Posts filed under 'Entertainment'

John Stanley Signs With Southern Cross Broadcasting Until The End Of 2008

2CC’s “voice of reason” and 2UE/2CC afternoon host John Stanley has signed with Southern Cross Broadcasting until the end of 2008, which means that he will most likely continue to host “Afternoons with John Stanley” until the end of 2008. (That being said, if John Laws retires I wouldn’t be overly surprised if John Stanley takes over after a short period of Tim Webster filling in).

John Stanley of Radio 2UE and Radio 2CC

The thing that makes this story more interesting is that, during the regular segment with resident money expert of the afternoon show, Paul Clitheroe, just after the federal budget, John presented Paul with a hypothetical scenario about a person who seemed to match John’s own description, contemplating retirement, but wondering whether or not he should put it off for a few years, after taking into account the superannuation tax break announced in the federal budget. Paul suggested that it would be a good idea…and lo and behold a short time thereafter the news emerges that John Stanley has agreed to stay with 2UE and parent company for another couple years.

Coincidence? I think not.


2 comments May 19th, 2006 at 09:13am

The 3AW/Magic Changeover

It is 7:15AM, which means Melbourne was in the midst of radio history exactly one week ago when 3AW changed frequency from 1278kHz to 693kHz. The changover was (apparently) done by AFL legend Ron Barassi by flicking a large yellow switch on the top of a big black box with wires attached.
Ron Barassi flicks the switch to move 3AW from 1278kHz to 693kHz

Unfortunately I fear that the switch was more of a press event than anything else, as the changeover semi-occured before the switch was flicked. Here is what was heard on 1278kHz

Ross Stevenson: “Throw that switch”
(Sound effect)
Ross Stevenson: “Ross Stevenson”
John Burns: “John Burns”
Ross Stevenson: “Welcome you to the new age on 6-9-3”

Whilst on 693kHz the following took place

Ann Gilding: “You know Andy there’s just one thing I’d like to do, just one more time before we move to 1278”
Andrew McLaren: “I hate to think Ann”
Ann Gilding: “Can we play a Magic 693 jingle just one more time?”
(Magic 693 Jingle)
Ross Stevenson: “Throw That Swi…”
Ross Stevenson: “Ross Stevenson”
John Burns: “John Burns”
Ross Stevenson: “Welcome you to the new age on 6-9-3”

None the less, the changeover was interesting, and the technicians obviously only had one chance to get it right. If it had been me I would have tried to get 3AW on 693kHz starting with the sound effect. I suspect they did too, but not to worry, it all worked out in the end.

Magic 693 ended with the song they came to life with, “Magic Moments” by Perry Como. The man who played the song when Magic first went to air, Artie Stevens, said that “it was a significant thing to finish with”.

With thanks to Robert “Wombat Lover” I am able to bring you some audio of the changeover.

Firstly we have the last minutes of Magic 693, the changeover, and the first minutes of 3AW 693 (10 minutes 13 seconds, 4.3MB, Click here to download)

Next up we have the first topical discussion on 3AW 693, a discussion about the Fremantle V St. Kilda inaudible siren fiasco, and the first 3AW news on 693, which features a story about the changeover, including the audio from the 1278 version of the changeover. (9 minutes 45 seconds, 4.1MB, Click here to download)

Magic 1278 came to life, not at 10am as promised, but at 10:05:16 when the ad break between the 3AW news and the Magic 1278 weather started, the Magic 1278 weather started at 10:06:01, and the Magic 1278 intro featuring a potted history of Magic 693/1278 and Olivia Newton John’s “Magic” started at 10:06:37. The download for this features 3AW using Auld Lang Syne as their goodbye to 1278kHz, 3AW News, the Magic 1278 intro and the Magic breakfast hosts dropping in on the morning host for a little chat. (17 minutes 15 seconds, 7.2MB, Click here to download)

So there you have it folks, Australian radio history recorded on Samuel’s Blog, and therefore the National Library of Australia’s PANDORA archive.

The final radio ratings containing Magic 693 and 3AW 1278 is due out tomorrow (the survey period ended on the Saturday prior to the changeover), and the first ratings containing Magic 1278 and 3AW 693 is due out on Tuesday, June 20 (the survey period started yesterday), and I will endeavour to bring you both.


1 comment May 8th, 2006 at 07:15am

John B1_B5 Adds To The “Voice Of Reason” Confusion

Over at John B1_B5’s Place, John B1_B5 has added to the “Voice Of Reason” confusion by giving himself the title.
John B1_B5, The Voice Of Reason

John B1_B5 is now the third voice of reason in Canberra, after 2CC declared that John Stanley is the voice of reason, only to be trumped shortly after by a promo for John Laws which touted Lawsie as the voice of reason.

So, is anybody else here also the voice of reason? And if so, please state your credentials for the job, we need to get to the bottom of this controversy ASAP!


3 comments May 5th, 2006 at 01:52pm

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

Before you get your hopes up, no this post does not contain download statistics, they will be delivered in the monthly blog view stats.

In the last few weeks I’ve received a bit of correspondence from the guests who have been on Samuel’s Persiflage, about the monthly statistics I send out. You see, not only do I post the download statistics each month in the blog view stats, I also send statistics letters to all of the guests, with details about the downloads of their episodes.

In general the response has been very good, the guests are pleased to know approximately how many people have been listening (these are download stats, they don’t prove exact listenership), and are looking forward to the monthly updates.

This is pleasing for me as I decided that it would be a good idea to do this from the start. Basically, when you do a radio or television interview, you can find out pretty easily the approximate number of people listening/watching. TV ratings are published daily, and radio ratings come out to a set schedule. Unfortunately the same is not true for podcasts, and as this is a relatively new form of media, some people are skeptical of there being any point in appearing on a podcast.

There is also a problem with the fact that traditional broadcasts are generally instant or mildly delayed, but are usually broadcast once, with no ability for the end viewer/listener to replay what happened if they didn’t record it. Basically, you speak, people hear you, the world carries on. With podcasts though, you speak, a bit later the podcast is published, and for the rest of eternity people may hear/see your message. This obviously isn’t any good for a message you need to deliver right now, but for non-urgent messages this can be quite effective.

This changes the way ratings need to be measured though as you can’t just say “250,000 were listening when you spoke”, you effectively have to say “250,000 heard you on Monday, 75,000 on Tuesday, etc etc”, and of course you can’t really measure the exact size of the audience due to the very nature of downloads, so you measure downloads and call it an approximate audience size, which it is with the law of averages (some will download part of a podcast, some will download a full podcast and share it with others).

As podcasting matures, I think we will see more and more podcasters providing download statistics, as it is something which interests most of the audience, is useful for future guests, and good information for previous guests.

I’m by no means the only podcaster doing this, but I am one of the leaders in providing statistics, and I get the feeling that one day I will be able to say “I helped to start that!”.


1 comment April 26th, 2006 at 11:14am

Samuel singing the Vegemite song on 2CA’s Big Breakfast with Daniel Gibson & Lisa Herbert in 2000

Seeing as Daniel Gibson has returned to 2CA’s breakfast shift (albeit apparently temporarily), I thought it would be a good idea to dust off my recording of me singing the Vegemite song on 2CA in 2000. At that stage 2CA’s breakfast show was hosted by Daniel Gibson and Lisa Herbert.

I’ve done some research and I believe that this was recorded on Wednesday, July 12, 2000, as it was school holidays, the Western Bulldogs versed Carlton the following weekend, and the Western Bulldogs had lost the previous week.

Anyway, back to the story, 2CA’s Big Breakfast and Vegemite were running a promotion to coincide with “The Happy Little Vegemite Awards”, where it was possible to win $78,000 for your school by making a video with the theme of a happy future (and presumably Vegemite). The 2CA competition involved singing the Vegemite song, and then one of the people who did so each morning would win a Vegemite t-shirt and cap. It was close to 8:30am when I rang in to sing the Vegemite song.

Click here to hear Samuel singing the Vegemite song, and the banter surrounding it.

I had been on-air with Daniel and Lisa before, and was used to them pre-recording callers, so I had the tape in the recorder but was in the next room when it became apparent that I was going live to air, and rushed into my bedroom to start recording. Before the recording started I asked the somewhat silly question “Am I on the radio?”, the recording starts with Daniel’s answer and Lisa being amused about me recording myself on the radio.

We chatted a bit about Vegemite and how I know the Vegemite song, and then Daniel starts playing the background music (which I and just about every other contestant ignored), and I started singing the Vegemite song:

We’re happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch, and tea.
Our mother says we’re growing
stronger every single week.
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite…

I then managed to forget the last line of the song, and Lisa started singing which helped to jog my memory.

It puts a rose in every cheek!

After that we chat for a bit longer, and just before I’m put on hold Daniel and I discuss our favourite AFL team, the Western Bulldogs (aka Footscray). Daniel is correct that we lost the previous weekend, we were beaten by Port Adelaide 23.11 (149) to 16.10 (106). Daniel then predicted that the Bulldogs would do well against Carlton the following weekend.

Near the end of the “Big Breakfast” Daniel & Lisa announce the winner…me! Lisa accidently says that I won a TV & cap, which Daniel corrects before Lisa informs everyone about a rabbit on the loose in Davenport Street, Dickson, Daniel’s light-hearted response was rather memorable. (Listen to the recording for it).

I didn’t notice Lisa saying “TV & cap”, so when she rang me off air a few moments later I defended her, although when she checked 2CA’s audio log she found out that she did say it accidentally, not that it matters.

The reason I think that it was a Wednesday when all of this happened is that I seem to recall that Dad and I were going to pick up the prizes the next day, but then put it off to the following day due to other comittments, and we went to 2CA on a Friday, at which time Daniel gave us a tour of the studios (from memory Lisa had a meeting to attend and couldn’t be there). The interesting thing about this is that Daniel had his Bulldogs top with him for the event (I can’t remember if I did or not), and Dad is a Carlton supporter. The next day the Bulldogs beat Carlton in a very close encounter 11.9 (75) to 11.6 (72), and on Monday morning I had a chat with Daniel who said that he was thinking about Dad and I sitting at opposite ends of the lounge…me cheering and Dad crying.

Anyway, for the record, a photo of the Vegemite t-shirt and cap (I’ve only recently grown into the t-shirt).
Vegemite T-Shirt and Cap


4 comments April 9th, 2006 at 01:48am

Salute To Eddie!

As many of you would be well aware, Eddie McGuire is the new CEO of Channel Nine, when he took on the job, there was much speculation about whether he would continue presenting television shows or not, and we then found out that he would not be.

We have previously seen Eddie on this website giving away a million dollars for the first time, which was a peice of Australian television history unto itself, and I think last night’s episode also fits into that category, as it was a momentus occasion in the history of Australian Television.

Last night was Eddie McGuire’s final episode of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”, and there was a special tribute to Eddie throughout the show, with a highlights package at the start, a voiceover introducing him “for his final episode”, and then a big tribute at the end of the show.

I have videos of this tribute online, and have listed them in quality order from highest to lowest. The multiple formats should be enough for compatibility for everyone. There were a couple minor hiccups in the middle of the video, which appear to be WIN Television’s fault, but nothing major.
Windows Media Video (WMV) 24.3MB
Real Player Video (RM) 23.5MB
MPEG-4 (MP4) 23.6MB
Quicktime Video (MOV) 24.0MB

After wrapping up proceedings from the night, and not mentioning who the host will be next week, Temptation co-host Livinia Nixon dropped by to present eddie with some gifts.
Livinia Nixon presents Eddie McGuire with some farewell gifts

It’s not every day you get to kiss the boss on national television, with his wife in the audience!
Livinia Nixon gives Eddie McGuire a kiss

There’s also a bottle of something, probably wine or champagne.
Livinia Nixon presents Eddie McGuire with some farewell gifts

Eddie runs through some statistics of his time hosting the show
Eddie McGuire runs through some Who Wants To Be A Millionaire statistics
And they are:

  • 292 episodes
  • 623 contestants
  • 6,808 questions
  • Eddie said “Lock it in” 6,510 times
  • Given away $28,595,000

Eddie used to joke about giving away the bosses money…I guess it is no fun when you’re the boss and you’re giving away your own money!

Eddie then showed us the picture Livinia gave him
Eddie McGuire shows off the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire picture

and was given a standing ovation
Eddie McGuire being given a standing ovation on his final episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Eddie McGuire being given a standing ovation on his final episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Eddie’s wife and son were in the audience
Eddie McGuire's wife and son in the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire audience

And Eddie gives us a final salute goodbye.
Eddie McGuire gives a final salute on his final episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

The Samuel Salute is a rare honour, but today I salute Eddie McGuire with the Samuel Salute, for excellence in his 7 and a bit years hosting Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Well done Eddie, may your time as Nine CEO be rewarding and successful.


12 comments April 4th, 2006 at 03:00pm

Odie reminds me of Nattie

In yesterday’s Garfield comic, Odie reminds me of Nattie.
Garfield, Sunday April 2, 2006

The reason Odie reminds me of Nattie is that Nattie used to bark at the birds all the time when she was younger, especially when she was trying to sleep. She would often be sleeping very nearby, sometimes right next to a chair that I was sitting on, and she would always start barking without warning, and at full volume, which had the effect of scaring the living daylights out of me, and anybody else right near her at the time.

Nattie seems to have gotten used to the birds, as she rarely barks at them any more.


8 comments April 3rd, 2006 at 03:56pm

Robbo gone, Gibson stopping by, but who will take the reins?

According to Radioinfo, Greg “Robbo” Robson is leaving 2CA’s breakfast show at the end of the week, and taking up a full time position with Motto Media and Robbo, who has been a stalwart of Canberra media over the last three decades, took over the breakfast show when Daniel Gibson left it for his full time weatherman position on Prime, shortly after Prime and Ten Capital closed their local news services.

Interestingly, Daniel Gibson, who was doing night-shift for 2CA last time I checked, will be hosting the breakfast show until 2CA find a permanent replacement. Whether he will take time off from Prime to do this remains a mystery, as does the length of his temporary breakfast assignment.

I suppose the really big question here is, who will take over the breakfast show permanently? George Gibson loves playing music, maybe he would be willing to move to Canberra for a few years…although with the “New sound of Canberra’s 1053 2CA” in force, they might be looking for somebody a bit younger.

I spent a morning with Robbo while on Work Experience last year, and whilst I can’t say much for confidentiality reasons, I believe that I can tell you that he seemed fairly pleased with the progress of, and also seemed to be enjoying the breakfast shift. I am not in the least bit surprised that now requires him on a full time basis, considering the sheer volume of ads that they seem to have on both television and radio for their Fyshwick based clients.

2CA is quite clearly a different station to what it was in 2000, with practically the entire lineup of on-air talent being different. If I remember rightly, they even used Macquarie National News back then, and didn’t have a traffic reporter, which is a very big difference to the current situation where they share traffic reporters and news resources with 2CC.

Anyway, I wish Robbo the best of luck, and will have to remember to give him a call later in the week to convey that message, I also easgerly await Daniel Gibson’s temporary return to Breakfast, as I have fond memories of the last time he was on the breakfast shift. Perhaps I should track down my recording of the time I won a vegemite T-Shirt by singing the Vegemite song. I might do that and share it with you in the next couple of days.

Radioinfo also reported that Canberra radio will be in survey mode again soon, which poses two questions:

  1. Will ABC Local Radio waste taxpayers money on pointless giveaways and ads on Commercial Television?
  2. Will the changes at 2CA make a difference to their ratings results?

For the former I would have to say “probably”, and for the latter, well, only if they advertise the changes. There have probably been some people who have converted from one of the FM music stations through word-of-mouth recommendation, but I don’t think anybody will really know or care unless 2CA actually advertise the fact that they have a new sound and new presenters.

None the less, Canberra radio is looking pretty exciting for the next few weeks!


7 comments March 28th, 2006 at 10:50pm

Brain Teaser

This occurred to me yesterday, and it has me stumped…

If CFCs (Chloroflurocarbons) used to be in fridges, and CFCs make the ozone layer thinner, why do we have a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica, where you don’t need a refrigerator?


3 comments March 26th, 2006 at 12:13pm

Well done Southern Cross Ten on your coverage of the 2006 Black Opal!

Last Sunday was Black Opal day, the feature day of the Canberra horse racing calendar. Southern Cross Ten were broadcasting live from Canberra’s race track, Thoroughbred Park.

This is something which should be commended as it shows as comittment to local television and the local community, as well as setting an example for the other local stations which haven’t ventured out of the studios for a live broadcast since…well…I don’t think living memory goes back that far. A live broadcast of a sporting event is no easy task, especially for a station that hasn’t done anything like it since stopping live local news bulletins from a studio about five years ago.

Anyway, the coverage got underway at 2:30pm
Black Opal coverage

Our host was Alison Drower (rhymes with “grower”), who appeared to be in front of a green screen, with the background footage superimposed. The studio was probably up in a corporate box somewhere, and I don’t know why they stuck the netting there, but they did, and it made for an interesting background.
Alison Drower

On 2CC that morning, Mike Frame announced that he would be part of the coverage, adding “colourful local racing personality” to his business card on top of “2CC’s Classic Aussie” and various other titles. This got me thinking…what titles would people get? Mike Frame appeared, with Ex-Fill In Prime TV Weatherman David Honke (pronounced Honk-EE).
Mike Frame and David Honke

David Honke did not get a title
David Honke

Despite hiring Mike as a “colourful local racing personality”, they gave him the easier to fit on to the captions “Racing Commentator”. It is worthwhile pointing out that Mike worked for SSS FM, Canberra’s old ACTTAB funded community racing station, and former inhabitant of 103.9MHz, long before News Radio moved in from their old 1440KHz (AM).
Mike Frame

Mike and David spent a bit of time talking, before we went to Simon Dearing and Julie Nehme, the fashion and crowd reporters for the day. They started off in a bad for TV shaded area next to a sunny area.
Simon Dearing and Julie Nehme

Later on we saw ex-2CC newsreader Guy Sweeting talking with Canberra race caller Tony Campbell about the history of the Black Opal and what will happen today.
Tony Campbell

Near the end of the interview, and in a different location, we finally see the face of Guy Sweeting.
Guy Sweeting

Tony Campbell then did a “phantom call” of the race.
Tony Campbell

Mike Frame appeared again, interviewing Gratz Vella, the trainer of One Time, a horse running in the Black Opal
Mike Frame and Gratz Vella, trainer of One Time

We then saw One Time having a bit of a roll in the sand.
One Time

The first studio guest was Camille Ducker, head of Fashion and Design at CIT, mildly eccentric, but great fun to interview…or so it seemed.
Alison Drower and Camille Ducker

Julie Nehme appeared again, this time with Fashions On The Field
Julie Nehme
Fashions On The Field

Simon Dearing then went to the opposite extreme and found the people who were looking somewhat odd for the day.
Simon Dearing and somebody looking odd

David Honke then had a chat with local bookmaker Roger Norton, who has been at every Black Opal.
David Honke and Roger Norton

He even got a title of “Bookmaker”
Roger Norton, Bookmaker

David Honke then had a very interesting chat with Ted Doon, the jockey who came second in the inaugural Black Opal of 1973. This is an interesting story because it came down to a photo finish, and apparently an earthquake a week beforehand had moved the photo finish camera slightly out of allignment, and cost him the race…according to him.
Ted Doon and David Honke
Ted Doon

David and Ted did a rerace, won by Ted
1973 Black Opal rerace

And the photo finish from 1973
1973 Black Opal Photo Finish

We got to see the crowd quite a few times, and it looked like a good turnout.
The crowd at the 2006 Black Opal

Mike Frame had a chat with Gary Buchanan of the Canberra Racing Club about the training pool.
Gary Buchanan and Mike Frame

And a horse in the training pool.
Horse in training pool

Alison then had another studio guest, this time a short interview with John Crommie, Manager of AAMI Insurance in the ACT/Regional NSW area. This mainly involved their reasons for sponsoring the Black Opal.
Alison Drower and John Crommie

Next up was Kevin Sweeney, who has been involved in every Black Opal since the first. Guy Sweeting did this inerview.
Kevin Sweeney
The horses enjoy Kevin’s company by the looks of it.
A horse with Kevin Sweeney

Then it was time to cross to Mike Frame in the bettin ring to tell us who the punters thought would win.
Mike Frame

Alison’s hat decoration managed to move the netting a few times
Alison Drower

We headed back to Julie Nehme who had Trish Hanrahan telling us about the winners of Fashion In The Fields. Apparently we saw the winners briefly…but it was that brief that it could have been anyone.
Julie Nehme and Trish Hanrahan

Simon Dearing checked with the racegoers who they thought was going to win
Simon Dearing with racegoers

Then it was time to head back to the studio, where Mike, Alison and David conducted an in depth look at the race
Mike Frame, Alison Drower and David Honke

They appeared to have fun too
Mike Frame, Alison Drower and David Honke having fun

The analysis continued as the Sky Channel footage started to roll in and ruin the lovely green oasis images which Southern Cross Ten had been producing all day.
Horse going into Canberra Barrier

The all important race list was shown
Horses in the 2006 Black Opal

Now bored of watching Sky footage of horses slowly entering the barrier with no race caller, we went back to the studio
Mike Frame, Alison Drower and david Honke waiting for a race caller

Race Caller Ian Craig appeared, and Sky footage returned to the broadcast, but the barrier attendants had to push a horse into the barrier, it didn’t want to budge for a while though.
Barrier Attendants attend to a horse at the 2006 Black Opal

Finally the race was ready to go with light flashing and Ian Craig ready for the 1200m Black Opal. The Cyclist at top right made it just in time for the race and television coverage, arriving just moments before this picture.
2006 Black Opal ready to run

“They’re off in the Black Opal”
2006 Black Opal underway

They were pretty spread out through the back straight.
2006 Black Opal in motion

Coming around the home turn
2006 Black Opal at the home turn

With 200m to go One Time is in the lead
One Time leads the 2006 Black Opal with 200m to go

With 100m to go Down The Wicket is flying up the outside
Down The Wicket catching up with 100m to go in the 2006 Black Opal

Down The Wicket wins the 2006 Black Opal, followed closely by One Time and Luvuleo
Down The Wicket wins the 2006 Black Opal

Back to the studio with Mike, Alison and David while we wait for Sky’s interview with the jockey.
Mike Frame, Alison Drower and David Honke

A race replay while we wait.
Race Replay

Alison tears up her non-winning ticket.
Alison Drower tears up her 2006 Black Opal ticket in front of Mike Frame and David Honke

According to the ACTTAB race board’s offical results display, the first six horses were 8 (Down The Wicket), 7(One Time), 2(Luvuleo), 4(Solar Mighty), 14(Ellas Bar), 9(Navaho Trail). Down The Wicket ran a time of 1 minute, 9.94 seconds, with the last 600m taking up 35.84 seconds. Down The Wicket beat One Time by a long neck, and One Time beat Luvuleo by 1 length. The track was good.
Official Results of the 2006 Black Opal

There was some post race analysis with Mike, Alison and David.
Mike Frame, Alison Drower and David Honke

Unlike Mike Frame, Julie Nehme tipped the horse Mike said would win, and it did. Simon wasn’t so lucky.
Julie Nehme and Simon Dearing

Alison informed us that Sky didn’t provide an interview.
Alison Drower

And that it is time to say goodbye.
Alison Drower

It was then time for the extensive credits, and the Southern Cross Ten logo, before they returned to pre-recorded programming.
Southern Cross Ten

Well done Southern Cross Ten, you did a fantastic job, and let’s hope that more of these “live and local” events occur. It is good to see that regional television is still alive and kicking. Well done to all involved!

For the record, the ACTTAB dividends were as follows:
8. Down The Wicket: Win $35.10, Place $7.00
7. One Time: Place $7.30
2. Luvuleo: Place $2.60
Quinella 8-7: $325.40
Trifecta 8-7-2: $9830.10
Exacta 8-7: $1102.80
Running Double 6-8: $341.90
Scratchings: 3-6-17-18


(Update: It would appear that Southern Cross Ten misspelled Simon Deering’s name, and I did too as I based my spelling of names on their spelling of names. Sorry about that.)

15 comments March 24th, 2006 at 03:30pm

Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity…

Thanks to Irene in Brisbane for this one.

  1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
  2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don’t Disguise Your Voice.
  3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.
  4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It “In”.
  5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch To Espresso.
  6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write “For Smuggling Diamonds”
  7. Finish All Your sentences with “In Accordance With The Prophecy.”
  8. Don’t use any punctuation
  9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
  10. Order a diet water with a serious face whenever you go out to eat.
  11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is “To Go.”
  12. Sing Along At The Opera.
  13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don’t Rhyme.
  14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds All Day.
  15. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.
  16. When The Money Comes Out of The ATM, Scream “I Won! I Won!”
  17. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, “Due To the Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.”
  18. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity…….Send This E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile!!

Growing older is mandatory, Growing up is optional, Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.


3 comments March 12th, 2006 at 01:40am

If ASIO were reading this…

One does have to wonder what ASIO or the FBI would make of this nonsensical conversation I had with a contact earlier in the evening.

10:24 PM A: the banana flies by evening star
B: and the apple floats on the doctor express
10:25 PM B: ASIO are now trying to work that out
A: the king’s men are rubber chickens. they will be meatball.
10:26 PM B: supermarket chicken be rubber it does not, and the fish
10:27 PM A: I have flown like the fish. do you swim like the chicken?
10:29 PM B: Yes, but only with the roast turnip
10:31 PM A: I prefer my turnip boiled and mashed, it reverses the goat money.
10:32 PM B: fluff bites hard, on the great fledgling goat
A: yes
10:33 PM B: the danger threatening from the unknown consultant, had intended to catch blue shift. Waving it like a banner, she flew out the window. And the waltz
10:34 PM B: confirm?
A: foxtrot the king’s birds, and the kings men. we shall waltz
10:35 PM B: ascend to the throne of the duck munchkin, the waltz will be attended to by the hammer
10:36 PM A: we will continue this discussion later. the kings men hear music, and suspect a waltz
B: you be safe of big bang goes pop weasel


9 comments February 24th, 2006 at 10:43pm

Extensive Wayne Mac Interview On 6PR This Sunday

Wayne Mac, author of Don’t Touch That Dial, will be on 6PR’s “The Way We Were” program this Sunday evening. Most interviews on that show last for a very long time, you may recall that they interviewed Wayne a while back and it lasted for quite some time.

Wayne will be on there this weekend at 10PM on Sunday (Perth time), which equates to 1am Monday (Canberra time) and 2PM Sunday (GMT).

6PR have a webstream on their website, and I’ll see about recording it for your enjoyment.

Incidentally, 2UE’s John Stanley (who once shared a house with Wayne here in Canberra) briefly interviewed Wayne a few weeks ago, I have the recording for you here.

Also, I interviewed Wayne in the January edition of Samuel’s Persiflage.


14 comments February 22nd, 2006 at 12:35pm

Another remix of the original Samuel’s Persiflage intro

Further to the music filled feedback segment in Samuel’s Persiflage #3, Chuck Berry has sent in this remix of the original Samuel’s Persiflage intro.

Chuck informs me that it is titled “How Odd!”


29 comments February 20th, 2006 at 07:11pm

Other Podcasts

I’ve received and email from somebody going by the name of “Spacious Lossless” asking me about what podcasts I listen to.

You have a podcast but do you listen to other podcasts?

I’ve replied to “Spacious Lossless”, but I though I would share the answer will all of my readers.

Naturally, I listen to my own podcast (Samuel’s Persiflage), often multiple times due to the fact that I have to do all the production work, and I must say I am very proud of turning a raw product into a fully fledged podcast episode.

I also listen to This Week In Tech with Leo Laporte and a cast of many alternating others, as well as Security Now! with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte. I’ve grouped these two together as they are both really Leo Laporte productions.

Insatiable Banalities with Jim Boots, Johnboy, Candy A, Gertrude and extras, another Canberra based podcast is also on my listening list, although I would have to admit I listen more for the talk than the music. (Warning, some people may find this podcast offensive).

You Are The Guest with Bill Grady, containing one listener interview per episode, with the interviewees being from all corners of the globe.

I also watch the twice weekly video podcast, DL.TV, a tech podcast containing Patrick Norton, Robert Herron and occasional guests.

There is no RSS feed for The Best Of The John Laws Week, but it fits the criteria of a podcast in every other way, so it counts. I have class during the broadcast copy of this, so I listen to it online.

That pretty much sums it up!


3 comments February 18th, 2006 at 06:11am

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