Archive for September 14th, 2006

Chief Turnip becomes “biggest knob”?

Just having a look at the 2CA website (hooray, they finally updated the AFL schedule), I noticed that they are running a webpoll, namely “Who is the biggest knob?”, with the options being Germaine Greer, Jon Stanhope, The Breakfast Boys, Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton.

As I write this post, the results are as follows:

Jon Stanhope 56.0%
Germaine Greer 28.0%
Tom Cruise 6.0%
Paris Hilton 6.0%
The Breakfast Boys 4.0%

So our beloved Chief Turnip is Canberra’s biggest knob…sounds about right.


10 comments September 14th, 2006 at 01:27pm

Underground Cabling Photographic Tour #2

Back in March I conducted a photograpic tour to document the underground cabling work being done to supply power to a new building in Civic, in early August I conducted another tour to provide an update on the progress of the cabling and the building.

I am pleased to report that since the first photographic tour, all of the cabling work has been completed, and all of the holes in the ground have been dug over. The building is also coming along nicely, as can be seen in some of these photos.

Firstly, let me remind you of the route taken by the cabling.
Map of underground cabling work

Back in March, the corner of Limestone Avenue and Coranderrk Street, which had some unrelated cabling work, looked like this

Limestone Avenue and Coranderrk Street in March 2006

In August it looked like this
The corner of Coranderrk Street and Limestone Avenue in August 2006
The corner of Coranderrk Street and Limestone Avenue in August 2006

I then moved on to the Mount Ainslie Substation where I got some better photos than last time
Mount Ainslie substation in August 2006

I noticed that there seems to be a telecommunications device of some sort right next to the substation…it looks to be too small to be a phone tower, so I can only assume that it is a device setup to enable ActewAGL to monitor the substation remotely.
Mount Ainslie substation in August 2006
Mount Ainslie substation in August 2006
Mount Ainslie substation in August 2006

The areas which needed to have grass replanted have been covered in straw

Mount Ainslie in March 2006

Mount Ainslie in August 2006
Mount Ainslie in August 2006

This is the view looking down the fairly straight path to Limestone Avenue
Mount Ainslie in August 2006

I then attempted to replicate a photo I took in March, with little luck due to being unfamiliar with the modes of the camera.

Underground cabling building in March 2006

Underground Cabling building from Mount Ainslie in August 2006

As I continued towards Limestone Avenue, I spotted some wildlife, firstly a magpie
Magpie on Mount Ainslie in August 2006
Magpie on Mount Ainslie in August 2006

And some kangaroos (alongside Batman Street, which is actually called Quick Street on the Ainslie side of Limestone Avenue)
Kangaroos on Mount Ainslie in August 2006
Kangaroos on Mount Ainslie in August 2006

And some birds
Birds on Mount Ainslie in August 2006
Birds on Mount Ainslie in August 2006

And more kangaroos
Kangaroos on Mount Ainslie in August 2006

On Limestone Avenue there is more straw
Limestone Avenue in August 2006
Limestone Avenue in August 2006

From the corner of Limestone Avenue and Allambee Street, the underground cabling building can be seen.
Underground Cabling Building from Limstone Avenue in August 2006

More magpies in trees on Allambee Street
Magpies on Allambee Street in August 2006

In March, this area had a fence around it

Allambee Street in March 2006
Allambee Street in March 2006

Allambee Street in August 2006

And another spot which had a fence around it, this spot is in fact the spot which was the location of a photo and video of a horizontal directional drilling machine at work.
Allambee Street in August 2006

From a little bit further down Allambee Street the building looked like this in March

Underground Cabling Bauilding from Allambee Street in March 2006

Underground Cabling Building from Allambee Street in August 2006

The corner where Allambee Street becomes Currong Street has changed a bit too!

Corner of Allambee and Currong Street in March 2006

Corner of Allambee Street and Currong Street in August 2006

From near the corner of Currong and Boolee Streets I had a very clear view of the Underground Cabling Building.
Underground Cabling Building from Currong Street in August 2006

And more straw at the corner of Currong and Boolee Streets
The corner of Currong and Boolee Streets in August 2006

From the intersection of Boolee and Ballumbir (err, sorry, they changed it to Cooyong Street for some painfully pointless reason) Streets
Underground Cabling Building from the corner of Cooyong and Boolee Streets in August 2006

In March I took a photo of the building from the lawn above final leg of the cable journey

Underground Cabling Building in March 2006

Underground Cabling Building from the corner of Cooyong and Boolee Streets in August 2006

And then set about taking more photos of the building
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Look! Another magpie!
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

More from the building
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Better cross the road
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Some more photos before I do
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

In March

Underground Cabling Building in March 2006

Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Window washing?
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

It was around about here that a passer-by informed me that he had “seen better buildings”…perhaps, but I wasn’t there for the cosmetics, I was there to document Canberra’s changing skyline.
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Another magpie
Magpie watching the Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Things have changed since March

Underground Cabling Building in March 2006
Underground Cabling Building in March 2006

Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006
Underground Cabling Building in August 2006

Back in March, the building looked a tad less finished from the bridge over Coranderrk Street which leads to the CIT Reid Campus

Underground Cabling Building from bridge over Coranderrk Street in March 2006

Underground Cabling Building from bridge over Coranderrk Street in August 2006

Due to a recent photograpic tour of a different part of Canberra by another person on another website, being conducted by means of trespassing, I wish to assure you that I have, at no stage during my photographic tours, trespassed. The closest I get to building sites is sticking the lens of the camera through the peep holes.


15 comments September 14th, 2006 at 10:18am

Blog View Stats for July

It’s time to catch up on some posts I’ve been meaning to write for a very long time, so let’s start with the overdue Blog View Stats for July.

The webstat reports and the Persiflage download stats can be found at

There were 7,666 page views in July, down from 10,046 in June, and 3,611 visitors, down from 4,083 in June.

There were 3,213 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google once again remained the most popular search engine, despite a tiny drop, with 89.32% of all search engine referrals coming from Google. Yahoo was next with a slightly improved 9.14%, and MSN was next on 0.59%.

The top ten search keywords were:

  1. schnappi video
  2. samuel gordon stewart
  3. samuel gordon
  4. Schnappi video
  5. riotact
  6. 2ue studio
  7. louie the fly
  8. samuel gordon-stewart
  9. stan zemanek cancer
  10. larry emdur

Among the odd keywords were

  • what was temperature in sydney at 3am 29th July 2006?
  • primary school and english and blog
  • 机场建设费 fuel
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  • Mike\’s Windmill Shop manager
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Internet Explorer lost a bit of ground but remained the most popular browser with 66.17% of the readership, Firefox gained and was next with 28.60%, Safari dropped to have 4.21%. Mozilla Suite, Opera and Netscape were under 1%, with Konqueror and others under 0.1%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System, and gained a small amount, with 90.31% of the readership, followed by Mac, which recorded another drop, with 7.98%, and Linux which gained slightly, to be on 1.62%. All others were under 0.10%.

The vast majority of readers were in Australia, althought the number did drop a few points to 79.28%. Next was the US with 6.67%, The UK with 3.94, and Japan with 2.27%. The rest of the 73 countires were under 1%.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

July 2006: 6,770MB
June 2006: 5,900MB
May 2006: 14,680MB
April 2006: 32,130MB
March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

RSS Feed Downloads
Month Downloads
July 2006 1887
June 2006 1284
May 2006 1546
April 2006 1501
March 2006 1392
February 2006 815
January 2006 1661
December 2005 150
Total 10236

Downloads in July
Episode High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
6 (July 2006) 60 29 89 15 104
5 (May 2006) 75 12 87 42 129
4 (April 2006) 53 40 93 N/A 93
3 (February 2006) 83 60 143 N/A 143
2 (January 2006) 159 N/A 159 N/A 159
1 (December 2006) 115 N/A 115 N/A 115
Total 545 141 686 57 743

Episode 6 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
July 2006 60 29 89 15 104
Total 60 29 89 15 104

Episode 5Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
June 2006 90 22 112 42 129
May 2006 47 20 67 N/A 67
Total 137 44 179 42 196

Episode 4 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
July 2006 53 40 93
June 2006 53 46 99
May 2006 79 48 127
146 75 221
Total 331 209 540

Episode 3 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
July 2006 83 60 143
June 2006 66 52 118
May 2006 67 51 118
April 2006 115 83 198
March 2006 84 43 127
February 2006 81 39 120
Total 496 328 824

Episode 2 Downloads
Month Downloads
July 2006 159
June 2006 156
May 2006 147
April 2006 171
March 2006 125
February 2006 98
January 2006 144
Total 1000

Episode 1 Downloads
Month Downloads
July 2006 115
June 2006 68
May 2006 79
April 2006 100
March 2006 71
February 2006 64
January 2006 291
December 2005 80
Total 868

Total Downloads By Month
Month Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
July 2006 686 57 743
June 2006 553 N/A 553
May 2006 538 N/A 538
April 2006 690 N/A 690
March 2006 323 N/A 323
February 2006 282 N/A 282
January 2006 435 N/A 435
December 2006 80 N/A 80
Total 3587 57 3644


7 comments September 14th, 2006 at 06:00am


September 2006

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