Archive for October 22nd, 2005

Antibacterial Soap Promoting Superbugs

Australian readers would probably be familiar with Dettol and it’s partner product, Dettol Soap. This is probably the most well known anti-bacterial soap in Australia, and it is advertised as being incredibly good for you, if you believe the advertisers it does just about everything except paint the ceiling.

But research is now proving that these anti-bacterial soaps are no more useful than ordinary soaps, and may in fact be enhancing the evolution of drug-resistant superbugs. I suppose superbugs are inevitable, but we really don’t need to speed up the process.

Medical Newspaper Medpage Today have more


October 22nd, 2005 at 06:35pm

The John Kerr Function Catamaran

As you may be aware from this post and this one, John Kerr is hosting a christmas function on Sydney Harbour with the help of the lovely people at All Occasion Cruises.

I’ve been excited about this for a few days, and on Friday morning I found out which boat from All Occasion’s fleet will be holding the function, and it turns out it will be the Lady Rose.
The Lady Rose

The Lady Rose can be seen here in front of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge
Lady Rose Opera House Harbour Bridge

All Occasion Cruises have this to say about the Lady Rose:

The stunning brand new Lady Rose is the biggest and newest cruising catamaran on Sydney Harbour Licensed to carry 500 passengers, she is built with all the modern day features including 2 fully air-conditioned dining rooms, cocktail deck, large dance floor, spacious wrap around decks on all levels, licensed bar, in house system, large galley and 360 degrees views of Sydney Harbour!

The lady rose looks quite stunning at night.
Lady Rose at night

I believe there are still some places left for the function which is from 12pm-4pm on Thursday December 1, so if you would like to come it only costs $45 and you can book your place by calling All Occasion Cruises on (02) 9809 5499. If you do come I look forward to seeing you there. I suppose once Google pick up this post it will be helpful to the New Day Australia listeners who would like some more information.

I’m also thinking of arranging a phone call to John Stanley during the cruise.


October 22nd, 2005 at 11:38am


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