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The Radio I Was Going On About

September 3rd, 2005 at 07:15pm

As you may recall from somewhere in the middle of last night’s lengthy story, I got a “new” radio yesterday.

It’s not exactly new as it is older than I am, but it is new to me, and I like it.

Due to some camera issues I was unable to take a photo of it, and instead I have found one on the internet of another one which has had more wear and tear than my one.

Sony Walkman WM-F57 Picture From The Web

From the site I found the picture on comes this brief history of my WM-F57 Sony Walkman

1986. What the…? For years, Sony marketed the Wakman as a personal stereo experience until this one. The WM-F57 was outfitted with a tiny speaker elmininating the need for headphones. This model shares the same chassis as the WM-F77, my favorite Sony Walkman of all time. It has auto-reverse, local/dx FM sensitivity switch.

Well, I have always had a bit of a fascination with older radios, and to find one that was the first walkman to ever have an inbuilt speaker, and to be one of the few models (based on my research) with a multi-directional cassette tape player lacking mechanical problems makes me very proud.

Older radios have a certain charm to them, and my one is no exception.


Entry Filed under: Samuel News,TV/Radio/Media

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