Archive for May 2nd, 2006

Supabarn and Magnus sort out the receipt paper problems

I’m pleased to be able to announce that yesterday when I went in to Supabarn I received a receipt printed on receipt paper much more suitable for a Supabarn checkout.
Proper Supabarn Receipt Paper

If we zoom in on the text between the ads we see this:
Advertising (Telephone Symbol) Magnus Advertising and Marketing 1300 658 144

On Sunday I received Big W paper from Supabarn, so it looks like Supabarn either received a shipment of corrected receipt paper late last week and finished off the Big W paper over the weekend, or they received a shipment of corrected receipt paper yesterday. Either way, well done to Supabarn and Magnus Advertising for fixing the issue, and a special congratulations to Andy Vaccaro, store manager of City Supabarn for taking notice of my letter and doing something about it, and especially for having the courtesy to reply to it. Well done Andy, you are leading the pack, and there are plenty of other managers out there who could learn a thing or two from you.

I’m glad the issue has been sorted out, I believe that it was the result of a minor data entry accident, and it is good to see that it was sorted out in a prompt manner (once they knew about it).


12 comments May 2nd, 2006 at 08:38am


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