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Take Note!

December 12th, 2006 at 09:54am

Whilst browsing various websites last night I came across a curious ad in which your mouse cursor battles a pencil, and the pencil ultimately wins with the statement “The pen pencil is mightier than the mouse”. I clicked on the ad and was taken a Staedtler promotional website called Take Note, on which you can send and receive short handwritten notes.

It’s an odd little website, but it’s a bit of fun too. Basically you have some options, send a note to yourself, a friend or a stranger, receive a note from a stranger, view a gallery of the best notes, or read what the whole thing is all about.

When you write a note, it is apparently handwritten and posted by Staedtler to the person of your choice, or to one of the people who have registered to receive a note from a stranger.

So I have conducted an experiement, I have sent some messages based on the random quotes on this website. The note to myself is “Apparently if people are going to have to eat the plates we will need more of them on the lawn”, and the note to a stranger is “When The Money Comes Out of The ATM, Scream “I Won! I Won!””. I have also registered to receive a note from a stranger.

The aims of the experiment are to see if the note to myself arrives, see if the stranger makes contact with me, and see what random insight I receive from a stranger.

It’s a funny little website, and is certainly worth a look…I’m not entirely sure that Staedtler will acheive their aim of promoting the “personal, powerful and insightful” handwritten word, but good luck to them, it is a very clever bit of advertising and has certainly got my attention.

Again, the website is


Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,Entertainment

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