Posts filed under 'Entertainment'

Wrong Wrong Wrong

This, according to Windows Media Player is the track listing of Paul McCartney’s “All The Best” album.

Track Listing of Paul McCartney's All The best according to Windows Media Player

The actual track listing is as follows:
1. Jet
2. Band On The Run
3. Coming Up
4. Ebony And Ivory
5. Listen To What The Man Said
6. No More Lonely Nights
7. Silly Love Songs
8. Let ‘Em In
9. C Moon
10. Pipes Of Peace
11. Live And Let Die
12. Another Day
13. Once Upon A Long Ago
14. Say Say Say
15. My Love
16. We All Stand Together
17. Mull Of Kintyre

It got the picture and album right, but the rest…would “oops” be the right description?


23 comments March 5th, 2007 at 01:20pm

The number one reason that the Sci Fi Channel can’t cancel Stargate SG1

We might need them in 2036…according to New Scientist magazine Apophis, a nasty alien that SG1 killed, has come back to life (I hate it when aliens manage that) as an asteroid, and is headed straight for earth…well there’s a 1 in 45,000 chance of him hitting earth and wiping out half the planet.

Thankfully SG1 have experience in diverting asteroids, so this should be pretty easy for them. On the off chance that they get it wrong, or they’re not around to help, “experts” want the UN to come up with a “protocol”…well, that should be more than enough make Apophis shake in his boots, turn around, and head back from whence he came.

If we let the UN make a multi-nation protocol of action, we’ll be buried in paperwork until the next time Apophis destroys a planet…that’s assuming that anybody bothers to listen to the UN in the first place…don’t we just throw money at them so that they’ll make bits of paper and be quiet in their corner while we pretend to be interested in the needs of every other nation?

Just in case you’re wondering, yes, the people who named this asteroid are Stargate SG1 fans…apparently.


February 19th, 2007 at 02:41pm

Canberra Radio Ratings Season 1 for 2007

Have you noticed that this is appearing on buses again?
2CC Bus Advertising

What about the big competitions? They’re either underway or about to start…these things can only mean one thing, Canberra’s first ratings period of 2007 starts today and runs for four weeks, ending on March 17. Results are due out on Thursday March 29…but don’t hold your breath!

I haven’t really been paying a huge amount of attention to stations other than 2CC in the last couple weeks, so I don’t really know what they are all doing in terms of competitions. The Mix 106.3 website indicates that they are using the (very tired) secret sound to give away a holiday. The FM 104.7 website says nothing, ditto for 2CA. 2CC have a new website (with about half a dozen errors which I’ve submitted to them for correction), but it makes no mention of their “take the cash or the holiday” promotion. It does, however, indicate that the Capital Radio Network’s webstream project is still on track to happen…eventually…

The local ABC…well who cares, if they, as a non-commercial station are allowed into the commercial radio ratings, and their entry is being funded by taxpayers, then all the community stations should be funded by the government as well…otherwise ABC, but out of the ratings.
Anybody looking for a positive comment about the local ABC station should see their website’s guestbook, which often features the same bloke making trivial positive comments multiple times per day…especially during the ratings period.

Back to the 2CC bus ads for a moment, last time they were used 2CC had a good ratings result, but last time they were used they were up-to-date. Two of the people on the ads are not currently airing on 2CC (Stan Zemanek and Ray Hadley), one of them won’t be back, and the other won’t be heard until the second last day of the ratings period. I suspect that this is the reason why the ads are only on a very small number of buses, and probably won’t be seen ever again (expect on the wall of the 2CC studio).
Radio 2CC Studio
Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and Mike Welsh in the 2CC Studio

Update: 5:11am 22 February 2007: CORRECTION: The ads being used this year do not contain the face and name of Stan Zemanek. I apologise for any inconvenience my error in reporting may have caused. End Update

As for who will win…well it’s hard to see much changing, FM music on top, AM talk following, and AM music somewhere. I think Mix 106.3 will come out slightly ahead of FM 104.7 (the two are currently tied in first position), Local ABC will stay in third but 2CC will continue to close the gap. About the only surprise packet this ratings period will be 2CA, currently last, but with a format close to one that has carved out a niche for them in the past. Ideally they will at least get ahead of ABC Classic FM, but with no promotion of themselves, I do have to wonder if anybody knows that they have a new breakfast show and a good format.

And despite all of that, best of luck to all involved!


4 comments February 18th, 2007 at 04:44am

New Episodes of Here’s Humphrey!

A few weeks ago I reported that Humphrey B. Bear may have been about to change television station. Well today I am very pleased to be able to bring you the news (if you haven’t already heard it elsewhere) that Here’s Humphrey will soon return to the screen with new episodes.

Channel Nine, who apparently only had the rights to repeat Humphrey’s episodes three times, and only had a few weeks left of repeats, have signed a new contract with Adelaide based Banksia Productions for more new episodes. Unfortunately I can’t find any details of how many episodes have been agreed to, but having Humphrey back with new episodes is good news none-the less.

More details as they come to hand.


1 comment February 14th, 2007 at 06:24am

Humphrey B. Bear to change television station?

The news I heard on Monday afternoon was quite possibly the best news I have heard all week. According to Showbiz guru Peter Ford on 2UE’s John Stanley afternoon show (and many other shows and stations it would seem), moves are afoot at Banksia Productions to sever ties with Channel Nine, and sign with Channel Ten to provide new episodes of “Here’s Humphrey”.

Since 2003, Channel Nine have only run repeats of Here’s Humphrey, and brought Humphrey out alongside Hi-5 during Carols By Candlelight. You would think this would have been enough for the show to be gone forever, but it’s not, as Banksia still produce a Spanish, American and Mandarin version of Humphrey (they fly the hosts to Adelaide for filming), which effectively keeps the show alive.

The repeats of Here’s Humphrey have effectively been Channel Nine’s answer to the “what to do when Kerri-Anne’s on holidays” dilemma, and he has been treated as an irrelevance since the Hi-5 marketing juggernaut hit the screens.

In my view, Humphrey is more suitable for children than Hi-5 which seems more appropriate for an older audience, as I fail to see how skimpy costumes and semi-teen behaviour help a preschooler learn and develop. Humphrey, according to his website, is a perpetual four year old, forever discovering the world, and having lots of fun doing it. Actually, I’ll let the website explain:

Each episode of Humphrey is designed to entertain and educate its audience as they join in the fun with Humphrey B Bear. Humphrey enjoys exploring and pretending. He likes playing, singing, dancing and being with his friends. The essence of the program is in its star that will forever be four years of age and loves every minute of it.

Everyday is a new adventure for Humphrey. An adventure that parallels the needs, fears and fun of the average four year old child. Humphrey Bear explores life as they do, reinforcing their self esteem and showing them it’s OK to make mistakes (after all everyone does). We don’t always have to be the best at everything, it’s more important to simply take part.

Immensely more useful to a preschooler than a bunch of virtual pop-stars!

Humphrey has been on Channel Nine without ads since 1965, and I can understand them wanting something which will make more money, but some things are more important than profits, and if Channel Nine fail to see that, then I hope Channel Ten (or even Channel Seven) do pick up Humphrey, as the nation is a poorer place without new and up-to-date episodes of Here’s Humphrey.

I think Humphrey is one of the best children’s entertainers we have in this country, and just as it would be an incredible tragedy if the ABC were to cancel Play School, it would be a tragedy if new episodes of Humphrey don’t return to television soon.

As the Here’s Humphrey theme song “Humphrey’s Best Friends” says “Hooray for Humphrey, Good old Humphrey. Hooray for Humphrey Bear!!”


16 comments January 26th, 2007 at 10:30pm

Congratulations John Stanley and wife Elissa

Congratulations to 2UE’s John Stanley and his wife Elissa, who are expecting their first child in about eight weeks.

I’m almost certain that John Stanley would now agree that new episodes of Here’s Humphrey are long overdue and it would be good if Banksia Productions sign with a new TV station (I haven’t written that article yet have I? Hmmm, hang on, I’ll do it now).


2 comments January 26th, 2007 at 10:05pm

Humphrey will not be shown at the time he is never shown at

If Win Television are running on time today, we should see the daily “Hey kids, due to the cricket Humphrey won’t be seen at this time today, but will be on at the special time of 9am tomorrow” message around about now (3:30pm).

Considering that Humphrey normally screens at 10:30am after Kerri-Anne (correction, 9am instead of Kerri Anne during summer), it has been mildly odd seeing that message at 3:30 in the afternoon for the last couple days (even before the cricket, during the repeat of Carols By Candlelight on Monday). The foibles of automation are fun to watch and hear.

For the record, Humphrey will be seen at 9am until the conclusion of the fifth Ashes cricket test. I will be taking the opportunity to catch a few episodes.


December 27th, 2006 at 03:25pm

Bert’s Family Feud

I just found out how Bert’s Family Feud survey 100 people for each question…via their website!

I took part in a survey, the instructions quite clearly state to write the first thing that enters your head, and as such some of the answers are a wee bit odd.

Name something you associate with coffee

Name something you might swat
A fly

Name an animal you’d find in a rainforest

Give me a word that rhymes with ‘lunch’

Name an occupation that deals with animals

Name something you associate with fashion models

Name something that children get attached to

Name something you associate with an owl

Name something you might do to show you’re happy

Name something you might borrow from a friend
A shovel


1 comment December 27th, 2006 at 08:37am

Wheel Of Fortune Theme Music

A big thank you to the Grundy employee who wishes to remain anonymous, who sent me a copy of the original theme music from Wheel Of Fortune during Rob Elliott’s reign as host for Christmas. It’s even better than I remember it. It certainly loops a lot, but you don’t notice it when it’s in the background.

Click here for the theme music (4.49MB MP3).


3 comments December 26th, 2006 at 05:07pm

Take Note!

Whilst browsing various websites last night I came across a curious ad in which your mouse cursor battles a pencil, and the pencil ultimately wins with the statement “The pen pencil is mightier than the mouse”. I clicked on the ad and was taken a Staedtler promotional website called Take Note, on which you can send and receive short handwritten notes.

It’s an odd little website, but it’s a bit of fun too. Basically you have some options, send a note to yourself, a friend or a stranger, receive a note from a stranger, view a gallery of the best notes, or read what the whole thing is all about.

When you write a note, it is apparently handwritten and posted by Staedtler to the person of your choice, or to one of the people who have registered to receive a note from a stranger.

So I have conducted an experiement, I have sent some messages based on the random quotes on this website. The note to myself is “Apparently if people are going to have to eat the plates we will need more of them on the lawn”, and the note to a stranger is “When The Money Comes Out of The ATM, Scream “I Won! I Won!””. I have also registered to receive a note from a stranger.

The aims of the experiment are to see if the note to myself arrives, see if the stranger makes contact with me, and see what random insight I receive from a stranger.

It’s a funny little website, and is certainly worth a look…I’m not entirely sure that Staedtler will acheive their aim of promoting the “personal, powerful and insightful” handwritten word, but good luck to them, it is a very clever bit of advertising and has certainly got my attention.

Again, the website is


December 12th, 2006 at 09:54am

Happy 80th Birthday Bob Rogers!

Congratulations today go to Australian radio stalwart and legend Bob Rogers, who is 80 years old (young?) today. Bob can still be heard six days per week on Sydney’s Easy Listening station 2CH, weekdays from 9am-midday, and Saturdays from 6pm-midnight.

Bob Rogers, August 2006
(Bob Rogers in August)

Bob is still in good health, although he did admit to “senior moments” in a recent interview with The Sydney Morning Hearald’s Sue Javes:

I have to work harder than I used to. I need to prepare more material because I have more senior moments, but I’m lucky to be still doing something I love.

Bob will most likely continue doing something he loves until at least the end of 2009 when his current contract with 2CH expires…but as radio historian Wayne Mac said to me in a conversation earlier this year, Bob Rogers and the others who have been in radio for decades upon decades will never quit, the only things that will stop them is poor health or worse…but with Bob being in the form he is, he could still be behind the microphone in 2020, and if that’s what he wants to do, then more power to him.

Congratulations Bob, have a great birthday, and don’t eat too much cake (or at the very least eat it in moderation…I bet you’ll receive enough to last weeks!).


December 3rd, 2006 at 12:32am

Rob Elliott on Wheel Of Fortune

Yesterday I reported that it was Rob Elliott’s birthday, during that report I mentioned something about it being hard to find videos and/or photos of him on the Internet at the moment…this was a brainfade, and Malcolm made sure I knew all about it with this short email

Rob Elliott Videos……….YouTube

Thanks Malcolm! A search on YouTube for Wheel Of Fortune proved quite fruitful, and I now have photos and videos of Rob Elliott at his best, hosting “Australia’s favourite game show (cue audience) Wheel…Of…Fortune!”

First up here we have Rob Elliott introducing contestants on a 1997 “Celebrity Week” episode of Wheel, the contestants are Ross ??? (anybody know who he is?), Tempany Deckert (Selina Cook/Roberts on Home and Away) and Andrew Daddo (various Channel Seven gameshows and lifestyle programs, currently a reporter for The Great Outdoors). I don’t know what the person who uploaded this video was thinking, they’ve split it in half and cut off the start of the show, and the part of the second round.

None the less, this shows what a fantastic compere Rob Elliott is.

And here’s part two!

We also have a poor quality video of Rob Elliott in March 2000 giving away a major prize with the mystery wedge…notice the nice set? I think it was their best.

I did promise photos…well they’re just screenshots from the video, but they might as well be photos.

Rob Elliott always came across as a jolly, happy man
Rob Elliott on Wheel of Fortune
Rob Elliott on Wheel of Fortune

Rob Elliott with Tempany Deckert
Rob Elliott on Wheel of Fortune

Rob Elliott with “Ross”, Tempany Deckert, Andrew Daddo and the Wheel Of Fortune (Update January 31, 2012: Reader Phil has informed me by email that the “Ross” in this picture is Ross Higgins, known for his role as Ted Bullpit in ‘Kingswood Country’ and as the voice of Louie The Fly, among other roles. Thanks Phil! End Update)
Rob Elliott on Wheel of Fortune

Yep, I’d be giving them odd looks too Rob.
Rob Elliott on Wheel of Fortune

I hope you had a great birthday Rob…what are you doing these days anyway?


October 9th, 2006 at 10:12am

Framey’s “Just what you need and so you Shoprite”

Well I was going to write a post featuring a classic Canberra television commercial from 2004 (it was a remake of one from many years prior) for the now (once again) defunct Shoprite Supermarket chain…but as I watched the ad last night (for the first time this year) I spotted something I hadn’t spotted before, so I watched it again, and then it dawned on me…I recognised one of the “shoppers”…It’s 2CC’s Mike “occasionally in the plane” Frame!

It’s quite funny to think that my favourite ad (I drove plenty of people mad by playing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over) of 2004 features a person I chatted with on the phone and on Canberra’s airwaves, and I didn’t even know it…and of course by the time I actually met Framey, I had forgotten all about the ad.

Here’s the ad, those of you based in Canberra might remember it, those outside of Canberra can get a glimpse of what we saw and heard day in day out for months (I distinctally remember Shoprite sponsoring 2CC’s news twice, their second sponsor tagline was “This news brought to you by Shoprite supermarkets, right around the corner from anywhere”).

This is my first time uploading videos to Google Video and YouTube, and they both shrunk the video to about the size of a matchstick, so for your convenience, you can download my original version here. Overall I’m happier with YouTube, uploading was easier, faster, and didn’t ruin the aspect ratio (I had to remaster the video for Google to accept the aspect ratio).

And just in case, like me, you want to sing along with it, here are the lyrics:

Just what you need and so you shoprite
Just what you want, just what you like
Just what you need and so you shoprite
Just before work, just any night
Just what you need and so you shoprite
Just for the service, just for the smile
Just for that genuine shoprite style
Just for the specials that make it worthwile
Just ‘cos you’re busy, just ‘cos you’re bright
Just what you need and so you shoprite

In my view this is a brilliant ad, and contains something that so many ads are missing these days, a good solid recognisable jingle…sure, it’ll drive you up the wall if you watch or hear it often enough, but I think it’s fantastic.

Now for a look at Framey’s journey through the Shoprite supermarket.

There’s quite a few groceries in that trolley, I think I can see some celery and even a distinctive older style “Black & Gold” label.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

Framey’s considering which product from Shoprite’s massive collection he will next add to his nearly overflowing trolley.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

A wry smile from Framey as he finds the item he was looking for.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

It’s always a good idea to weight a watermelon before purchasing it.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

What happened to the trolley???
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

And then we don’t see Framey again…maybe he went searching for his trolley?


1 comment September 27th, 2006 at 10:15am

Steve Irwin Dies in Stingray Accident

John Stanley just announced on 2UE that the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, has died after being stung in the chest by a stingray, whilst filming an underwater show of some sort.

I suppose an accident was bound to happen eventually, but this is sad and tragic news none the less.

Rest In Peace Steve

Update: The Courier Mail has the following to say:

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dead

September 04, 2006 02:14pm
Article from: The Courier-Mail

THE Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, is dead.

He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It is understood he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest.

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that’s when it occured.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.

2UE have also added that he was 44 years old, and was pronounced dead upon arrival to hospital. End Update


1 comment September 4th, 2006 at 02:26pm

Happy Birthday Lawsie

Ye gods, it’s a year since John Laws turned 70…a whole year…how is that possible? Who sped up the calendar?

Anyway, Lawsie is 71 years old today, so happy birthday Lawsie!

Last year, when Lawsie turned 70, I tried to ring in to wish him a happy birthday, but I was about the 750,000th person to call in so they (Lawsie’s producers) added my name to a list of well-wishers, I also sent him a birthday card. I remember I spent most of the morning listening to Lawsie, I even sent him an email. John Williamson also dropped in to Lawsie’s studio to sing a few songs.

I remember walking across the Dickson Playing Fields about a week after Lawsie’s birthday, and people were still greeting him with birthday messages when they rang up to talk to him.

I’ll be at work for most of Lawsie’s show, but I remembered to send John a birthday email…I sent this at 2:36am whilst listening to Lawsie’s former exectutive producer Stuart Bocking, who is now the host of New Day Australia.

Happy 71st birthday Lawsie,
I can’t believe it is a whole year since your last birthday…I remember where I was when John Williamson invaded the studio, and where I was when I left a birthday message with one of your producers.

I hope you have a great day John, and I hope that back of yours isn’t causing you too many problems these days.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart


August 8th, 2006 at 07:56am

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