Salute To Eddie!
April 4th, 2006 at 03:00pm
As many of you would be well aware, Eddie McGuire is the new CEO of Channel Nine, when he took on the job, there was much speculation about whether he would continue presenting television shows or not, and we then found out that he would not be.
We have previously seen Eddie on this website giving away a million dollars for the first time, which was a peice of Australian television history unto itself, and I think last night’s episode also fits into that category, as it was a momentus occasion in the history of Australian Television.
Last night was Eddie McGuire’s final episode of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”, and there was a special tribute to Eddie throughout the show, with a highlights package at the start, a voiceover introducing him “for his final episode”, and then a big tribute at the end of the show.
I have videos of this tribute online, and have listed them in quality order from highest to lowest. The multiple formats should be enough for compatibility for everyone. There were a couple minor hiccups in the middle of the video, which appear to be WIN Television’s fault, but nothing major.
Windows Media Video (WMV) 24.3MB
Real Player Video (RM) 23.5MB
MPEG-4 (MP4) 23.6MB
Quicktime Video (MOV) 24.0MB
After wrapping up proceedings from the night, and not mentioning who the host will be next week, Temptation co-host Livinia Nixon dropped by to present eddie with some gifts.
It’s not every day you get to kiss the boss on national television, with his wife in the audience!
There’s also a bottle of something, probably wine or champagne.
Eddie runs through some statistics of his time hosting the show
And they are:
- 292 episodes
- 623 contestants
- 6,808 questions
- Eddie said “Lock it in” 6,510 times
- Given away $28,595,000
Eddie used to joke about giving away the bosses money…I guess it is no fun when you’re the boss and you’re giving away your own money!
Eddie then showed us the picture Livinia gave him
and was given a standing ovation
Eddie’s wife and son were in the audience
And Eddie gives us a final salute goodbye.
The Samuel Salute is a rare honour, but today I salute Eddie McGuire with the Samuel Salute, for excellence in his 7 and a bit years hosting Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Well done Eddie, may your time as Nine CEO be rewarding and successful.
Entry Filed under: Entertainment,General News,Samuel's Editorials,TV/Radio/Media
1. John B1_B5 | April 4th, 2006 at 3:30 pm
Ten Shun ! About turn ! Quick march ! ….. left, right, left, right !
2. John B1_B5 | April 4th, 2006 at 3:37 pm
Keep in step McGuire ! …. left, right, left, right……
3. Samuel | April 4th, 2006 at 3:41 pm
4. Chuck A. Spear | April 4th, 2006 at 3:47 pm
Finally he will be off our screens.
5. Chuck A. Spear | April 4th, 2006 at 3:59 pm
I hate you McGuire. He already has enough sycophants sucking on his phallis Samuel. What’s a bet now he is in Sydney, he will develop a close relationship with one Alan Jones – Kerry’s old partner in crime. Watch that space.
Good riddance Eddie Everywhere! Your conflicts of interests and dodgy business dealngs will not be missed in Melbourne.
Oh and by the way Eddie why did you try and get ‘High Five’ to cross promote McDonalds out the front of Lexus Stadium?
6. Samuel | April 4th, 2006 at 4:14 pm
OK, fair enough Chuck. I personally like Eddie, and think he did a fantastic job as host of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I have had concerns about him commentating AFL matches whilst having a business relationship with the Collingwood Football Club.
I don’t know who was behind the Hi 5/Ronald McDonald incident, but I’m sure they learnt from their mistake.
As for allegations of dodgy business dealings etc, this really isn’t the place to go into that.
As I said, I like Eddie, I know a lot of people don’t, but on this occasion I think it is fair to give him a pleasant send off.
7. Chuck A. Spear | April 4th, 2006 at 4:24 pm
True, maybe I should find another forum to highlight his dubious foray into helping Collingwood players avoid tax by claiming managment fees as a tax deduction.
Cheerio Eddie. I hope you enjoyed your send off.
P.S. Regarding the Hi 5 incident maybe you might like to read this article on Crikey.
8. heatseeker | April 4th, 2006 at 4:26 pm
Mmmm, watch it Chuck … you don’t want to put Samuel in Alan and Eddie’s sights, although I’m sure that Lawsie and John Kerr would bolster the ranks in that stoush.
9. Samuel | April 4th, 2006 at 4:27 pm
I’m sure there was some legal basis to it…but I won’t go into that.
10. heatseeker | April 4th, 2006 at 4:32 pm
Don’t know about the dodgy salute … perhaps a “Zieg Heil!” would have been more fitting, with some Ronald McDonald make up, and a Collingwood jumper.
11. Chuck A. Spear | April 4th, 2006 at 4:45 pm
Well, I am on a first name basis with John Kerr now heatseeker. I could see this stoush possibly making headlines by the end of the day. It could possibly be bigger and more violent than than Wrestle Mania IV in 1984.
I am sure the Hamburglar will be taking over Eddies hosting job at Millionaire. Yes a Zieg Heil would be more fitting, followed by Collingwood players ‘goose stepping’ onto the ground next Saturday.
12. Samuel | April 4th, 2006 at 5:13 pm
I don’t want to have to do it, but I think we’ll close comments on this article before we find ourselves in hot water.