Blog View Stats for April
May 3rd, 2006 at 06:56am
May has “only just begun”, to quote a famous song, which means it is time for the Blog View Stats for April.
The Webstat counter stopped counting due to the site receiving more than 20,000 page views for the month, but the Webstat reports for April can be found here, I just haven’t used them as the basis for this post. I have used AwStats (one of the many statistics services provided by my hosting provider) as the basis of most of the stats.
AwStats says that there were 55,916 page views for the month, a figure which I find highly dubious as this is far more than three times what Webstat reported for March. Even taking into account the fact that Awstats counts page views in the administration section of the site, I still find this number dubious, so I will settle on the 20,002+ figure provided by Webstat. The rest of the numbers provided by AwStats seem OK.
Therefore there were 20,002+ page views in March, up from 15,478 in March, and 5,476 visitors, up from 4,710 in March.
There were 9,670 views of the front page on all of its URLs.
The most popular articles were:
- Caz Stops Blogging
- No, I Am Not Going On Big Brother
- The Proof Is In The Pudding
- John B1_B5 Leads The 2CC Drive Show Spelling Competition and
- Samuel’s Blog Year In Review: November 2005
Google once again remained the most popular search engine with 91.8% of all search engine referrals coming from Google. Yahoo was next with 3%, and MSN was next on 1.6%.
The search keywords were mostly various combinations and misspellings of my name, and variations of “schnappi video”, “2UE Studio” and “Windiz Update”. Among the odd keywords were
- peep holes
- bango cricket
- 234 802 554 9993
- singing hallelujah even for a new site for you my
- samuel office live
- south australian peep holes
- traudle junge
- 100m race footage
- hole under canberra?
- sam goat boy
- blog fire alarm control panel
- show me the child at seven
- salad au lard
- password codes for volume 2ue
- convoluted answer to 2 2
- loopy music programme
Internet Explorer recorded a larger than usual drop, but remained the most popular browser with 57.4% of the readership, Firefox also had a loss (albeit a small one) and was next with 29.2%, Safari gained again to have 5.1%, Opera also recorded a rise reaching 1.4%, as did the Mozilla Suite which hit 1%. Konqueror & Netscape were both under 1% with the others all being under 0.1%.
Windows was the most popular Operating System, despite a minor drop, with 84.2% of the readership, followed by Mac, which also recorded a drop, with 9%, and Linux which climbed to 1%. The BSDs, Solaris and even OS/2 picked up most of the slack.
The countries report is unavailable this month.
The most popular files for the month were:
- The happy birthday music, downloaded 118 times.
- My conversation with John Kerr prior to the christmas cruise, downloaded 115 times.
- My somewhat outdated aircheck, downloaded 112 times.
- Mike Frame’s first moments on-air at Bunnings Belconnen in Real Player video format, downloaded 107 times.
- Theoriginal intro to Samuel’s Persiflage, downloaded 94 times.
The top referring sites for the month were:
- The Spin Starts Here: 2208 referrals
- Behind Big Brother Forums: 284 referrals
- GrodsCorp: 153 referrals.
- The RiotACT: 145 referrals.
- In My Shoes: 46 Referrals.
April 2006: 32,130MB
March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB
Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics
RSS Feed Downloads | |
Month | Downloads |
April 2006 | 1501 |
March 2006 | 1392 |
Febrauary 2006 | 815 |
January 2006 | 1661 |
December 2005 | 150 |
Total | 4018 |
Downloads in April | |||
Episode | High Quality Version | Low Quality Version | Total |
4 (April 2006) | 146 | 75 | 221 |
3 (February 2006) | 115 | 83 | 198 |
2 (January 2006) | 171 | N/A | 171 |
1 (December 2006) | 100 | N/A | 100 |
Total | 532 | 158 | 690 |
Episode 4 Downloads | |||
Month | High Quality Version | Low Quality Version | Total |
April 2006 |
146 | 75 | 221 |
Total | 146 | 75 | 221 |
Episode 3 Downloads | |||
Month | High Quality Version | Low Quality Version | Total |
April 2006 | 115 | 83 | 198 |
March 2006 | 84 | 43 | 127 |
February 2006 | 81 | 39 | 120 |
Total | 280 | 165 | 445 |
Episode 2 Downloads | |
Month | Downloads |
April 2006 | 171 |
March 2006 | 125 |
February 2006 | 98 |
January 2006 | 144 |
Total | 538 |
Episode 1 Downloads | |
Month | Downloads |
April 2006 | 100 |
March 2006 | 71 |
February 2006 | 64 |
January 2006 | 291 |
December 2006 | 80 |
Total | 606 |
Entry Filed under: Blog News
1. John B1_B5 | May 3rd, 2006 at 10:07 am
It’s hard to believe that the “Drive Show Spelling Contest” even got a mention ! (I was out of it within 30 minutes ) .
2. Samuel | May 3rd, 2006 at 10:09 am
I’m puzzled as to why that post had sudden increase in views, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for it.
3. John B1_B5 | May 3rd, 2006 at 10:39 am
Oh well ….. I’ll just ‘roll with the punches’ …. haha .
4. Chuck A. Spear | May 4th, 2006 at 4:55 am
Did you keep hitting refresh on that post John?
5. John B1_B5 | May 4th, 2006 at 9:36 am
No I didn’t Chuck …… I find the whole thing a bit of an embarrassment because I was out of it within 15 minutes .