Archive for January, 2006

Weather Picture circa 2000

Today we have another piece of my artwork. I was going to do this last night but ran into issues with the video, which have since been corrected.

This has undoubtedly got you intruiged as to why I have a video accompanying one of my works of art. It’s a bit of a story, so let’s begin with the picture.

Weather Picture

This is a picture drawn with a combination of pencil and crayon, in the year 2000 (from memory it was late 2000). In it you can see some flowers, a duck under a table with a fish in a fishbowl on top, as well as a rooster, a tree, plenty of grass, the sky and the sun.

At this time in history, my good friend Daniel Gibson was working as the breakfast host on 2CA and weather presenter on Prime Local News (before it changed name to “Prime News” and was later axed…as was common in regional television circles at the time). I mailed the picture to Daniel at Prime Television, and he subsequently put it to air as the weather picture.

Daniel Gibson with my weather picture on Prime Local News

I recorded this on VHS, and have since put it on DVD and converted it to a few web friendly formats for your convenience. Depending on your operating system and installed software, you should be able to play one or more of the following, which I have listed in quality order.

Real Media format (3.76 MB)
Quicktime format (3.79 MB)
MPEG-4 format (3.70 MB)
Windows Media format (3.87 MB)

Each video is 28 seconds long.

I suppose if I were to ustilise the weather stats in the video I could probably find out the date of recording.

For the record, the lineup on Prime Local News at that time was Catherine Garrett reading the news, Phil Lynch presenting sport and Daniel Gibson as the weatherman.


9 comments January 17th, 2006 at 06:20pm

Yet Another John Kerr Update

I received a letter from Ian Sheppard, General Manager of Radio 2UE today, plainly explaining the situation, and pretty much saying that nothing is going to change.

At the very least, Mr. Sheppard did take the time to read, understand and acknowledge the concerns of myself and many others. It would also appear that he signed the letter himself, not via printer or stamp, as the pen marks can clearly be felt on the other side of the paper.

2UE also sealed the envelope with a 2UE sticker, sporting the old 2UE logo, which I will now have to peel off very carefully. What follows is a copy of the letter from Mr. Sheppard.

Dear Mr. Gordon-Stewart

Thank you for taking the time to write to express your disappointment about John Kerr moving from weekdays to weekends. These moves are never popular with everyone, and I can assure you that you are not alone with your feelings.

That said, I am delighted that John has agreed to continue on with 2UE for two nights each week. He will be back from his break at the end of January.

I’m Pleased that you do enjoy listening to Stuart Bocking and hope that you give him time to settle in to his new role. He is a very interesting, popular and talented broadcaster and we are receiving many positive comments about his program.

Thanks again to your letter and I trust you will keep listening to 2UE.

Kind regards,

Ian Sheppard

None the less, I will send a final copy of the petition to him, as it would be unfair on those of you who signed the petition for me to not send a copy.

Speaking of John Kerr, stay tuned as I have a 1963 John Kerr on 2CA jingle…coming soon!


3 comments January 17th, 2006 at 12:02am

The people who misuse my name

It would appear that somebody is posting under my name at a site that mostly contains people who dislike me. The list of posts by the person pretending to be me can be found here.

So as to not confuse the matter by posting there myself, I will reply to a couple comments here.

Firstly, if the person who is posting as me had done any research they would have discovered that I don’t like the green Action buses, and would much rather ride an orange one. Apart from which, the bus pictured is either an Irisbus or a Scania. The older orange buses (pictured below) were the ones built by Renault and fitted out by Ansair.

As correctly stated by at least one person on that site I am 18, however another numbscull then decided that I’m not old enough to drive…WRONG!!! I just chose not to learn…I have no need at this stage, buses and bicycles are just fine thankyou very much.

Unless carefully created, songs with no bass whatsoever often sound like they are missing something…that being said, the bass doesn’t have to be overpowering. I personally prefer music from the 50’s through to the early 80’s, see my Musician(s) Of The Week Award for more details.

I think that just about covers it. I’m sure there is some law against posting under someone elses name without their permission. I will be seeking legal advice on the matter.


17 comments January 16th, 2006 at 12:05am

Samuel’s Musicians Of The Week

This week the award goes to the group Dr. Hook. Whilst I was going to choose between “Walk Right In”, “Sylvia’s Mother”, “Everybody’s Making It Big But Me” & “Rolling Stone” for the feature song, I ended up choosing the song Sleeping Late for the affinity it has with my Samuel’s Dreams category.

Sleeping late, sleeping late

Whenever I sleep late you know I can dream
Some of the strangest things that you’ve ever seen
I could never tell you the things that I do in my head
Leaving nothing unsaid, sleeping late in my bed

Sleeping late, sleeping late

Sometimes I’m embarrassed by devious thoughts
When I’m undercover let me never get caught
Crazy notions begin with that old devil grin on my face
We’re such a disgrace, me and my pillow-case

Sleeping late, sleeping late
Sleeping late, sleeping late

The blissful state of sleeping late has been known to compensate
And sometimes even stimulate
I for one appreciate, sleeping late
Ain’t it great sleeping late

Sleeping late, sleeping late

Live and in colour, my wildest of dreams
The best ones are re-runs if you know what I mean
I don’t believe I can wait for that clock to stop ringing in my ear
It’s so lovely here, I may sleep for a year

Sleeping late, sleeping late
Sleeping late, sleeping late…..


January 15th, 2006 at 09:43pm

SBS Alters Voiceovers

Robbie McGregor, the voice behind SBS since 1989 has been axed, and will no longer be reading the SBS promos. I guess it had to happen at some stage, but SBS won’t sound the same without him.

I often sit through the five minutes of ads after a show on SBS as I feel like I’m supporting the station by doing so, it also provides me with an opportunity to see what’s coming up on SBS in the near future, which is helpful as program names are often deceptive. SBS will be hard pressed to find another voice of Robbie’s calibre, and will struggle to retain me during ad breaks.

This would appear to be yet another step in the gradual degradation of SBS.


10 comments January 14th, 2006 at 06:32pm

Mike Jeffreys Returns on Monday

Mike Jeffreys returns to the 2CC Breakfast show on Monday morning at 5:35am (assuming I’ve calculated the length of the news correctly).

Contrary to my dreams, there have been no reports of Mike’s regular guests hiding in cupboards in department stores, but I may ring him to tell him about this dream anyway.

Ever since Mike went on leave, 2CC has been mildly odd, with Mike Welsh, Leigh Zaghet and Mike Frame all spending time on Breakfast. Drive hasn’t been any better, with Mike Frame, Steve Liebmann (yep, a 2UE feed on public holidays), Leight Zaghet all taking turns at hosting it, thankfully Mike Frame has already returned to that show.

Mike Frame has been referring to himself, Welshy and Jeffreys as “The Three Omegos”, but I did hear him use my suggestion of “The Three O-Mike-Os” the other day, I do hope my occasional lunacy is helping 2CC in some way.

I did notice that they appear to be rebranding themselves as “your talk radio”, I wonder if Mike Jeffreys will start introducing traffic reports with “2CC traffic thanks to the Mitsubishi 380, here’s your Andrew Pye”, or perhaps Kevin Woole will become “Your wolfman with your sport”. I quite like that last one…


6 comments January 14th, 2006 at 04:00pm

We’re keeping the webmaster busy…

2UE certainly are keeping the webmaster busy, once again the schedule has changed, this time breakfast is the victim of a 2UE movement.

Mike Carlton will be joined by his fill-in, Peter FitzSimons, for a two person breakfast show starting Monday. Talk duos seem to rate well, although I can’t stand them, and I can’t personally see this duo gaining much, if any, ground on 2GB’s Alan Jones.

Meanwhile 2UE’s website is reporting that Dugald Saunders is hosting the night show tonight, possibly filling in for Mike Williams, or maybe not…who knows? The schedule at that station is a solid as a water roof…it just keeps splashing all over the place.

Also on the 2UE website, John Mangos is listed as on air now despite the fact that the schedule below it shows Glenn Wheeler being on now, and my radio confirming Glenn’s on-airness.

Maybe Lawsie should get The Cuckoo’s Nest to write a song about 2UE schedules, and then hope he doesn’t get moved to 7:36am-2:49pm…


January 14th, 2006 at 03:06pm

Blog Award Nominations

As you may be aware, back in the middle of December I brought you the news that this blog had been nominated for a blog award. It would appear that voting will start soon, and all the nominations have been sorted.

This blog has been nominated in the following categories:

  • Best Overall Australian Blog
  • Best Australian Capital Territory Blog
  • Best Humourous Australian Blog
  • Best Australian Personal Blog
  • Best New Australian Blog

Much like the last time I wrote about this, I don’t particularly care whether you vote for me or not, and I don’t particularly care if I win an award or not. I’m not here to win awards, I’m here to do something which I enjoy doing.

None the less, I’ll keep you updated.


3 comments January 14th, 2006 at 12:00pm

New Episodes of As Time Goes By

I had the good fortune of finding that the ABC are running 4 new episodes of “As Time Goes By”, which is one of my favourite TV shows. It would appear that there was enough demand for more of As Time Goes By that the producers decided to write four encore episodes. Thankfully they live up to the standard of the show.

As Time Goes By can be viewed on ABC TV on Friday nights at 8PM.

For those of you who missed episode one of this series, I have mirrored the episode description from the ABC website below.

The As Time Goes By – Reunion Specials pick up after the original series left off and reveal Jean Hardcastle’s (Dame Judi Dench) great anticipation for grandchildren, much to the dismay of her husband Lionel (Geoffrey Palmer).

In episode one Jean has cots delivered to the house in the hope that Judith (Moira Brooker) and Sandy (Jenny Funnell) will soon be having babies. Lionel explains they may not want children. Lionel dreams of looking after babies that multiply at an alarming rate.

Alistair (Philip Bretherton) and Judith collect Sandy and Harry (David Michaels) from the airport. Back at Jean’s house an emotional Sandy tells Jean that Harry wants to kill himself. Meanwhile Harry explains to the others how he plans to join the armed response unit to gain a promotion. Jean wants to talk him out of it, but Sandy insists it must be his decision.

Alistair begins to behave peculiarly and Judith fears it is because she has been unable to get pregnant. She knows she is healthy and is concerned the problem lies with Alistair. Jean offers Lionel’s services to talk to Alistair, but Lionel refuses to be drawn into discussing such personal matters. However, when Jean plots to get him alone with Alistair, Lionel finds himself suggesting he seek medical help.


January 14th, 2006 at 09:00am

Steve Gibson declares WMF Exploit a deliberate backdoor

The WMF Exploit has been discussed on this site before, both here and here, but the information which has come to light since then is astounding.

As you may know, security expert Steve Gibson said if Microsoft didn’t release a patch for Windows 9x, he would, so he set about doing that. Steve spent plenty of time researching exactly how the WMF exploit works, and found something very scary indeed. According to Steve, the WMF exploit was not and error, it was a deliberate backdoor from Microsoft, enabling those in the know to execute code.

A WMF file is really a graphic script which tells Windows to draw a line here which is this long, and a rectangle over here which is “x” high and “y” wide with a purple fill colour, and so on. To aid this, the file contains headers, including one for length of record (each line, rectangle or otherwise is a record”). Setting this value to 1, which is a perfectly invalid number in this context, makes Windows behave in an odd manner…it treats everything after that in the file as executable code and runs it.

Steve has announced this in the Security Now! podcast episode 22 (which can be heard here). To quote some of the discussion between Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte:

Steve:But the only conclusion I can draw is that there has been code from at least Windows 2000 on, and in all current versions, and even, you know, future versions, until it was discovered, which was deliberately put in there by some group, we don’t know at what level or how large in Microsoft, that gave them the ability that they who knew how to get their Windows systems to silently and secretly run code contained in an image, those people would be able to do that on remotely located Windows machines…

Leo: So you’re saying intentionally or – Microsoft intentionally put a backdoor in Windows? Is that what you’re saying?

Steve: Yes.

Leo: Well, that’s a pretty strong accusation. Could this not have been a…

Steve: Well, it’s the only conclusion…

Leo: It couldn’t have been a mistake?

Steve: I don’t see how it could have been a mistake. Again, I’m going to continue to look at it. But from what I’ve seen now, this had to be deliberate.

Leo: But let me ask you one more – you’re convinced there’s no way this could have happened by accident. It can’t be a programming error or bad design.

Steve: No. No. I mean, you know, again, this is as much a surprise to me, Leo, as it is to, you know, anyone who hears this. I did not expect to see this. I expected to find, for example, that the way this exploit worked was that the SETABORTPROC was working correctly, and that I would give it a pointer to my own code a few bytes lower, then I would do something to force the metafile to abort, and then the metafile processing would use the pointer, the legitimate SETABORTPROC pointer, and then basically run the code that was located right there in the metafile. That’s what I thought I was going to encounter, something that sort of made sense, like we were originally led to believe. Or actually I think, you know, Microsoft didn’t say anything at all. So we just all kind of presumed this was another one of those coding errors that Microsoft now famously makes and corrects on the second Tuesday of every month. This wasn’t a programming error. And, you know, so it’s like, whoa. When I give it the magic key on the size of the metafile record, then it jumps directly into my code.

Steve: Now, you know, if Microsoft had said last week, whoops, this was an undocumented backdoor or means for us to run code in a metafile, we never documented it, our security sweeps didn’t find it, blah blah blah – but nothing was said. They allowed the industry to believe that this was just like all their other code mistakes, but this wasn’t like all their other code mistakes.

Leo: Well, it’s a very serious indictment, if not of Microsoft, maybe of a renegade programmer inside Microsoft. If you were doing a code review, would this kind of thing stand out? Would it be fairly obvious that something was going on?

Steve: Yeah. I mean, I’ve seen Microsoft source code. In the old days they used to publish the source for what’s called the DDK, the Device Driver Kit. And, you know, they’re very cautious about, you know, on a module-by-module basis, there’s the person’s name or initials and when they made changes and what they made to the code that follows. So, I mean, again, Leo, we’re never going to know for sure. I mean, I’ve been in this position with Microsoft in the past, or similar positions. And, you know, it’s very difficult to get a straight answer from them. So I don’t know what their source says. But it seems to me that somebody had to have seen relatively recently, certainly since Windows 2000, had to have looked at the code, seen that this was something that was there, and just kind of nodded to himself and said, yup, that’s what we want to have in our metafile processing code.

Leo: Wow. Well, I’m sure we’ll hear more about this. I think you probably are going to stir up a hornet’s nest here. And if Microsoft would like to come on the show and respond, you absolutely are welcome to do so. I’d like to hear an explanation.

In the interests of space, I have not copied every detail, and there is a lot discussed. You can rea the full transcript at or listen to Security Now! Episode 21 at

Steve is rarely wrong about these things, so this is a major concern. There is some use for this “feature” in that Microsoft could have embedded a super important patch on all of their websites and had it patch an awful lot of computers, but it was also an accident waiting to happen, which did happen a few weeks ago.

As Steve said, this is something which would stand out in a code security audit, and Microsoft have done a few audits on their code, so this almost has to have been something Microsoft purposefully placed there.

More details as they come to hand.


9 comments January 14th, 2006 at 02:50am

Bold Predictions For IT In 2006

I’ve been doing a bit of thinking about recent developments in IT lately, and with a few excess dot joinings, I’ve come to some conclusions about what may happen in IT this year, or at least some big stories.

With the recent raft of underwhelming presentations on Windows Vista and the gradual loss of originally planned features in it, and Apple Macintosh moving to Intel processors, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to see Macintosh gain ground this year, here’s how I think it will happen.

Microsoft will release Vista with their usual marketing hype, claiming that it is fantastic and probably bring back the “10 reasons to upgrade”. Apple will release their next version of Macintosh with a lot of marketing along the lines of “most of the stuff in Vista we had five years ago, and look what we’ve got now…even better, it runs on YOUR PC“, effectively canning their “Mac Box Only” pseudo-restrictions. Apple, with their increased presence, thanks to the iPod, will gain customers with the more secure, and more impressive OS.

I am really gaining the impression that Apple have lost their “also-ran” status from public perception with the iPod and iTunes and their general “nice guy” appearance, this will help them win customers from Microsoft. Also I think the general public are starting to wake up to the fact that, despite Microsoft claims, new versions of Windows are rarely more stable than the last, and the “new features” aren’t all that exciting after all. Whilst the general public will see this as a way to escape the MS security problems, IT people will see it as a way to make vulnerabilities less attractive to “malicious users” as they won’t have the same large scale effect.

I forsee Open Office using this to their advantage, perhaps making a deal with Apple to include Open Office in Mac OS.

As much as I love Linux, I don’t think 2006 will be the year of the penguin, although Linux will undoubtedly gain ground with the mass exodus of Windows users finding new operating systems. I guess many Linux distros will semi-emulate the look and feel of Mac instead of Windows, or (more likely) offer a choice between the two.

Later this year, if I remember, I might see if this has come true or not.


January 14th, 2006 at 01:32am

The Warehouse in Tuggeranong is reopening

As some of the Canberra readers may have noticed, The Warehouse (formerly Clints Warehouse) in the Tuggeranong Hyperdome has closed, however, my sources inform me that this is temporary.

This particular store was bought out by ADS (Australian Discount Stores), so whilst it may look like it is closing down, it is merely preparing for a relaunch with a different owner and possibly a different layout. I’m sure the people at The Reject Shop which is located directly above The Warehouse will not be overly excited to find out that they aren’t losing the competition.

I’m not sure when it will reopen as ADS, all I know is that it will be soon.


January 12th, 2006 at 11:47pm

The Mike Jeffreys Department Store

Before you all get the idea that Mike is opening a store, allow me to explain…as it was all a dream.

In this dream I walking through a department store which looked like a combination of Myer and David Jones in Civic, as I walked around a corner and out into square room with a large square counter in the middle, I spotted Mike Jeffreys and said hello to him, he said hello to me and then told me that he would be back on Monday and that he had to find all of his regular guests who were hiding in cupboards, and promptly walked off with a magnifying glass and some kind of tracking device.

It shouldn’t be too hard to find Donna Stanley, she will be in the section with the the soaps on DVD…not sure where you would find Trudy or the weather bureau though.


4 comments January 12th, 2006 at 09:30am

Progress report on Samuel’s Persiflage #2

I’m not going to make these progress reports a regular thing, but I thought you might like to know that Samuel’s Persiflage is looking like it might be a monthly podcast, with the occasional extra episode.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has listened and/or sent me some feedback, I wasn’t expecting a response anywhere near the size which I have received, so thankyou. (Note: The response hasn’t been huge, just more than I expected)


January 11th, 2006 at 10:51pm

The blogroll dilemma

I received an email from somebody going by the name of “pintail” today, unfortunately they used the contact form with a bogus email address so I am unable to reply to some of the things they wrote, but there was one point which interested me, and might interest you.

why dont u link to blogs when they link to u, u are selfish

As you can probably tell “pintail” wasn’t very impressed with me for one reason or another, but they have made an interesting point here, so I will do my best to explain.

As I’m sure you’re aware, many blogs contain a “blogroll” or similar, linking to many other blogs which the author thinks make good reading, this is their choice, and I appreciate the links when I notice them, however I see no reason why I should have to give them a return link. If they have linked to this site in an interesting article, I might decide to link back to that article in one of my posts, of course there are also times when I won’t link back for whatever reason.

I do, however, recognise links on a monthly basis as part of my blog view stats, I generally link to the top three referring sites for the month, although this may grow to the top five. I think this is a fair way of linking back to sites which deliver readers, whilst retaining my own editorial control over who gets a special mention.

I will make a mildly unbalanced comparison here to Slashdot. For those of you who are unaware, Slashdot is an IT news/blog site with a bit of an emphasis on Open Source Software. Due to the large readership of Slashdot, a link from there has been known to overload webservers, this is known as the Slashdot Effect. Slashdot is a fairly respected site, and as such, is linked to an awful lot, imagine if Slashdot maintained a blogroll, according to Google, this would require approximately 210,000 blogroll links. There are already enough complaints and conspiracy theories surrounding the selection of stories on Slashdot, imagine how bad it would get if they had to list these 210,000 links in some order…which site goes on top? Which site on the bottom? Perhaps they could have a random link similar to my random quotes…far too hard to be bothered with.

I wouldn’t have to deal with 210,000 links on this site, but it would still be a hassle, and then what do I do if a site which I don’t like links to my site? I’m happy with my system for now, but what do you think? Is “pintail” right? Should I continue with my system? Or do you have a better suggestion? Let me know, I would love to know what you think about this.


4 comments January 11th, 2006 at 10:36pm

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