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Framey’s “Just what you need and so you Shoprite”

September 27th, 2006 at 10:15am

Well I was going to write a post featuring a classic Canberra television commercial from 2004 (it was a remake of one from many years prior) for the now (once again) defunct Shoprite Supermarket chain…but as I watched the ad last night (for the first time this year) I spotted something I hadn’t spotted before, so I watched it again, and then it dawned on me…I recognised one of the “shoppers”…It’s 2CC’s Mike “occasionally in the plane” Frame!

It’s quite funny to think that my favourite ad (I drove plenty of people mad by playing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over) of 2004 features a person I chatted with on the phone and on Canberra’s airwaves, and I didn’t even know it…and of course by the time I actually met Framey, I had forgotten all about the ad.

Here’s the ad, those of you based in Canberra might remember it, those outside of Canberra can get a glimpse of what we saw and heard day in day out for months (I distinctally remember Shoprite sponsoring 2CC’s news twice, their second sponsor tagline was “This news brought to you by Shoprite supermarkets, right around the corner from anywhere”).

This is my first time uploading videos to Google Video and YouTube, and they both shrunk the video to about the size of a matchstick, so for your convenience, you can download my original version here. Overall I’m happier with YouTube, uploading was easier, faster, and didn’t ruin the aspect ratio (I had to remaster the video for Google to accept the aspect ratio).

And just in case, like me, you want to sing along with it, here are the lyrics:

Just what you need and so you shoprite
Just what you want, just what you like
Just what you need and so you shoprite
Just before work, just any night
Just what you need and so you shoprite
Just for the service, just for the smile
Just for that genuine shoprite style
Just for the specials that make it worthwile
Just ‘cos you’re busy, just ‘cos you’re bright
Just what you need and so you shoprite

In my view this is a brilliant ad, and contains something that so many ads are missing these days, a good solid recognisable jingle…sure, it’ll drive you up the wall if you watch or hear it often enough, but I think it’s fantastic.

Now for a look at Framey’s journey through the Shoprite supermarket.

There’s quite a few groceries in that trolley, I think I can see some celery and even a distinctive older style “Black & Gold” label.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

Framey’s considering which product from Shoprite’s massive collection he will next add to his nearly overflowing trolley.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

A wry smile from Framey as he finds the item he was looking for.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

It’s always a good idea to weight a watermelon before purchasing it.
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

What happened to the trolley???
Mike Frame in Shoprite Commercial

And then we don’t see Framey again…maybe he went searching for his trolley?


Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,Entertainment,TV/Radio/Media

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1 Comment

  • 1. Loki  |  September 27th, 2006 at 5:31 pm

    I must say, Framey looks very fit in that advertisement.

    Like you, I can’t resist playing it ad nauseum – there’s something new every time!


September 2006

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