Supabarn and Magnus sort out the receipt paper problems
May 2nd, 2006 at 08:38am
I’m pleased to be able to announce that yesterday when I went in to Supabarn I received a receipt printed on receipt paper much more suitable for a Supabarn checkout.
If we zoom in on the text between the ads we see this:
On Sunday I received Big W paper from Supabarn, so it looks like Supabarn either received a shipment of corrected receipt paper late last week and finished off the Big W paper over the weekend, or they received a shipment of corrected receipt paper yesterday. Either way, well done to Supabarn and Magnus Advertising for fixing the issue, and a special congratulations to Andy Vaccaro, store manager of City Supabarn for taking notice of my letter and doing something about it, and especially for having the courtesy to reply to it. Well done Andy, you are leading the pack, and there are plenty of other managers out there who could learn a thing or two from you.
I’m glad the issue has been sorted out, I believe that it was the result of a minor data entry accident, and it is good to see that it was sorted out in a prompt manner (once they knew about it).
Entry Filed under: Bizarreness,Canberra Stories
1. John B1_B5 | May 2nd, 2006 at 9:23 am
2. heatseeker | May 2nd, 2006 at 10:14 am
Don’t we get to see what was printed on the front of the receipt this time?
In the mean time well done … the world’s a better place!
3. wonko the sane | May 2nd, 2006 at 4:07 pm
Why don’t you take advantage of the ‘buy one get one free’ at Cornucopia Bakery and do us a review? Maybe they have quiche and pineapple turnovers.
4. mark | May 2nd, 2006 at 8:06 pm
Sorry. why did this matter again?
I really don’t mean this offensively – I think it might be helpful: have you ever been tested for Aspberge syndrome?
5. Chuck A. Spear | May 2nd, 2006 at 8:24 pm
It matters Mark because Samuel’s readers asked him to keep us posted.
If minor mistakes like this are left unnoticed who knows what could happen.
6. Pandora | May 2nd, 2006 at 11:09 pm
I for one will be returning to shop at Supabarn.
7. mark | May 2nd, 2006 at 11:36 pm
If minor mistakes like this are left unnoticed who knows what could happen.
I challenge anyone to identify any potential negative consequence — other than this blogging thread, which is probably the worst consequence imaginable! I did enjoy seeing the household receipts from the G-S household, but heatseeker points out we don’t even get that today! Harumph!
8. Samuel | May 2nd, 2006 at 11:42 pm
Mark, it matters for a number of reasons:
1. Receipt paper bearing paid advertisements was shipped to the wrong store, meaning that advertisers were paying for their ads which did not reach their target audience.
2. Assuming that stores get a slice of the advertising revenue (why else would they allow ads on the receipt paper?), funds may have been directed to the wrong places as a result of the printing error.
3. The ads for each store use a different colour scheme, Big W’s ads are blue and black, whilst Supabarn appear to allow red and black. These colours are often used to remain in line with the corporate image of the company using the paper at the checkouts. Having the receipt paper the wrong colour makes the paper look out of place.
4. The Big W receipt paper makes use of a message saying “Please retain your tax invoice as proof of purchase at Big W”, which looks very silly on a Supabarn receipt.
Yes, the issue is minor, but if left unnoticed, who knows how long the problem would have continued for, and what the potential financial repurcussions could have been for those involved.
All the companies involved have an image and a reputation to maintain, the error (no matter how accidental it may have been) made Supabarn and Magnus look very silly. Supabarn responded in a manner which made them look good, as did Magnus, which more or less undoes the damage to their image and reputations, as people will accept the occasional human error, which is what this appeared to be.
9. wonko the sane | May 3rd, 2006 at 12:41 am
And don’t forget the world is going to end too Sam.
In the words of, I think it was Bon Jovi, ‘I wanna liii-iive, a little bit longer (pronounced long-ahh!)’
10. heatseeker | May 3rd, 2006 at 9:50 am
Yes, Samuel’s correct … Supabarn was rapidly going down in my estimation but now they, in concert with Magnus, have acted decisively in concert to correct the disgraceful receipt giveaway printing errors their stocks are soaring in my personal stakes.
Who knows, if Samuel had not been so diligent and such a fine corporate citizen, this whole debacle could have gone as far as a mention by Lawsie, which would have been a corporate catastrophe.
I have since ascertained that Supabarn carries a fine range of Black and Gold products, although I will be shunning the old label style for the newer, “refreshing” design, which incidentally was another Samuel scoop.
I had begun a Supabarn boycott due to the incorrect giveaway offers on their receipts, but rest assured, I am now a customer for life!
11. somac | May 3rd, 2006 at 10:38 am
Well that’s a relief.
12. John B1_B5 | May 4th, 2006 at 12:05 pm
SUPABARN WANNIASSA get it right ! ( click here to see the receipt ) —