Archive for May 22nd, 2006
The shorter week in the NRL brought me my second highest NRL score for the year, whilst my AFL tips were, once again 50% correct. Overall the totals are getting closer together with an upward trend.
AFL Round 8: 4/8 (50%)
NRL Round 11: 4/6 (66.67%)
Week Total: 8/14 (57.14%)

AFL: 30/64 (46.88%)
NRL: 36/76 (47.37%)
Total: 66/140 (47.14%)

May 22nd, 2006 at 03:16pm
On Friday morning whilst listening to The Best Of The John Laws Week on 2CC, I had an amusing, silly, unworkable and not in the least bit serious idea about radio and television in Australia.
Basically the idea was that it could be made federal law that every television and radio station in the country must broadcast the half hour or thereabouts of The Best Of The John Laws Week, and the transmitters would have to be set up to ensure that this would occur.
As I said, completely unworkable, silly and not in the least bit serious…but amusing none the less.
May 22nd, 2006 at 10:43am
I suppose I should let you all know that I now have employment again. After studying for a while and coming to the conclusion that I’d rather be working (and perhaps study again some time in the not too near future), I have been successful in finding a full time job which appears to be something I should enjoy.
In about an hour from now (an hour from now being 8:30am), I will be at work. No need to worry though, I intend on continuing to schedule blog entries…the frequency might be a bit less than you’ve become accustomed to, but it should be fun. Last time I had full time employment I did neglect this site, I don’t intend on allowing it to happen again.
I might not be around to reply to your comments as often as I would like, but I will continue to reply…you’ll just have to wait a bit longer.
And unlike the last full time employment, this is likely to last much much much longer than two weeks, and the chances of being “overqualified” are less than minimal.
I might keep my job and the details quiet for now…I might reveal a bit more (such as what the job is) a bit further down the line, but I think it’s safe to say that non-disclosure agreements prevent most discussions of work. (If you’re really desperate for a tiny bit of info about what the job is, feel free to pay Media Monitors for a copy (either transcript or audio cassette) of my conversation with John Kerr from 3am on Saturday morning).
Incidentally, I have been on a trial Crikey subscription for about a week…I’m not really impressed with it, but I am considering forking our for a full subscription just so that I can get the TV ratings…which I will no longer be able to hear John Stanley report on after the 2pm news.
May 22nd, 2006 at 07:30am
Before I get inundated with requests, Samuel In Dolgnwot is coming, I’ve had a busy weekend and haven’t quite finished it, so give me a day or two to get around to it. You should have it by midweek.
May 22nd, 2006 at 12:36am