Archive for August 14th, 2006

Samuel on You Are The Guest with Bill Grady

A few days ago I mentioned that I was interviewed by Bill Grady, host of the You Are The Guest podcast.

Earlier today Bill sent me an email to notify me that the episode (episode 52) had been released. During the interview we covered many topics including forum bullies (and my ordeal with The Spin Starts Here), the war between Israel and Hezbollah (just thinking, can we choose one of the multitude of spellings for that name and stick to it?), Australian news and Canberra news, and a couple other things, including weird dreams, and advice for budding podcasters.

I’m sure we could have covered more, but if we’d done that we could still be talking now.

Anyway, the episode goes for 40 minutes and 50 seconds, is a 37.4MB download, and can be downloaded by clicking here. Alternatively, Bill has a streaming audio player on the You Are The Guest website.

Here’s a screenshot of Bill’s show notes (Click to enlarge):
Show notes for You Are The Guest #52

It was great being interviewed by Bill…I get the feeling that I’ll have to have him on Samuel’s Persiflage at some stage.

It is worthwhile noting that the interview was recorded last week, and as such certain aspects of topical discussions are now out of date…but it’s worth a listen none-the-less.

In semi-related news, the question that I submitted to the Security Now! podcast (mentioned in article linked at the top of this article) did not get read out on their 52nd episode, but may be read on their 56th episode, as they had too much security news to deal with, and as such did not have their usual question & answer episode.


1 comment August 14th, 2006 at 11:37pm


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