Archive for January, 2006

Blog View Stats for December

Once again it is time for the monthly blog view stats, of which most can be found here.

Starting with the traffic summary, it is interesting to note that there was a severe drop in the number of readers over the Christmas & Boxing Day public holidays. The number of visitors is down from 4,160 in November to 3,743 in December. The number of page views is down from 20,000+ in November to 14,499 in December.

The most popular page was the home page, the most popular category was Samuel’s Artwork (despite the fact I still haven’t moved most of those pictures to this site), and the most popular article was my report (with plenty of pictures) on John Kerr’s Christmas Cruise and my day surrounding it.

Google remained the most popular search engine.

The searches which brought people here were rather varied, the list is topped by various searches for Schnappi and variations of my name. There were plenty of searches for information relating to John Kerr, George Gibson, Glenn Wheeler and various other radio personalities, someone wanting to know how good 20,000 page views is, a very strange search for “serial number do sam broadcast”, someone looking for their “stolen bicycle transmitter”, somebody who just had to know about “potential competitiors of nappies”, somebody wanted to cheat on a job application with a “citadel back office programmer resume”, and lots lots more.

Internet Explorer won the month with 61.24% of page views, followed by Mozilla Firefox with 28.22% and Apple Safari with 3.01%, and others.

Windows also topped the month with 93.41%, followed by Macintosh with 5.52% and Linux with 1.04%, and others.

The majority of readers were from Australia, 84.72% to be exact, followed by the US with 5.52% and the UK with 4.91%, and others.

The most popular files were my conversation with John Kerr on the morning of the Christmas Cruise with 88 downloads, the musical version of We Wish You A Merry Christmas with 80 downloads, and my chat with Lawsie with 53 downloads.

The top referring sites were The Spin Starts Here, The RiotACT, and Interbreeding

Samuel’s Persiflage #1 recorded 80 downloads.


January 5th, 2006 at 12:30am

Cooking with Samuel

Finally, a dream which doesn’t involve theft, driving, weather, or police…this one is just weird.

I’m in a television studio wearing a chef’s uniform, a countdown begins…”5, 4, 3, 2…”, music starts, a voiceover announcing “Cooking with Samuel”, the audience starts an applause and then I welcome everyone to the show and announce the recipe of the day…”Curried Pineapples”.

There is a large vague section of the dream where I seem to do an awful lot with various cooking implements, and then the finished product floats out of the oven and over to the “lucky” audience member who won the daily lucky seat prize and gets to be on the show, eating the daily recipe.

The excited audience member gets a large chunk of curried pineapple on her fork and starts to eat it, suddenly the expression on her face changes from one of glee to one of horror, which is quickly followed by her making noises of disgust at the horrid food before passing out, at which point the dream ends.

On reflection, perhaps this is another police dream, I just didn’t get to see the bit where I get arrested for murdering the audience member with bad food.


January 4th, 2006 at 07:20am

Bus Australia Launch New-Look Website

Bus Australia, the Australian bus enthusiast website, encompassing the Australian Transport Discussion Board, have launched a new look website, which is much easier to navigate, and easier to look at than the old site.

Major improvements include:

  • An updated version of the photo gallery, unfortunately some of the old photos were not imported and they remain in the old photo gallery.
  • The entire website now contains one universal header, which makes the site look more consistent, and allows people to navigate to any part of the site from any page, something which was previously only possible from the home page.
  • The website is now maintained with the open source CMS software, Joomla, a code fork of Mambo. Incidentally, whilst 2GB don’t publicise it, their website is powered by Mambo.

Overall, the new Bus Australia website is looking pretty good, and I look forward to the further improvements they have planned.


4 comments January 3rd, 2006 at 03:39pm

Schnappi makes the ARIA 2005 End Of Year Singles Chart

I suppose this will be the final time I will have the pleasure of bringing you a Schnappi update. The recent release of the ARIA 2005 End Of Year Singles Chart places Schnappi, Das Kleine Krokadil, as the 27th most popular song of 2005. This would therefore be a good time to show you a picture of Schnappi!

Schnappi The Little Crocodile


3 comments January 3rd, 2006 at 03:22pm

Samuel’s Musicians Of The Week

Yes, I know, I’m late with this, but it’s better late than never…or so I’ve been told.

This week the award returns to normal and is awarded to Herman’s Hermits. Choosing a feature song was difficult, but I ended up settling on “Mrs. Brown You’ve Got A Lovely Daughter”.

Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter
Girls as sharp as her are somethin’ rare
But it’s sad, she doesn’t love me now
She’s made it clear enough it ain’t no good to pine

She wants to return those things I bought her
Tell her she can keep them just the same
Things have changed, she doesn’t love me now
She’s made it clear enough it ain’t no good to pine

Walkin’ about, even in a crowd, well
You’ll pick her out, makes a bloke feel so proud

If she finds that I’ve been round to see you (round to see you)
Tell her that I’m well and feelin’ fine (feelin’ fine)
Don’t let on, don’t say she’s broke my heart
I’d go down on my knees but it’s no good to pine

Walkin’ about, even in a crowd, well
You’ll pick her out, makes a bloke feel so proud

If she finds that I’ve been round to see you (round to see you)
Tell her that I’m well and feelin’ fine (feelin’ fine)
Don’t let on, don’t say she’s broke my heart
I’d go down on my knees but it’s no good to pine

Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter (lovely daughter)
Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter (lovely daughter)
Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter (lovely daughter)
Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely daughter (lovely daughter)


January 3rd, 2006 at 03:15pm

Happy New Year

I should probably take this opportunity to wish all the readers a happy new year, may this year be kind to you.

Just after midnight I rang George Gibson to wish him a happy new year and congratulate him on his new job at 2GB. George is receiving a lot of calls from his old 2UE audience, including interstate people, which is a testament to his popularity, especially considering that the 2GB does not syndicate programs (except the football). In fact, his first two callers this morning were from Queensland & the ACT respectively.

I recorded the 2GB webstream for the first bit of the show, including my call. You can listen to the first ten minutes or so (Including calls from Joanna and myself) of George’s first show of 2006, and his 2nd 2GB show, by clicking here or using the audio player below.
The 32kbps real player stream from 2GB is extraordinary quality! You could be forgiven for thinking I had a studio recording.

Happy New Year!


2 comments January 1st, 2006 at 12:57am

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