and “terrorism education advertising” personality who moved to 2UE a couple months ago.

Stan Zemanek isn’t on holidays yet, and it isn’t entirely clear who will fill in when he does go on holidays. Glenn Wheeler filled in the other night when Stan was at the 2UE christmas party, but I can’t see Glenn filling in for Stan AND doing the weekend show…it has happened before though, George Moore did fill in for Lawsie and do his weekend show with Paul B. Kidd quite a few times. Previously Mike Williams would fill in for Stan, but would you want to run seven night shows every week?

If John Kerr goes on holiday I would expect Stuart Bocking to fill in, as has been the role of the weekend New Day Australia presenter for yonks, but then who will fill in on the weekend version?

Then there is Christmas day, a day which often sees the less well known people running shows, but who will be on air this year? Anybody have any suggestions?

2CC will probably have Kevin Woolfe filling in for Mike Jeffreys and Mike Frame filling in for Mike Welsh, with the possibility of Leigh Zaghet filling in on the weekend shows over the Christmas/New Year public holidays and related observances.


7 comments December 10th, 2005 at 05:38pm

New Day Australia Christmas Cruise In Review

Well, this story has been a very long time coming, and I will start it from the tangible starting point, 1PM Wednesday. (Note that this is a long story filled with many pictures, and further articles/comments can be found by scrolling down a very long way, depending on which page you are on).

If you only want to see the photos and videos, you can find the listing here. By clicking on the photos in this post you will be able to view the original large versions, some images (the smaller ones) bring up videos.

It was at this time that I went to bed, having had some lunch (A sausage roll and a coffee), previously in the day I had attended a second job interview with *Removed at request of interviewer* (again, confidentiality agreements, and a mutual trust, prevent me from saying anything). I decided to sleep in the afternoon, so that I wouldn’t have to sleep at night, and therefore could not miss an alarm and then a bus by accident.

My sleep was interrupted at about 2PM when the manager of *removed at request of caller* rang me, I missed the call, but my voicemail kindly informed me that he would call again at 4PM, I promptly turned on the ringer so that it would wake me up. I generally have my phone on silent alert as I find ringtones to be mildly annoying. I went back to sleep and had a couple dreams, the first one involved a nearby carpark, which was flooded in the higher regions with emergency services walking through it, they were discussing how they would remove the flood, and closed access to the carpark. The second dream involved my alarm clock, where the sleep button didn’t turn on the radio for 59 minutes as per usual, but instead made the clock jump forward by one hour and fifteen minutes, I pressed the button twice before deciding there was something wrong.

I was awoken again at 4PM when the manager from *removed at request of caller* rang me to tell me that I was the successful applicant for the position which was available, after this call I went back to sleep.

I woke up again at about 5:30, had a coffee, took Nattie for her walk, had dinner, and set about preparing for my trip. Part of this involved processing my audio cassette playlist, which I manually aligned in Audacity to provide useful and appropriate crossfades.

At some stage I remembered to print out my Murrays Coaches receipt so that I would have my booking number with me for the journey.

Around midnight I gathered two CD-RWs and started burning the single cassette sides to them, to then be taken upstairs for copying to tape. Around 2am I rang 2UE and asked Anastasia (John Kerr’s lovely producer) for a favour, I asked her if she could hand out my 2UE destined christmas cards for me, I even offered to bribe her with a box of chocolates, however she said there was no need for the chocolates and was happy to hand out the cards, she then put me on hold to speak to John Kerr, you can hear my conversation with John Kerr by clicking here.

After this I wrote out the cards, which were for John Kerr, Anastasia, John Laws, John Stanley, Stuart Bocking, Glenn Wheeler & 2UE. After finding the appropriately sized envelopes (I originally had to peel the John Laws label off an incorrect envelope) I labeled them with the recipients name on the front and my name and address on the back. All of the cards contained an individual message for each person. I seem to recall the “All the staff at 2UE” card saying something along the lines of “Your promo is correct, you are everything that radio should be”.

After a somewhat hectic and enjoyable five hours of morning, I decided to prepare my breakfast, this was two croissants and a cup of tea. My attempt at cutting the first croissant in half provided about five unique segments of croissants, I did not attempt to cut the second croissant.

At 5:20 my breakfast was ready and I sat down to eat it, a process which I took slowly and finished at 5:40, at which time I cleaned my teeth and performed more final preparations, and then took a photo of the items which were coming with me.
The items which came with me
At the top of the photo you can see the green bag which carried my items, you can also see a greenish 320 page exercise book which was used for keeping notes, it has a blue pen attached to it, to the top right of that it my radio and one of the 90 minute cassette tapes. Below the book is another 90 minute cassette and a bage containing six spare batteries, four for the camera and two for the radio, I am pleased to announce that none were needed. To the right of that is my Murrays Coaches receipt and my headphones. Working in columns of envelopes, you can see the card for John Laws, John Kerr, John Stanley, Anastatsia, Stuart Bocking, 2UE & Glenn Wheeler.

At 5:55 I left home and started walking to the Jolimont Centre, along the way I took this photo looking down Ainslie Avenue.
Ainslie Avenue

Not long after I took this photo of a hot air balloon. From where I was standing it looked like an innocent yellow balloon, I did not notice the Windows XP markings, lets just hope it doesn’t blue screen…
Windows XP Hot Air Balloon

On my way to the Jolimont Centre I passed the clock opposite Garema Place, which has not been adjusted for daylight saving. The photo was taken at 6:10
Out of date clock

I then proceeded to cross a few roads, including Northbourne Avenue
Northbourne Avenue

After this the Jolimont Centre was in clear view
The Jolimont Centre

It was 6:15 when I arrived at the Jolimont Centre. I decided to have a little stroll around the inside and outside areas, after which I came inside and had a cappuccino at one of the coffee shops, this cost $2.90. I enjoyed the coffee, but tried to avoid seeing the Today show which was being showed on the televisions. I am not a fan of breakfast television.

After this I took my cup back over to the coffee counter and enquired about converting a two dollar coin into 4 x 50 cent pieces. After this I walked back over to the main entrance and took a photo.
Inside the Jolimont Centre

I then walked back outside and placed fifty cents into a payphone as I was saving my mobile phone credit for the afternoon, and rang Mike Jeffreys. It must have been some time after 6:30 but before 6:45 that I had a conversation with him about how nice and peaceful the world is early in the morning, he agreed that it really is a great time of day, even for those who start at 3am each and every day.

Not long after this, boarding of the bus started, I was lucky enough to get the top front seat (all the seats on this coach are on the upper level, as the lower level is the drivers cabin, the luggage and the toilet. This seat gave me perfect views out of the side windows and the front windscreen. I took this photo of the Civic GPO clock.
Civic GPO Clock

Sitting next to me was a rather pleasant Bangladeshy man who was heading back to Bangladesh for a holiday, apparently his family had gone back the weeb before, but he had to attend a conference of some sort. Naturally he was going to get off the bus at the airport.

At 6:59 the bus started to move, and I filmed the departure using the video mode of the camera. In the video you can see the Jolimont Centre, the post office back door, the ramp down to the Novotel carpark, Moore Street and the intersection with Alinga Street.
Departure from Jolimont

Not long after this I got out my heaphones and resumed my 2CC listening (which had ended upon arrival at the Jolimont Centre and continued briefly while I was on hold, waiting to talk to Mike Jeffreys.

At some stage just after the end of Northbourne Avenue I spotted some nice trees and began my series of photographs from a moving vehicle.
Canberra Trees

At 7:12, the foggy areas which Andrew Pye had warned about in his traffic reports became apparent.
More fog

At 7:15 we moved into New South Wales and saw some more fog, most of which we passed by too quickly for me to get any photos of, the clouds of fog below road level were truly fascinating.

At 7:25 we passed the Bywong exit, and at 7:29 there was plenty of distant eerie fog (and cattle).
Eerie fog
Fog and cow

At 7:41 we passed the Collector exit and I was having to adjust the position of my radio to recieve 2CC, at 7:44 the signal became too faint to understand, I could hear the people talking, but it was just pure noise with no way of distinguishing between words and syllables. At this stage I turned off the radio and inserted a cassette tape, it was tape number two, so I stopped it and put tape number one in and started it.

At 7:55 we passed the Yass/Gundagai exit and at 7:57 we passed a railway line which ran parallel to the road for a short time.

8:00 was somewhat interesting, up until now I had ignored the driver’s radio as he had it on various FM music stations which did not interest me, however around this time I could hear the somewhat familiar voice of 2UE newsreader Steve Blanda. Whatever station the driver was listening to were taking a NSW Southern Cross Syndication news feed. I suspended the tape for a few minute while I listened to the news, and then resumed my tape, I couldn’t quite hear what station it was that the driver was listening to, although it wasn’t 2GN, despite our close proximity to Goulburn. We passed the first Goulburn exit at 8am, and the second one at 8:06.

At 8:07 I spotted a sign which informed me that I was 189km from Sydney city (I worked out that it was Sydney city later as these countdown signs were still appearing the Sydney.)

At 8:14 we passed a hidden highway patrol car, helping to keep our roads safe by supervising passing traffic, ready to pounce on naughty drivers.

8:20 saw us pass the Marulan exit.

8:22 was the time which signaled the passing of the RTA Heavy Vehicle Inspection Station, on this occasion an electronic sign informed the bus driver that we did not have to pass through for an inspection.
Return To Highway
RTA Heavy Vehicle Inspection Station

8:32 started off a bit of a mystery, it would appear that somebody removed half of some signs, and left a slightly confusing series. The first sign informed us “next 16 km”, and the sign we passed at 8:36 indicated “next 12km”. I still have no idea what was supposed to be in those distances as there was no real indication. In that 4 minute period we travelled at an average speed of 60km/h. This may have been an uphill section of road, the Scania coaches are reasonably comfortable, but they don’t seem to have as much power as other coaches, and it is very noticeable on uphill portions of road.

8:37 saw us pass the Exeter/Bundanoon exit. I wonder if the Australian Exeter has a racecourse?

8:39 was the Wollongong exit.

At 8:40 a sign informed us that we were 137km from Sydney city, which means that we travelled at an average speed of 94.55km/h since 8:07.

8:44 showed us two signs, one for the Berrima exit, and the other signalling the start of the freeway.

At 8:47 a sign said that we were 125km from Sydney City, meaning that we had travelled at an average speed of 102.86km/h since 8:40 and 96km/h since 8:07

8:48 was the first of a series of very tall, very windy and very scary bridges. This might be an appropriate time to mention my fear of very high heights, this bridge was scarier than most however, as it was being supported by scaffolding, thankfully the bridge was only shortish. A few moments later we passed a Murrays bus going in the other direction.

8:52 brought us a sign saying “Wombats next 16km”.

8:53 brought us the mittagong exit.

8:54 was an appropriate time for the “Wombats next 12km” sign, which indicates that we travelled at an average speed of 120km/h since 8:52. I suspect that we may have passed the first sign closer to 8:51 and the second one closer to 8:55, which would provide an average speed of 60km/h. It must have been somehwere in between those figures. We also passed another tall bridge at this time.

8:56 brought yet another tall bridge.

8:59 provided the Yerrinbool exit.

9:00 was the time at which I saw the sign saying that were only 102km from Sydney, which means that we travelled at an average speed of 106.15km/h since 8:47, 105km/h since 8:40 and 98.49km/h since 8:07.

At 9:05 the road formed an overpass over the railway line, where a train was passing.

9:06 produced the Bargo exit.

9:07 produced a sign saying that it is 90km to Sydney, meaning that we had travelled at an average speed of 102.86km/h since 9:00, 105km/h since 8:47, 104.44km/h since 8:40 & 99km/h since 8:07.

9:14 produced the tallest and windiest bridge, which forced me to grit my teeth and hang on to the seat.

9:15 informed us that we were 78km from Sydney city, meaning that we had travelled at an average speed of 90km/h since 9:07, 96km/h since 9:00, 100.71km/h since 8:47, 101.14km/h since 8:40 & 97.94km/h since 8:07.

9:18 saw us pass the Napean River (something I’m sure we did about five times).

9:24 provided a “60km to Sydney city” sign and a “welcome to Sydney” sign, which means we had travelled at an average speed of 120km/h since 9:15, 105.88km/h since 9:07, 105km/h since 9:00, 105.40km/h since 8:47, 105km/h since 8:40 & 100.52km/h since 8:07. This was also the time when the tape ended and I was able to pick up 2UE and the John Laws Morning Show very clearly.

At 9:29 I heard a 2UE traffic report which said that a bus had hit a pedestrian on Elizabeth Street, which made me start thinking about the traffic in the city.

At 9:31 we passd the Robert Northey Bridge

Most of the bridges looked similar to this one.
Sydney Bridges

At 9:33 a sign informed us that we had only 45km to Sydney City, indicating that we had travelled at an average speed of 100km/h since 9:24, 110km/h since 9:15, 103.85km/h since 9:07, 103.64km/h since 9:00, 104.35km/h since 8:47, 96.84km/h since 8:40 & 100.47km/h since 8:07.

At 9:38 I decided to film some Sydney traffic, but instead found myself filming “Bus Fear Syndrome” where car drivers just can’t handle the thought of a bus overtaking them. Watch the white car as it disappears, and then reappears in view.
Bus Fear Syndrome

Just after this I discovered an M5 tollway sign.
M5 Tollway fees
E-Tags and Cash

At 9:52 we went into the M5 Tunnel, the first picture shows the entrance with some reflection of myself in the windscreen, whilst the second picture shows the tunnel with a slight blur.
M5 Tunnel entrance
M5 Tunnel

At 9:58 we arrived at the airport and I took a photo of a Singapore Airlines sign, stating that they are the first with the Airbus A380, despite appearances, it was not raining.
Singapore Airlines

At this time the nice Bangladeshy man left to catch his plane, and the bus departed the airport at 10:00. This enabled me to take this photo

As we got further away from the airport I was able to take a better photo of some planes.
More aeroplanes

Just before we entered a tunnel I got a photo of a control tower
Control Tower

After a while, 10:12 to be exact, we hit a fair bit of Sydney traffic heading into the Eastern Distributor, whilst the photo shows the traffic well, the video shines a whole new light on it.
Traffic Video

At 10:22 I arrived at Central Station, and met a correspondent who interviewed me (and subsequently took some of my answers out of context, exaggerated others and plain made up a couple over at The Spin Starts Here, I will forgive him though as he did pay for the coffee. For those of you who are wondering, I decided that Central Station is a good relatively safe public place for a meeting, plus it would be handy to have a local who could inform me of train movements and other street locations.
Central Station with Train
Central Station Eddy Avenue

The correspondent did do a good job of finding a nice place to have coffee, it was a little asian cafe on Eddy Avenue. Sometime just after 11am we headed for trains, as he had to catch the train that would ultimately go to Circular Quay anyway. I purchased a $4 (approx) return ticket, he purchased a ticket of some description, and then we headed upstairs to the trains. This is a picture which was taken with his camera by another person waiting for a train.
Samuel and correspondent at Central Station

The train arrived, it was one of Sydney’s newer trains.
Inside a newish Sydney train
As you can probably see at the other end of the carriage, I was in carriage N1503. These new trains have a very nice feature which tells you which station is next (or in some cases which one you are at), we were still at Central Station when I took this photo.

In this photo you can see the station display at my end of the carriage. It is clearly not designed for viewing from right in front of it. The station listed is “Wynyard”. You can also see some information stickers and the carriage number.
Sydney Train Station Display

After getting off the train at Circular Quay at 11:25 I took two photos of it, in the first one you can see the doors I got out of the train through, and in the second one you can see the carrriage number of the carriage which I was in.
Sydney Train
Sydney Train

After this I watched the train depart, and the walked to the other side of the platform and took a photo of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Sydney Harbour Bridge as seen from Circular Quay

Then one of the Opera House.
Sydney Opera House as seen from Circular Quay

After this I found the stairs which took me downstairs to ground level, found my way out and asked one of the friendly City Rail staff how I would go about getting to the Opera House. I went the way she suggested and then found myself at the Opear House, not knowing where the Manor Wharf Steps were I walked clockwise around the Opera House and couldn’t find them. Half way around I stopped to take off my jumper in the warm weather, this was the first of a few occasions where I felt like someone might become suspicious of me, as I had placed my green bag on the ground, along with a black device (my radio). Shortly after this I continued walking and asked one of the security guards where to go and they pointed me in the right direction.
Sydney Opera House as seen from the Manor Wharf steps

There were quite a few people at the steps, another cruise (which appeared to be a business function) took off before our cruise did, much to the confusion of many people. Eventually the Lady Rose turned up, just after midday.
The Lady Rose

Whilst the 200 or so people were queuing to board the boat, some skywriting was going on overhead for Ozjet, a recently started airline.
Ozjet Skywriting

Once on board it was a scramble of sorts for seating in the two diding rooms, I ended up in the upper dining room, with a lovely group of people at one of the many nice tables. Before getting to my seat , I managed to meet John Kerr, who was very cheerful.

Not long after being seated, John Kerr and some of the boat’s staff made announcements, including the fact that we would be able to go the the buffet on a table by table basis. Whilst at the buffet, John Kerr came around with the lucky door prize tickets, my ticket was “Red C 86” and my lunch consisted of two types of pasta, chicken, salad, potato, salami squares and a bread roll. I also had some water with this.

Not long after lunch started we had to turn back and pick someone up who had managed to miss the boat, apparently they rang 2UE who then made contact with someone (John Kerr, Anastasia or All Occasion Cruises). Once we had picked them up we took off again, and I managed to get some nice photos.
Harbour Activity
Harbour Activity

Sydney Skyline
Sydney Skyline

Sydney Harbour Bridge
Another Sydney Harbour Bridge photo

The Wallenius Wilhelmsen
The Wallenius Wilhelmsen

AMP Tower and the Westpac Building
AMP Tower and the Westpac Building

The Pacific Princess
The Pacific Princess

The ANZAC Bridge
The ANZAC Bridge

The ANZAC Bridge
Another picture of the ANZAC Bridge

After this, as I had finished my lunch, I got up and went outside, where I continued to take photos. Here we have the sign on the ANZAC Bridge

Not long after this I spotted Channel Ten
Channel Ten

After this we docked at a place which may have been the All Occasion Cruises HQ (considering it had a bunch of their other boats anchored I would presume it was), here the staff recieved the afternoon tea. Whilst we were stopped I took a photo of the Lady Rose sign.
Lady Rose

After we took off again I took a photo of the wash left behind by the Lady Rose

As we approached the ANZAC Bridge again I took a photo of the flag on top, flying proudly in the wind.
Australian Flag on ANZAC Bridge

After this we went under a small bridge which I filmed part of.
Video of the Lady Rose going under a bridge

I then decided that I had enough photos for now, and put the camera away in it’s carry case, but within reach in case there was something to take a photo of. Eventually I found John Kerr and asked him if I could get a photo with him, he said yes, and went to find Anastasia to take the photo, we found her on the upper “sun deck”, and one of the other people on the boat offered to take the photo, which turned out very nicely. The photo is, from left to right, John Kerr, Anastasia & myself. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is conveniently in the background.
John Kerr, Anastasia & Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Obviously, a lot of socialising occurred, but I did manage to get a photo of the sun deck of the Lady Rose (You can see Anastasia in this photo).
Lady Rose Sun Deck

The next photo was of the Rivercat, which passed us numerous times during the afternoon at a speed which was much faster than our speed.

In this picture of a bridge you can see some clouds in the distance, whilst it clouded over a little bit where I was, I didn’t experience the storm which lashed parts of Sydney.
Bridge and clouds

By this stage there was plenty of dancing going on in the lower (and larger) dining room. Here we have a video of some of the dancing to the song “Love Is In The Air”. If my memory serves me correctly then the man on the right of the preview image (light shirt, dark hair) is Joseph.
Dancing to Love Is In The Air

On many occasions we were passed by a helicopter.

There was a sign at one stage which said “No Wash Zone”.
No Wash Zone

We also passed a number of waterfront houses.
Sydney Waterfront Housing
Sydney Waterfront Housing
The second house is actually a fair way back from the water, but it does have a very clear view of the water.

After this it was presentation and afternoon tea time, and when I went down into the lower deck John Kerr was giving a little speech in which he mentioned a few notable people, including the lovely Georgie (who regular readers may remember from a dream I had a while back). I managed to take a photo of her, she truly is a lovely lady.

John Kerr & Anastasia started drawing out raffle winners, I didn’t win, but somebody cracked a political correctness joke in the middle of it after John announced that a black ticket had won a prize, from that point on we had “coloured” tickets. This was the first on-boat photo where a flash would have been useful, but I didn’t use it, and ended up with a somewhat blurry and dark photo. On the left you can see Anastasia holding a raffle ticket, John Kerr talking into a microphone, and behine them in the redish shirt is Sammy The Cabbie.
John Kerr, Anastasia & Sammy The Cabbie

As per the buffet spirit, the afternoon tea (and coffee…and cake) was a serve yourself affair. I had two pieces of chocolate cake and a cup of coffee. I managed to take this photo of the cake before it was demolished.
Chocolate Cake

After afternoon tea I went back up to the top deck and had another brief chat with John Kerr, before taking a photo of another bridge.
Another Sydney Bridge

Then I set about filming the wash from the boat and some of the other boats.
Video from a boat in Sydney

I then went downstairs and got a better video of the wash from the boat.
Lady Rose Wash

Of course, there was more dancing, this time we have a video of people dancing to “See You Later Alligator”.
Dancing to See You Later Alligator

At this stage it was around 3:15 and I realised that it was time to ring Mike Welsh, having specifically made sure I would have mobile phone credit available for the call. Mike Welsh did his John Kerr impersonation which made us both laugh. I think Welshy was being sarcastic when he asked me to say hello to John for him, but I did it anyway. John Kerr could only just hear me over the music.

A couple more photos which I got just after the phone call (we were nearing the main harbour again) were this one of a small boat towing a big boat.
Small boat towing big boat

This one of the Sydney Skyline
Sydney Skyline

And this one of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Sydney Harbour Bridge

Just after that, somebody offered to take a photo of myself and the bridge.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart and the Sydney Harbour Bridge

After this I got two photos of a train crossing the bridge. (It is to the left in the second one).
Train on Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney Harbour Bridge with Train

After this I went back inside and got a photo of John Kerr having a dance and a chat.
John Kerr dancing and chatting

He was obviously having a great time, as is shown in this video of him having a dance, the song “Love Boat” can be heard in the background.
John Kerr having a great time having a dance

Georgie also got a dance, which really touched my heart. This video just makes me feel so happy, and always manages to bring a tear to my eye. Georgie really does look like she is very happy. This one contains the song “He’ll have to go”.
Georgie dancing

This was pretty much the end of the cruise, John Kerr made an announcement, and mentioned that he would love to have us call him to tell him what we thought of the cruise and how wonderful the people at All Occasion Cruises are. Just before he went to greet everyone as they left the Lady Rose, he stopped for me to take a photo of him. He gave me a big smile and even the thumbs up, although I only asked for a big smile so I didn’t notice the thumbs up until long after taking the photo.
John Kerr

After leaving the Lady Rose, I was about to take a photo if her when one of the 200 or so people offered to take a photo of me standing in front of the Lady Rose. It would appear that I put on a “TV weatherman” pose without even noticing it. If you look carefully you will spot Anastasia on the upper deck of the Lady Rose.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart and the Lady Rose

After this I took a photo of the Lady Rose myself.
The Lady Rose

At this time it was 3:55 and I decided to walk back to Central Station via Macquarie and Elizabeth Streets. Along the way I remembered something which my earlier correspondent had said about Martin Place being near Macquarie Street, so I decided that I would visit that area and look at the Channel 7 studios. Along the way I asked a city ranger how to get to Martin Place, she was lovely and gave me directions and a big smile. I walked down to Martin Place and spotted the Channel 7 building, and then the Seven News Studio, this was 4:10.

The first photo contained a fair bit of reflection, but you can see the studio fairly clearly.
Seven News Studio

The second photo was much clearer. The screen behind the desk is showing a live feed from a camera near Sydney Harbour.
Seven News Studio

I then made the shocking and astonishing discovery that the Today Tonight studio is in the same room, and just left of, the Seven News studio. In the lower right of the picture you can see a screen showing the Today Tonight logo.
Today Tonight Studio

Even more amazing was that the Sunrise studio is also in the same room. You can also see the “Green Screen” (which was changed from a blue screen, possibly due to people being less likely to wear lime green) which is used for weather reports etc. Next time you have a chance to watch Seven News from Sydney, take note of how the newsreader and weather presenter look across the room at each other.
Sunrise and Green Screen Studio

Sometimes the green screen is used to make somebody look like they are on location when they are not, a few weeks back I saw once such example where it was live, and the person was wearing the same colour as the screen, which made the whole thing very obvious. You don’t have many real on location events where you can see through a tie shaped hole in a person. I can’t remember what station I saw it on though, I don’t think it was Seven.

During the ten minutes or so that I was standing around, a few people walked through the studio, preparing for the 4:30 news. They are obviously used to people taking photos of the studio and looking at it, each and every one of these people waved and/or smiled.

I also managed to get a photo of the news and programming tickers outside the Channel 7 building.
Channel 7 building tickers

And a photo of the Seven logo.
Channel Seven logo on Channel Seven building

After leaving that area at 4:20, I walked along Macquarie Street and passed a TV commercial filming at the end of the street, followed by the Elizabeth Street David Jones store.
David Jones Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street leads right down to Central Station and as such has a lot of buses, but this many? This was only part of the never ending stream of them…I found myself saying “bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus” as I noticed them passing by.
Buses on Elizabeth Street

After walking down Elizabeth Street for a while I decided to catch a train back to Central Station. I started rummaging around in my bag for my ticket, but decided this looked suspicious and walked outside to find it, this probably looked even more suspicious as I still had my radio with me, listening to the Steve Price Drive Show on 2UE (which I had been doing since leaving the Opera House). I eventually found my ticket and put my radio away. I only just managed to avoid somebody handing out one of those strange “Green Left Weekly” type of newspapers. If they want to save trees, they can start by not prining that mass nonsense.

After walking down a poorly tiled tunnel and arriving at a platform, I heard an announcement say that the train at platform 1 would take me straight to Central Station, despite the sign saying that it would visit the other side of Sydney first. I boarded the train, which was one of Sydney’s older trains with fold up seats and took a photo (if people weren’t already suspicious, they were now). I was in carriage 3911.
Inside Sydney Train Carriage 3911

Looking out the window I was convinced I was going the wrong way as I re-passed Hyde Park. I was worried enough without the train stopping for one reason or another for about three minutes, before taking off again.

Eventually I arrived at Central Station, in a very relieved state. I took a photo.
Central Station

The security camera which can be seen at the top left of the picture had me concerned as I had put down my bag and taken out a camera in a rather unusual photography position. Thankfully I was not approached by Security.

I passed through the ticket reading gate, which swallowed my ticket as it was now invalid. Whilst this solves litter problems, it prevented me from keeping the ticket as a souvenier. The CityRail staff member gave me an odd look as I passed through the gate looking saddened by the loss of the ticket and grumbling under my breath about it.

I was in need of a coffee, so I went upstairs to the cafe near the interstate railway lines. I noticed that it is licenced premises, which is no longer an issue for me, although I do recall a restuarant in Dickson letting me in, despite their licenced status, when I was 16, I did not attempt to consume alcohol on that occasion, and didn’t even realise it was licenced premises until I spotted the sign in the window.

I ordered a cappuccino from the Central Station cafe and noticed Seven News on the televisions, live from the previously photographed studios. Here is a photo of my drink.
My Cappuccino

After my drink I made use of the internet kiosk. It wasn’t until it didn’t work properly that I noticed it was using Internet Explorer…but it was a Bigpond kiosk, and they would use Internet Explorer wouldn’t they. In all my time with Internet Kiosks the is the first one I have ever had a problem with, and it is also the first one which hasn’t used Mozilla Navigator or Mozilla Firefox.

After this I took a photo of Central Station’s nice upstairs area (near the interstate lines).
Central Station

I also took a photo of the information screens.
Sydney Rail Information Screens

After this I went downstairs to Eddy Avenue where the Murrays Coach was waiting, unfortunately it had a flat battery and wouldn’t start.
Murrays Coach MO-73

We did manage to get underway at 6:02, which I filmed.
Coach leaves Central Station
Unfortunately we were stopped by a red light, which limited the usefulness of the video.

Due to fading light I didn’t take many notes of the journey to Canberra, but we did pass the airport at 6:24 (no stop though). I did spot a Fed Ex jet.
We entered the M5 Tunnel at 6:27 and the Hume Hwy at 6:58.

At 7:01 I lost the 2UE signal, it had been fading for a bit before that, but we passed a few powerlines which improved the signal. I started Tape 2 at 7:03.

At 7:42 we passed an unusual sign, it looked like an overpass with a big red strike through it, the writing said “Next 2KM”. Was this really telling us there were no overpasses for 2KM, when we hadn’t seen an overpass for a while anyway? Very odd.

At 7:43 we passed a Murrays Coach heading in the other direction.

At 8:04 we reached the RTA Heavy Vehicle Inspection Centre, where we were aksed to pull over for a checkup. The bus weighed 23.2 Tonnes, however there were also a dozen or so police cars with sniffer dogs present, who went and searched the bags in the luggage compartment, I stopped my tape for the duration of this.
Police cars at RTA Heavy Vehicle Inspection Centre
Police cars at RTA Heavy Vehicle Inspection Centre
Despite the photos, it was actually very dark outside, but the camera dealt with that by leaving the shutter open for nearly ten seconds, which is why there are funny red and white streaks from car lights.

Three passengers were called off the bus to open their bags, which turned out not to be containing anything illegal. I suspect that the police had a tipoff of some sort, now that I think of it, I hope it wasn’t somebody informing them of my photo taking activities in a hyped up manner. After about 21 minutes we were underway again.

When my tape finished I went to pick up Canberra radio, but failed, and at one stage picked up South Coast local ABC, and at another, was very surprised to pick up 4BC Brisbane and some golden oldies station from Victoria. Eventually I as able to pick up 2CC (when I pointed the radio the right way) and listened to that for the duration of the journey. We arrived at the Jolimont Centre at about 9:45.

When I got off the bus, there was no sign of my parents and Nattie, so I rushed off to the toilet. Whilst I was washing my hands the bus driver came in and I said thst it was good to be back in Canberra, to which he said something about faulty sniffer dogs. After leaving the toilet I noticed my parents and Nattie arriving. Nattie was very pleased to see me, and I went home and had dinner.

After this I replied to some emails I had recieved, and sent one to John Kerr, as I was too tired to ring him. He may have read it out, but I didn’t hear it, he did however send me a reply on Sunday afternoon.

Also on Sunday afternoon I noticed that I hadn’t given Anastasia the christmas card for Lawsie, so I’ll mail that today (Monday).

My trip was a very good one, and the cruise was absolutley brillian and fantastic, I have the upmost admiration for the people at All Occasion Cruises. The trip back wasn’t quite as good, but overall I had a really great time.

Whilst on the cruise, Anastasia said that I should drop by the 2UE studios next time I’m in Sydney at night, so I will arrange my next leave from work to be at a time when John and Anastasia aren’t on leave, so that I can drop in and say hello, and depending on how tired I am, stay for a while to watch the show unfold.

I will certainly try to get to more of the wonderful New Day Australia functions, they are truly a “hoot”.

UPDATE Monday evening: I rang John Kerr last night and had a good chat with him, and a good off-air chat with Anastasia. The conversation with John Kerr, which was interrupted by the news and “Flicks And Things”, can be heard here.


15 comments December 5th, 2005 at 12:30am

New Day Australia Christmas Function News

This will be the final post before I head off this morning, infact, you might not hear back from me until tomorrow. As you may be aware, I should be at the Opera House by 11:30am, be boarding the Lady Rose at midday, and be back on land by 4pm (again at the Opera House).

This here is a live view from a webcam overlooking Sydney Harbour
Sydney Harbour LIVE!

You can actually gain control of this camera for two minutes by visiting

Canon also have a webcam with a similar control system on top of their building, the difference with it being that you can literally zoom in on a car licence plate, so you could try and spot me at the Opera House with it. For the Canon Webcam visit

Next up we have a lovely weatherzone button with the current temperature, time and wind in Sydney, clicking on it will take you to a more detailed weatherzone page.

The bureau of meteorology have this to say about Sydney weather, issued at 4:30am

Humid. A few showers and afternoon or evening thunderstorms. Light west to northwest winds turning light to moderate north to northeast.

I should have lots of photos and writing about the cruise and my trip on this site sometime on Friday.

Finally, I spoke with John Kerr this morning at about 2:25am, click here to hear our conversation.


8 comments December 1st, 2005 at 04:52am

2UE & 2CC Updates

As you may be aware, in recent weeks I have made some comments (both good and bad) about the changes to 2UE and 2CC weekend schedules. I think the presenters have been on for long enough now for me to make some considered and calculated statements.

Firstly, Glenn Wheeler, I still miss George and Paul, but I am really getting to like Glenn, for the most part his show is entertaining and fun, I’m not so sure that the 5:30 trading post segment is such a good idea though, firstly you can’t fit a full and worthwhile trading post into half an hour, and secondly we already have one from 10am-12am in Canberra, so we don’t need a second one. I’m also not convinced that Canberra needs a whole two hours of Sydney centric gardening advice from 12pm-2pm when we already have our own local gardening show from 7am-9am. I really think we should have local programming from 12pm-2pm on both days of the weekend.

Next up, Weekend Magazine with Mike Frame. Smart Move 2CC, this has become a very entertaining and useful addition to the 2CC schedule, now if you could also run it on Sunday in the place of Sydney Gardening then the listeners will thank you.

Mike Williams. Mike was always good filling in on weeknights, and I’m glad he has a night show. A good adaption of previous formats with a fresh presenter, a very clever decision from 2UE.

Stuart Bocking. He took a couple mornings to settle in, but Stuart now has his own unique grip on the weekend version of New Day Australia. It has been obvious for a while that 2UE were moving Stuart, mainly due to his apparent absence from the John Laws show, and the rumors that he was moving to New Day back in June. Stuart has found a good home, and is a very worthy replacement for Geoge Gibson, whom I wish “all the best” in his retirement.

2UE seem to have a pretty solid lineup for the summer period when regular presenters take some time off. Tim Webster filling in for Lawsie (Lawsie is going to have seven weeks off), John Mangos filling in for John Stanley. Steve Liebmann will be lurking, probably filling in for Steve Price, and Murray Olds is still there, so he will probably be a summer fillin as well.

The question that I must pose is about Christmas day. With all the lineup changes at 2UE, who will be doing Christmas day? I highly doubt that Stuart Bocking will be on the afternoon shift that he had last year…quite a mystery!

Overall I am mostly pleased with the current lineups on 2CC & 2UE, but with an extra two hours of local programming on 2CC on Sunday I would be virtually delighted.


1 comment November 29th, 2005 at 09:42pm

Thunder, power failures and loopy emergency tapes.

There is something very wrong with the electricity infrastructure in the Canberra suburb of Mitchell, where 2CC and 2CA broadcast from. Mitchell, it would seem, suffers from the most blackouts of any part of Canberra, which is very odd considering that Michell must use a huge amount of electricity and would be one of ActewAGL’s main revenue sources. Todays outage is understandble as there has been a large amount of thunderstorm activity around Canberra, but it has been known to go out in Mitchell at random from time to time.

Today, for the first time since my journey to Erindale to see the 2CC Kingswood, I had the strange “wince-and-pleasure” of hearing some alphabetical love song (presumably from the late 40’s or early 50’s) which forms part of the 2CC emergency tape. This was due to a power failure in Mitchell which caused the 2CC and 2CA studios to lose power, and the emergency tapes which are presumably off site to kick in. Last time I heard the Alphabet song it was due to a power failure. The 2CC emergency tape is cleverly constructed to have an ad break at the start which runs long enough to cover most ad break failures (and give general outages long enough to recover), this is followed by “Down Memory Lane” which is a purpose built program filled with a large array of music, including the light and bubbly alphabet song which has a habit of getting into your head…A you’re adorable B you’re so beautiful…

2CA on the other hand a slightly more unusual emergency tape. It starts with a station ID which they stopped using two or three years ago, it then launches into The Rolling Stones “Brown Sugar”. Unfortunately, there seems to be excess noise between the studio and the tape which makes it cut out, wait 15 seconds and start again, effectively driving people insane. 2CC’s emergency tape also started repeating itself at one stage, but nowhere near as often as 2CA who were on the first song for most of the 20 minutes.

The power outage did acheive one thing, it more or less removed the sydney-centric “Radio Trading Post” segment of the Glenn Wheeler Weekend Afternoon show. That segment, along with Sydney Gardening, might be useful in Sydney, but they provide a monotonous experience for Canberra listeners who have already heard hours of similar programs in the morning. Overall I enjoy Glenn’s show, but I don’t think the 2 hours of Sydney gardening or the half hour of Sydney Trading Post is terribly relevant in Canberra.

John B1_B5 also reported hearing 2CC lose Sydney programming between 4:45 and 4:55 and play music in the comments here. I don’t know whether this has to do with electricity problems or satellite failures as I didn’t hear it for myself. I’ll assume it was a satellite failure in this timetable of events below.

  • 4:45 2UE feed goes down, local music program begins
  • 4:55 2UE feed returns, Sydney programming resumes
  • 5:30 Power failure in Mitchell, emergency tape plays
  • 5:50 Power restored, Sydney programming resumes. (With unusual beeping noises)
  • 5:57 Music (not emergency tape) starts whilst Sydney programming stops (unexpected sydney ad break perhaps?)
  • 6:00 Music fades as Sydney news begins…

Since 6PM things have been fine, lets hope they stay that way.

People might think that emergency tapes are boring, but really they have to be one of the most interesting things on radio, because you usually don’t know what’s going to happen next, will the program continue? Will the normal programming come back? And depending on the length of the outage, what happens when the tape reaches the end?


5 comments November 26th, 2005 at 06:26pm

Samuel on “The Best Of The John Laws Week”

Every Friday morning around 11:30 John Laws plays a half hour segment which is composed of highlights of his show during the week. Usually I would hear this segment as it goes live to air, however I was busy today at that time as I had a meeting with one of my correspondents (Thankyou, I enjoyed our little meeting, the coffee was very nice). I avoided recording the segment as it is usually placed on the John Laws website within 24 hours of it going to air.

As you may recall, on Monday (November 21) I spoke with John Laws about Nguyen Tuong Van, I was only one of many who did so this week, including many open line callers, many emailers and plenty of politicians. I was quite contented knowing that I had spoken with Lawsie, and that I have my own personal momento of his show, so imagine my surprise when I went to listen to the Best Of Laws segment and found that my call had made it into the opening overview of the week, and then into the segment about Van Nguyen. Not only this, but it was also the only open line caller or emailer to make it into Best Of Laws. I must say that I feel somewhat privileged to have made it into the Best Of Laws segment, and so I must thank John Laws and his production team for using my call.

I’ve cut down the mp3 to the relevant sections from Best Of Laws, and you can hear it by clicking here.

Alternatively you can hear Best Of Laws by going to and clicking on the link.


4 comments November 25th, 2005 at 10:20pm

2CC At The Retirement And Lifestyle Expo

The Retirement And Lifestyle Expo did appear to be very interesting, there wasn’t much there that was relevant or useful for myself, but those who are looking to retire soon or have already retired will find it interesting and find plenty of useful information. At one stage I could hear Denise Drysdale performing but I did not actually see her.

I did say that I would have some photos, I didn’t get as many as I was hoping for due to the fact that I don’t really want to take too many photos of the people involved, and I’m sure they don’t need me taking a few zillion photos. I stayed for about 45 minutes, but it is understandably off putting having spectators, there is a large difference between public speaking and radio broadcasting. It is much easier to forget that you are talking to a lot of people when you are in a studio, when you have spectators it does become a bit more difficult as the “public speaking issue” comes into it.

Anyway, I took two photos, the first one showing the studio at the exhibition.
2CC Outside Broadcast Studio

And there is one of Mike Welsh’s first interview of the afternoon, this photo is badly out of focus due to a mistake on my behalf. This camera is new to me and I really need to read the instruction manual properly. My experience with it so far indicates that it focusses better with a flash, but a flash is very off putting when broadcasting and I didn’t want to cause any problems.
2CC Outside Broadcast Interview

If you happen to be at the retirement expo over the weekend, you should be able to drop by and say hello or wave to David Young and Mike Frame, I’m sure they will be happy to say hello or wave back.


4 comments November 25th, 2005 at 04:55pm

I’m off to the retirement expo

Alrighty then, time for me to head off to Exhibition Park to see the 2CC Outside Broadcast (which is actually indoors, but what else can you call it when you use the “OB” abbreviation?)

You can expect photos soon!


1 comment November 25th, 2005 at 01:59pm

More Retirement Expo Info

This will be my final Retirement Expo weather report, you can easily follow the weather on the “Canberra Weather” section of the sidebar. The images act as links to the full weather report.

I will be there tommorow from a bit before 3pm until about 4pm, I will be most interested to see how 2CC manage this, will they have the caller names on a screen at the Retirement Expo or will someone in the 2CC studio at Hoskins St inform the presenters of caller names. If it is the latter, that could become messy during The Trading Post.

2CC will be broadcasting from stand 159, whioch can be found on this map here. It would appear that this will be a fairly prominent position just to the left of the entrance.

Mike Welsh just said that 2CC will be there on Sunday as well, a full weekend of 2CC at the retirement expo is quite a clever move in my view.

2CC are going to be promoting themselves to their target demographic, without any opposition from their direct competitiors over at the ABC.

Anyway, weather for Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
Friday: Possible Thunderstorm 12-22
Saturday: Showers 12-23
Sunday: Showers 8-19
Thankfully the Retirement Expo is indoors!


2 comments November 24th, 2005 at 05:06pm

Retirement, Thunderstorms and Outside Broadcasts

Looking at the weather report for the Canberra Retirement Expo, I am somewhat convinced that Capital Radio Network Outside Broadcasts (which in this case are defined as “any broadcast by a Capital Radio Network station which takes place from a location other than a Capital Radio Network building”) attract thunderstorms. Take a look at the current weather report (at time of posting) for the retirement expo.
Weather Report for the retirement expo
Image courtesy of The Weather Company
As you can see, the two days on which 2CC are broadcasting from the expo, thunderstorms are predicted. Yesterday the weather report was for thunderstorms on only one of those days, but as it draws closer, more storms are expected.

This may seem like a coincidence, but I clearly recall a 2CA outside broadcast at Floriade a few years back where thunder was clearly audible over the airwaves. It was actually fun comparing the time that I hear the thunder at home and the time it came over the radio.

Mike Welsh, who will be at the Retirement Expo on Friday thinks I’m “drawing a long bow”, and he is probably right, but it is an interesting coincidence.

In other related news, whilst I was having lunch in Dickson, 2CC’s Mike Frame (who heard me on the John Laws show the other morning and will be at the Retirement Expo on Saturday) was walking past and stopped to say hello before going off to play lawn bowls. I remember playing lawn bowls as a school activity in year 8, it was good fun, and it truly is a sport which I would highly recommend.


23 comments November 23rd, 2005 at 06:24pm

Frasier Grand Finale Tonight

Tonight at 7:30 the final episode ever of Frasier will go to air on Channel 9. A full 90 minutes of Frasier hilarity, I can’t wait, this will undoubtedly be one of the best moments of TV this year.

I will probably provide some sort of summary after the show, but we’ll just wait and see what happens.

Frasier, you will be remembered forever.


9 comments November 22nd, 2005 at 05:35pm

Samuel on the John Laws Morning Show

This morning I had the great pleasure of talking with the king of Radio, Mr. John Laws, the conversation was to do with Nguyen Tuong Van who is due to be hanged in Singapore in a couple weeks.

I must say I was very impressed with the short amount of time it took to get through to Lawsie. When I started ringing at about 10:50 the open line number, 13 13 32, was engaged, so I kept trying. It was about 10:55 when I did get through, and I ended up speaking with Lawsie at about 11:07 after the news and Lawsie reading some emails.

I had the radio setup to record the event, but in my haste (and I can’t really check these things when I’m on hold) the volume of the radio was a bit too loud, resulting in some clipping of the digital recording. It is still perfectly legible, just not perfect.

Anyway, you can hear my conversation with John Laws by clicking here, it goes for about a minute and a half.


9 comments November 21st, 2005 at 12:05pm

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