Search Results for ‘blog view stats for’

Blog View Stats for July

It’s time to catch up on some posts I’ve been meaning to write for a very long time, so let’s start with the overdue Blog View Stats for July.

The webstat reports and the Persiflage download stats can be found at

There were 7,666 page views in July, down from 10,046 in June, and 3,611 visitors, down from 4,083 in June.

There were 3,213 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google once again remained the most popular search engine, despite a tiny drop, with 89.32% of all search engine referrals coming from Google. Yahoo was next with a slightly improved 9.14%, and MSN was next on 0.59%.

The top ten search keywords were:

  1. schnappi video
  2. samuel gordon stewart
  3. samuel gordon
  4. Schnappi video
  5. riotact
  6. 2ue studio
  7. louie the fly
  8. samuel gordon-stewart
  9. stan zemanek cancer
  10. larry emdur

Among the odd keywords were

  • what was temperature in sydney at 3am 29th July 2006?
  • primary school and english and blog
  • 机场建设费 fuel
  • 东航 tips
  • Mike\’s Windmill Shop manager
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  • conversation of making a booking, you are a customer calling a restaurant
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  • Combino air-conditioned
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  • common words for lunatic
  • funny cityrail ringtones
  • how much would 8 bananas cost from woolworths

Internet Explorer lost a bit of ground but remained the most popular browser with 66.17% of the readership, Firefox gained and was next with 28.60%, Safari dropped to have 4.21%. Mozilla Suite, Opera and Netscape were under 1%, with Konqueror and others under 0.1%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System, and gained a small amount, with 90.31% of the readership, followed by Mac, which recorded another drop, with 7.98%, and Linux which gained slightly, to be on 1.62%. All others were under 0.10%.

The vast majority of readers were in Australia, althought the number did drop a few points to 79.28%. Next was the US with 6.67%, The UK with 3.94, and Japan with 2.27%. The rest of the 73 countires were under 1%.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

July 2006: 6,770MB
June 2006: 5,900MB
May 2006: 14,680MB
April 2006: 32,130MB
March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

RSS Feed Downloads
Month Downloads
July 2006 1887
June 2006 1284
May 2006 1546
April 2006 1501
March 2006 1392
February 2006 815
January 2006 1661
December 2005 150
Total 10236

Downloads in July
Episode High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
6 (July 2006) 60 29 89 15 104
5 (May 2006) 75 12 87 42 129
4 (April 2006) 53 40 93 N/A 93
3 (February 2006) 83 60 143 N/A 143
2 (January 2006) 159 N/A 159 N/A 159
1 (December 2006) 115 N/A 115 N/A 115
Total 545 141 686 57 743

Episode 6 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
July 2006 60 29 89 15 104
Total 60 29 89 15 104

Episode 5Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
June 2006 90 22 112 42 129
May 2006 47 20 67 N/A 67
Total 137 44 179 42 196

Episode 4 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
July 2006 53 40 93
June 2006 53 46 99
May 2006 79 48 127
146 75 221
Total 331 209 540

Episode 3 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
July 2006 83 60 143
June 2006 66 52 118
May 2006 67 51 118
April 2006 115 83 198
March 2006 84 43 127
February 2006 81 39 120
Total 496 328 824

Episode 2 Downloads
Month Downloads
July 2006 159
June 2006 156
May 2006 147
April 2006 171
March 2006 125
February 2006 98
January 2006 144
Total 1000

Episode 1 Downloads
Month Downloads
July 2006 115
June 2006 68
May 2006 79
April 2006 100
March 2006 71
February 2006 64
January 2006 291
December 2005 80
Total 868

Total Downloads By Month
Month Audio Downloads Transcript Downloads Total Downloads
July 2006 686 57 743
June 2006 553 N/A 553
May 2006 538 N/A 538
April 2006 690 N/A 690
March 2006 323 N/A 323
February 2006 282 N/A 282
January 2006 435 N/A 435
December 2006 80 N/A 80
Total 3587 57 3644


7 comments September 14th, 2006

Blog View Stats for June

Time for the Blog View Stats for June.

The webstat reports and the Persiflage download stats can be found at

There were 10,046 page views in June, down from 14,259 in May, and 4,083 visitors, down from 4,787 in May.

There were 4,482 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google once again remained the most popular search engine with 90.09% of all search engine referrals coming from Google. Yahoo was next with 8.70%, and MSN was next on 0.58%.

The top ten search keywords were:

  1. samuel gordon stewart
  2. schnappi video
  3. Samuel Gordon Stewart
  4. samuel gordon-stewart
  5. 2ue studio
  7. samuel gordon
  8. samuel stewart
  9. dickson college
  10. wheel of fortune rob elliot

Among the odd keywords were

  • calendar whiteboards
  • 2005 2006 email contacts of fuzhou
  • my coffee cup braddon
  • why is it neccessary to have outside broadcast production
  • samuel gordon stewart meeting
  • kryal castle
  • citcard reviews
  • Kambah Dickson Cook Hall
  • early bird worms
  • automatic door saturday night live
  • 234 802 554 9993
  • optusnet mail christmas card 2005
  • Samuél Stewart
  • male model dreadlocks
  • sunfire T2000 blog
  • fasha dog spam
  • pie graph and sleep deprived
  • boys in skivvies
  • clive stuart cycles

Internet Explorer gained quite a bit and remained the most popular browser with 67.32% of the readership, Firefox dropped and was next with 25.80%, Safari also dropped to have 5.01%, Opera had a slight drop to 1.49%. Mozilla Suite and Netscape were under 1%, with Konqueror and others under 0.1%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System, and gained a few points, with 89.77% of the readership, followed by Mac, which recorded a large drop, with 8.63%, and Linux which dropped a bit, to be on 1.56%. All others were under 0.10%.

The vast majority of readers were in Australia, althought the number did drop slightly, 82.96% of readers were from the sunburnt Country of sweeping plains. Next was the US with 4.63%, Japan with 3.38% and the UK with 3.26%. The rest of the 69 countires were under 1%.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

June 2006: 5,900MB
May 2006: 14,680MB
April 2006: 32,130MB
March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

RSS Feed Downloads
Month Downloads
June 2006 1284
May 2006 1546
April 2006 1501
March 2006 1392
February 2006 815
January 2006 1661
December 2005 150
Total 5302

Downloads in June
Episode High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
5 (May 2006) 90 22 112
4 (April 2006) 53 46 99
3 (February 2006) 66 52 118
2 (January 2006) 156 N/A 156
1 (December 2006) 68 N/A 68
Total 433 120 553

Episode 5 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
June 2006 90 22 112
May 2006 47 20 67
Total 137 44 179

Episode 4 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
June 2006 53 46 99
May 2006 79 48 127
April 2006 146 75 221
Total 278 169 447

Episode 3 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
June 2006 66 52 118
May 2006 67 51 118
April 2006 115 83 198
March 2006 84 43 127
February 2006 81 39 120
Total 413 268 681

Episode 2 Downloads
Month Downloads
June 2006 156
May 2006 147
April 2006 171
March 2006 125
February 2006 98
January 2006 144
Total 841

Episode 1 Downloads
Month Downloads
June 2006 68
May 2006 79
April 2006 100
March 2006 71
February 2006 64
January 2006 291
December 2006 80
Total 753


2 comments August 4th, 2006

Blog View Stats for May

With the end of July fast approaching, it’s as good a time as any to catch up on the backlog of Blog View Stats and other statistical posts. Over the next few days I will catch up on the Blog View Stats and Radio ratings posts, and then, once I have caught up on them, it should be just about time for the next Blog View Stats post.

This post, as the title suggests, contains the stats for the month of May. Towards the end of May I started a new job and subsequently had minimal time to write any posts, let alone the lengthy Blog View Stats, and now as things are settling down, I can bring you these long overdue stats.

The webstat reports and the Persiflage download stats can be found at

There were 14,259 page views in May, down from 20,002+ in April, and 4,787 visitors, down from 5,476 in April.

There were 5,934 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google once again remained the most popular search engine with 93.05% of all search engine referrals coming from Google. Yahoo was next with 5.72%, and MSN was next on 0.88%.

The top ten search keywords were:

  1. schnappi video
  2. samuel gordon stewart
  3. samuel gordon-stewart
  4. magic 1278
  5. 2ue studio
  6. kelly underwood
  8. Schnappi video
  9. riotact
  10. race caller tony campbell

Among the odd keywords were

  • how do you make a good radio jingle
  • loudspeakers making
  • people dressing up as vegemites
  • 203.129.37.
  • cats following path of powerlines
  • $”Moira Brooker”, “pregnant”$
  • australian driving licence tests in the 1940\’s
  • mows jcdecaux
  • samuel gordon-stewart pineapples
  • peep holes melbourne
  • american elephant
  • Newsli .au
  • melbourne cricket ground siren music feature:audio
  • strange jewellery
  • Sing Hallelujah to the Lord dots
  • dockers siren decision diagrams
  • extra week in 2006
  • win television westfield woden feed

Internet Explorer gained slightly and remained the most popular browser with 59.5% of the readership, Firefox also gained and was next with 31.15%, Safari gained again to have 6.91%, Opera had a small rise reaching 1.76%. Netscape and Mozilla Suite were under 1%, with Konqueror & others all being under 0.1%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System, despite a very minor drop, with 84.15% of the readership, followed by Mac, which recorded a gain, with 13.69%, and Linux which more than doubled, to be on 2.08%. All others were under 0.10%.

The vast majority of readers were in Australia, 83.82% of them to be precise. Next was the US with 5.19%, Japan with 4.18%, the UK with 2% and Canada on 1.07%. The rest of the 78 countires were under 1%.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

May 2006: 14,680MB
April 2006: 32,130MB
March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

RSS Feed Downloads
Month Downloads
May 2006 1546
April 2006 1501
March 2006 1392
Febrauary 2006 815
January 2006 1661
December 2005 150
Total 4018

Downloads in April
Episode High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
5 (May 2006) 47 20 67
4 (April 2006) 79 48 127
3 (February 2006) 67 51 118
2 (January 2006) 147 N/A 147
1 (December 2006) 79 N/A 79
Total 419 119 538

Episode 5 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
May 2006 47 20 67
Total 47 20 67

Episode 4 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
May 2006 79 48 127
April 2006 146 75 221
Total 225 123 348

Episode 3 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
May 2006 67 51 118
April 2006 115 83 198
March 2006 84 43 127
February 2006 81 39 120
Total 347 216 563

Episode 2 Downloads
Month Downloads
May 2006 147
April 2006 171
March 2006 125
February 2006 98
January 2006 144
Total 685

Episode 1 Downloads
Month Downloads
May 2006 79
April 2006 100
March 2006 71
February 2006 64
January 2006 291
December 2006 80
Total 685


July 29th, 2006

Blog View Stats for April

May has “only just begun”, to quote a famous song, which means it is time for the Blog View Stats for April.

The Webstat counter stopped counting due to the site receiving more than 20,000 page views for the month, but the Webstat reports for April can be found here, I just haven’t used them as the basis for this post. I have used AwStats (one of the many statistics services provided by my hosting provider) as the basis of most of the stats.

AwStats says that there were 55,916 page views for the month, a figure which I find highly dubious as this is far more than three times what Webstat reported for March. Even taking into account the fact that Awstats counts page views in the administration section of the site, I still find this number dubious, so I will settle on the 20,002+ figure provided by Webstat. The rest of the numbers provided by AwStats seem OK.

Therefore there were 20,002+ page views in March, up from 15,478 in March, and 5,476 visitors, up from 4,710 in March.

There were 9,670 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google once again remained the most popular search engine with 91.8% of all search engine referrals coming from Google. Yahoo was next with 3%, and MSN was next on 1.6%.

The search keywords were mostly various combinations and misspellings of my name, and variations of “schnappi video”, “2UE Studio” and “Windiz Update”. Among the odd keywords were

  • peep holes
  • bango cricket
  • 234 802 554 9993
  • singing hallelujah even for a new site for you my
  • samuel office live
  • south australian peep holes
  • traudle junge
  • 100m race footage
  • hole under canberra?
  • sam goat boy
  • blog fire alarm control panel
  • show me the child at seven
  • salad au lard
  • password codes for volume 2ue
  • convoluted answer to 2 2
  • loopy music programme

Internet Explorer recorded a larger than usual drop, but remained the most popular browser with 57.4% of the readership, Firefox also had a loss (albeit a small one) and was next with 29.2%, Safari gained again to have 5.1%, Opera also recorded a rise reaching 1.4%, as did the Mozilla Suite which hit 1%. Konqueror & Netscape were both under 1% with the others all being under 0.1%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System, despite a minor drop, with 84.2% of the readership, followed by Mac, which also recorded a drop, with 9%, and Linux which climbed to 1%. The BSDs, Solaris and even OS/2 picked up most of the slack.

The countries report is unavailable this month.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

April 2006: 32,130MB
March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

RSS Feed Downloads
Month Downloads
April 2006 1501
March 2006 1392
Febrauary 2006 815
January 2006 1661
December 2005 150
Total 4018

Downloads in April
Episode High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
4 (April 2006) 146 75 221
3 (February 2006) 115 83 198
2 (January 2006) 171 N/A 171
1 (December 2006) 100 N/A 100
Total 532 158 690

Episode 4 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
146 75 221
Total 146 75 221

Episode 3 Downloads
Month High Quality Version Low Quality Version Total
April 2006 115 83 198
March 2006 84 43 127
February 2006 81 39 120
Total 280 165 445

Episode 2 Downloads
Month Downloads
April 2006 171
March 2006 125
February 2006 98
January 2006 144
Total 538

Episode 1 Downloads
Month Downloads
April 2006 100
March 2006 71
February 2006 64
January 2006 291
December 2006 80
Total 606


5 comments May 3rd, 2006

Blog View Stats for March

It’s that time of the month again, so here are the stats for March.

The Webstat reports for March can be found here

There were 15,478 page views in March, down from 18,327 in February, and 4,710 visitors, down from 5,025 in February.

There were 5,955 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google remained the most popular search engine, followed by Yahoo, and MSN.

The search keywords were mostly various combinations and misspellings of my name, and variations of “schnappi video”. Among the odd keywords were

  • curious articles
  • podcaster anonymous rings in once a week
  • grass drill machine for doors
  • channel 9 free cricket to watch
  • uses os circular motion
  • clarkconnect with lamp
  • peep holes in public bathroom
  • Reason Like Pineapples
  • rambling “and my god have mercy on your soul” “no points”
  • what to do when confused
  • blog fire alarm control panel
  • “a 90 minute” “47 minutes”
  • Samuel 30 “3 – 6”
  • sign owned by cord excavations
  • practice conversation in the restuarant
  • 021-52242591

Internet Explorer dropped a couple percentage points but was still the most popular browser with 62.98% of the readership, Firefox gained nearly as much as Internet Explorer lost, and was next with 32.27%, and Safari seemed to pick up the slack on 3.75%. Opera, Netscape, Mozilla and Konqueror were all under 1%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System with 86.67% of the readership, followed by Mac with 12.53%, and Linux with 0.78%. Windows had a minor drop, as did Linux, which seemed to be picked up by Mac.

Australia, The US and Japan and The UK topped the Countries, with 83.76%, 5.59%, 4.52% and 2.09% of the readership respectively, which seems to show that people in countries outside of Australia are taking a growing interest in this blog.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

March 2006: 12,350MB
February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics

RSS Feed Downloads
Month Downloads
March 2006 1392
Febrauary 2006 815
January 2006 1661
December 2005 150
Total 4018

Downloads in March
Episode High
Quality Version
Quality Version
3 (February 2006) 84 43 127
2 (January 2006) 125 N/A 125
1 (December 2006) 71 N/A 71
Total 280 43 323

Episode 3 Downloads
Month High
Quality Version
Quality Version
March 2006 84 43 127
February 2006 81 39 120
Total 165 82 247

Episode 2 Downloads
Month Downloads
March 2006 125
February 2006 98
January 2006 144
Total 367

Episode 1 Downloads
Month Downloads
March 2006 71
February 2006 64
January 2006 291
December 2006 80
Total 506


April 7th, 2006

Blog View Stats for February

Here we are again, with another look at the Blog View Stats for the previous month. I always enjoy this overview of the month, and I think it is really quite fascinating. Before I continue I must apoligise for the rather slow week we’ve just had here on Samuel’s Blog, I’ve been a bit busy and not really had any incentive to write an awful lot this week…we should have more in the next week.

I like the layout of last month’s stats that I’m sticking with that as a template, I will probably clean up the Samuel’s Persiflage stats next month as they will quicly become a mess if I continue to format them in this manner.

Anyway, on with the stats!

The Webstat reports for February can be found here

There were 18,327 page views in February, down from 20,002+ in January, and 5,025 visitors, down from 5,299+ in January.

There were 7,386 views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google remained the most popular search engine, followed by Yahoo, and MSN….no surprises there!

The search keywords were again mostly various combinations and misspellings of my name. “schnappi video” came in 91 times for some reason. Among the odd keywords were

  • mikes-johns
  • password
  • “To initiate the process for resetting the password for your”
  • channel 9 free cricket to watch
  • ready presentation
  • the first time i saw the cow
  • summary of the day after tommorow
  • woman for stuart bocking
  • phil-ricky
  • bunnings belconnen window
  • Tianjin to Wenzhou
  • Where is my schoolbag?
  • netherlands law 2CC
  • taking listeners beyond the ad break
  • practice conversation in the restuarant
  • what is the function of dettol?
  • ç‡ƒæ²¹é™„åŠ è´¹ extra

Internet Explorer was the most popular browser with 65.36% of the readership, Firefox was next with 30.52%, and by Safari on 2.81%. It would appear that the gains by firefox were at the cost of all other browsers.

Windows was the most popular Operating System with 87.36% of the readership, followed by Mac with 10.78%, and Linux with 1.82%. It looks like a few people jumped from Windows to Mac, and Mac recorded it’s first double digit percentage. I was surprised to find good old fashioned UNIX with 4 page views and OS/2 with 1 page view, it’s amazing what people will use from time to time.

Australia, The US and The UK topped the Countries, with 88.53%, 3.26% and 2.72% of the readership respectively.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics
The RSS feed was downloaded 815 times, down from 1661 in January, which was up from 150 in December 2005 making a total of 2626.
Episode 3 (February 2006) was downloaded 120 times, 81 downloads of the high quality version and 39 of the low quality version.
Episode 2 (January 2006) was downloaded 98 times, down from 144 in January, and making a total of 242.
Episode 1 (December 2005) was downloaded 64 times, down from 291 in January, which was up from 80 in December, and making a total of 435.

February 2006 9,280MB
January 2006: 14,240MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
August 2005: 82.93MB


March 4th, 2006

Blog View Stats for January

Once again it is time to take our monthly look at the Blog View Stats, and once again Webstat stopped counting somewhere on January 30 as the site exceeded 20,000 page views for the month. I have made a couple changes to the stats, the usual file stats remain, but no longer take Samuel’s Persiflage into account, that has it’s own category now. I have also noticed the bandwidth stats provided by my webhosting company and will be including them on a monthly basis.

The Webstat reports for January can be found here

There were 20,002+ page views in January, up from 14,499 in December, and 5,299+ visitors, up from 3,743 in December.

There were 7,645+ views of the front page on all of its URLs.

The most popular articles were:

Google remained the most popular search engine, followed by Yahoo, and MSN.

The search keywords were mostly various combinations and misspellings of my name. John Kerr and George Gibson also featured prominently. Among the odd keywords were

  • candy man advert
  • yearbook graduation comments
  • pictures of Samuel’s dream
  • spoon restuarant
  • how to remove a tree crane bobcat
  • clarkconnect via samuel
  • photos of werewolf disease
  • chkdsk completion going backwards
  • dream of eating doughnuts
  • powerline ubuntu
  • november 2005 guess books of dickson
  • clints open mind
  • unfortunately samuel
  • songs with the word sail

Internet Explorer was the most popular browser with 66.68% of the readership, Firefox was next with 27.27%, and by Safari on 4.31%.

Windows was the most popular Operating System with 91.59% of the readership, followed by Mac with 7.14%, and Linux with 1.16%.

Australia, The US and The UK topped the Countries, with 89.34%, 3.89% and 2.99% of the readership respectively.

The most popular files for the month were:

The top referring sites for the month were:

Samuel’s Persiflage Statistics
The RSS feed was downloaded 1661 times, up from 150 in December, and making a total of 1811.
Episode 1 (December 2005) was downloaded 291 times, up from 80 in December, and making a total of 371.
Episode 2 (January 2006) was downloaded 144 times.

August 2005: 82.93MB
September 2005: 519.89MB
October 2005: 657.85MB
November 2005: 2,870MB
December 2005: 14,010MB
January 2006: 14,240MB


February 5th, 2006

Blog View Stats for December

Once again it is time for the monthly blog view stats, of which most can be found here.

Starting with the traffic summary, it is interesting to note that there was a severe drop in the number of readers over the Christmas & Boxing Day public holidays. The number of visitors is down from 4,160 in November to 3,743 in December. The number of page views is down from 20,000+ in November to 14,499 in December.

The most popular page was the home page, the most popular category was Samuel’s Artwork (despite the fact I still haven’t moved most of those pictures to this site), and the most popular article was my report (with plenty of pictures) on John Kerr’s Christmas Cruise and my day surrounding it.

Google remained the most popular search engine.

The searches which brought people here were rather varied, the list is topped by various searches for Schnappi and variations of my name. There were plenty of searches for information relating to John Kerr, George Gibson, Glenn Wheeler and various other radio personalities, someone wanting to know how good 20,000 page views is, a very strange search for “serial number do sam broadcast”, someone looking for their “stolen bicycle transmitter”, somebody who just had to know about “potential competitiors of nappies”, somebody wanted to cheat on a job application with a “citadel back office programmer resume”, and lots lots more.

Internet Explorer won the month with 61.24% of page views, followed by Mozilla Firefox with 28.22% and Apple Safari with 3.01%, and others.

Windows also topped the month with 93.41%, followed by Macintosh with 5.52% and Linux with 1.04%, and others.

The majority of readers were from Australia, 84.72% to be exact, followed by the US with 5.52% and the UK with 4.91%, and others.

The most popular files were my conversation with John Kerr on the morning of the Christmas Cruise with 88 downloads, the musical version of We Wish You A Merry Christmas with 80 downloads, and my chat with Lawsie with 53 downloads.

The top referring sites were The Spin Starts Here, The RiotACT, and Interbreeding

Samuel’s Persiflage #1 recorded 80 downloads.


January 5th, 2006

Blog View Stats for November

It’s that time of the month when the statistics get rolled out again. Below you will find my summary of the stats, and most of the source material can be found at

Webstat stopped counting about midway through the second last day of the month as the site exceeded the montly page views for a free Webstat account. We still have a pretty good overview of the month though.

There were 20,002 page views from 4160 visitors, a new record on this blog, far exceeding the previous month’s 2,571 page views from 818 visitors.

The day with the most page views was Thursday the 10th, with 2,243 page views, that day also had the most visitors with 475.

The most popular article was When You Let The Loonies Out Of The Asylum… with a total of 1000 views (including the multiple URLs).

Google was by far the most popular search engine, with more than 90% of all search engine referrals coming from Google’s many sites.

samuel gordon stewart
was the most popular search query, accounting for 74 of the referrals, followed by schnappi video on 68 and rex hunt bashed on 14

Internet Explorer accounted for 62.65% of all traffic (C’mon people, at least try Firefox, I’ve taken Firefox’s goodness for granted lately, but I’ve just been subjected to Internet Explorer again, and is it painful or what?), Firefox followed on 30.98% & Safari was next with 4.06%

Windows was the Operating System of choice for many, accounting for 92.16%, followed by Macintosh on 6.24% and Linux on 1.58%

Australia is still the dominent country when it comes to the readership of this blog, 91.48% of all readers are from Australia, the other countries don’t even make double digits, the UK (2.97%) and the US (1.76%) are the only others to make it above 1%.

AwStats tells me that my conversation with John Laws topped the file downloads, it was downloaded 312 times. Also popular was the last published (and now quite outdated) aircheck from myself, downloaded 242 times. The highlights package of “32 Musical People” rounded out the top three with 87 downloads.

AwStats also tells me that the top three referring websites for the month were, The Spin Starts Here with 3259 referrals, The RiotACT with 146 referrals and Loadedog with 27.

As stated before, the full webstat reports can be seen at


1 comment December 7th, 2005

Blog View Stats for October

Usually I would have done this closer to the beginning of the month, but there were so many big stories that it slipped my mind. But here it is, in a “better late than never” sense.

The number of visitors was 818, up from 556 in September, the page views however went down to 2571, from 2807 in September.

The front page measured a total of 1056 page views, comprising 875 to, 133 to, 45 to & 3 to In total, the front page made up 41.07% of the monthly page views.

The most popular category was Linux.Conf.Au and the most popular article was Chief Turnip Acts Like Goose.

Google remained the most popular search engine, with it’s Australian incarnation delivering 47.26% of search visits alone.

Searches for John B1_B5 accounted for just over 20% of the searches for the month. Others of note include quite a few various searches for me, 2UE Stuart Bocking (who has now been removed from weekend nights on 2UE), 2CC Reunion, 2CC Birthday, Mike Jeffreys, Jingles For Daylight Savings (huh? Anybody want to help me understand why anybody would be searching for that), and the list goes on and on and on and on and on.

Internet Explorer delivered most of the people here, 66.82% in fact. Firefox was next with 30.61%. I suppose, now that this blog is being visited by more people, it is quite understandable that Internet Explorer is featuring more prominently. I still think Firefox is better though.

Windows was the operating system of choice, with 92.07% of visitors using it. Linux and Macintosh were the other two recorded.

81.15% of visitors were from Australia, with the US, New Zealand, Great Britain, France and Germany rounding out the countries above 1%.

Top referrer for the month was The RiotACT with 61 referrals, although I expect the number to drop over the next month as I have decided to stop posting there. Next up was Margo Kingston’s Webdiary’s list of links to articles on anti-terrorism laws with 18 and’s links to Canberra blogs and bands was the third of the top three with 8.

The video of the horrid amount of noise ACTION’s green buses make was the most requested file, it was requested 18 times. One of the old 2CC Music Radio jingles was next with 12 requests, and the MP4 version of the video of Rob Fulton winning a million dollars on Who Wants To Be A Millionare with 11 requests rounds out the top three files of the month.

The full list of stats (excluding files and referrers) can be viewed at


November 7th, 2005

Blog View Stats for September

Yet again the number of page views and visitors on Samuel’s Blog has risen. The page views went up astronomically from 732 in August to 2807 in September, this can partially be attributed to the record number of loony commenters. The visitors also went up, but not as severely, from 306 in August to 556 in September.

Other items of note from the September stats:

  • Visitor numbers were fairly consistent each day throughout the month, although spikes in the page views can be seen on the days where lots of comments were left
  • The most popular article was the Pictures Of 2UE’s new studios, possibly due to John B1_B5 mentioning it to Mike Frame on-air, or possibly because it contained a bunch of irrelevant comments.
  • The most popular category was the TV/Radio/Media category.
  • Google remained the most popular search engine, and some interesting localised version popped up.
  • John B1_B5 once again topped the search terms, closely followed by a few version of “Kelly Underwood 3AW” and Mike Frame made it into the list for the first time.
  • Internet Explorer was the most used browser this month, I did notice some spikes in IE usage during periods of heavy loony comments…Firefox, Netscape, Safari, Mozilla & Opera rounded out the list.
  • Windows obviously continues to dominate the Operating System list, with Macintosh & Linux also in the list.
  • Close to 95% of the readership is located in Australia.

As we have reached the end of the first full month of paid hosting, I am able to bring you some referer stats as well, the top referers were:

  1. 62
  2. 5
  3. 5

All the details of the stats (excluding referers) by can be found at


4 comments October 1st, 2005

Blog View Stats for August

Alrighty then, it’s time for the monthly wrap-up of the previous month’s statistics.
Of particular interest to me:

  • Firefox won the month with 53.42% of the readership using it.
  • The number of visitors and page views appeared to increase after the site moved to it’s current location.
  • Regular Commenter John_b1_b5 was the most common search term used to get here
  • Somebody who can’t spell wanted to cheat at a school assignment “simple assay about my favourite sport…”
  • A bunch of people came here for Schnappi info and Kelly Underwood info
  • The “Samuel Blog 2CC” searcher is still lurking in the wings (please contact me, I would love to know why you chose that search term)
  • And the home page for the new site had more visitors in it’s short time online than the old site’s index page had all month, 196 to 159

You can find all of the August 2005 stats here.


1 comment September 1st, 2005

Blog View Stats for July

Due to inane difficulties with images and formatting, the previous post containing the stats from July has been removed, and I have instead uploaded the various reports in PDF format to



Add comment August 3rd, 2005

Blog View Stats

Another Exciting Change on Samuel’s Blog!

As some of you may have noticed, you can view stats for this blog by clicking on the little graph picture under the heading “Blog View Stats”. This service is provided by Nedstat, however I have noticed some minor problems with it…the major ones being that a number of the stats only account for the last 100 page views, and that there is no easy way to see what search phrases are being used to find the site…I get keywords and referring URL’s which is a pain in the neck.

I have now added WebStat monitoring to the site as well, the free counter isn’t as detailed as nedstat, but it makes life a lot easier for me as I can see some meaningful overall reports whilst letting nedstat do it’s recent trends thing (and make pretty pictures on the fly).

Both the detailed recent nedstat stats, and the meaningful long term stats are availabe from the sidebar. Note that the Webstat stats are new and won’t be detailed for a little while…but they are there anyway, enjoy!


Add comment June 14th, 2005

Page Views

Whoops, we exceeded 20,000 page views again. This time it happened at 2:52:32PM on ANZAC Day. This severely skews the blog view stats collected by Webstat for the month (free Webstat accounts stop counting after 20,000 page views), and as such I will be using the AwStats report generated by my webhost (Bluehost) as the basis for just about everything in the Blog View Stats which would normally be handled by Webstat this month. I will still provide the Webstat PDFs.

I am not currently in a financial position to throw money at upgrading the Webstat counter (which is, in my view, technically superior to the web server log analysing statistics tools (such as Webstat), but when I am in that position, it will be near the top of my priorities.


2 comments April 27th, 2006

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