Posts filed under 'Twitter posts'

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-07

  • The prostitute interviewed by TT and ACA might not have been used by Craig Thomson. Doesn't explain the credit card charge for the services. #
  • @grahamejoe2 perhaps the reason Craig Thomson hangs around parliament is that it's full of very fake people? Especially on his side… in reply to grahamejoe2 #
  • Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451 has died. That's sad. I liked his work. He had great vision and insight. He was 91. #
  • Twitter wants me to follow Government Electric (@generalelectric). Not a chance until they either stop taking gov money or start paying tax. #

June 7th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-06

  • I very happily and enthusiastically endorse Governor Scott Walker and his team in today's Wisconsin Gubernatorial recall election. Go Scott! #
  • If I'm cold this morning when it's five degrees, how am I going to be tomorrow when it's minus four? #
  • My most sincere congratulations to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on becoming the first governor to survive a recall election. #

June 6th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-05

  • The analog TV station I've always had the most trouble receiving at home is Prime. Ironically, on analog switchoff day, reception is perfect #
  • It seems that my PVR can't receive analog TV. I can't be bothered plugging in an older one to record the analog switchoff. I'll just watch. #
  • @therealsteavis I understand Steve. I feel the same way about tech support. It's nice to have you online though 🙂 in reply to therealsteavis #
  • @MoneyNewsShow @Ross_Greenwood @SwannyDPM You're a glutton for punishment Ross. Good luck! in reply to MoneyNewsShow #
  • @tenbreakfast not a chance unless I already know them. The same would apply for homeless Aussies. Too much risk in not knowing background. in reply to tenbreakfast #
  • @trentg85 grab a newspaper and sing whatever story is on page five. Boss will assume you're having a breakdown and let you go home early. in reply to trentg85 #
  • @trentg85 it's important to be specific when you're having a breakdown. Makes you look much crazier 😉 in reply to trentg85 #
  • RIP Charlie Sutton (1924-2012), @westernbulldogs one and only premiership captain. A footy legend who will be missed. #

June 5th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-03

  • Unbelievable. Melbourne defeated Essendon. Disgraceful effort Bombers. But Melbourne's celebration looks like they don't expect to win again #
  • Well done to Melbourne though. Good to see them finally win a match. #
  • Pain is watching my least favourite team (Sydney) thrash @westernbulldogs and yet no matter how bad it is, I can't look away. #
  • Child care costs are up by 11%, but the workers are still underpaid. One can only conclude that govt subsidies are helping push up prices. #
  • Without govt subsidies, child care centres would have to operate at prices which parents could afford in order to remain viable. #

June 3rd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-02

June 2nd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-01

  • Cows are in charge of the roads near Conargo, NSW. #
  • @Telstra's mobile coverage seems to have improved a bit in the last 15 months in the vast expanse between Deni and Wagga. No blackspots. #
  • @Telstra's 3G speeds also seem to have improved in Deni. It's faster than the motel wireless ever was. #
  • @trentg85 Sorta. That was half the original plan, but I also needed to get out of Canberra for a while. Going back tomorrow. in reply to trentg85 #
  • @trentg85 Alas people are away. I'll send one a message in the morning…might also drop in on Dixie in the morning if he's around. in reply to trentg85 #
  • @trentg85 best part is, I'm not back at work until Tuesday night so I still have my weekend at home. All works out nicely 🙂 in reply to trentg85 #
  • Fast reply too, thanks 🙂 RT @Telstra Forever expanding & improving our network. Glad to hear it's faster than the Motel Wireless. 🙂 Luis in reply to Telstra #
  • Pleasantly surprised to find @NRLgameplan is on TV after midnight in the southern states. Started just before The Bill finished. #
  • I left Deni over an hour after the bus to Wagga left, and I just passed it in Lockhart. Reminds me of the day I had to catch that slow bus. #
  • Why do all the big fires in Canberra happen when I'm out of town? First Diamant Hotel, then Mitchell and now Majura. #

June 1st, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-31

  • I received some interesting news about something long-overdue yesterday. I'm off to Deni today, but hopefully I can make a blog post tonight #

May 31st, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-30

  • I understand Tony Abbott not wanting Craig Thomson's vote, and I support that, but why not just abstain instead of running for the exit? #
  • RT @Jez_1985: @Samuel_SGS there was no time to abstain Samuel, Thomsons vote became clear late in the vote – no doubt it was a Labor stunt. #
  • @Jez_1985 Thanks Jeremy. That explains it. In that case, I understand and support Tony Abbott's actions. in reply to Jez_1985 #
  • @Jez_1985 My concern now is that this Labor stunt got the media attention they wanted, so what's stopping them from doing it again? in reply to Jez_1985 #
  • Good news (yes, there is some today): Julian Assange is being extradited. He gets to face court just like anyone else would have to. #

May 30th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-29

  • Yay, Bulldogs beat the Roosters 30-12 🙂 #
  • Tiny boost for Labor, but it will revert with the infighting & ongoing mass job losses. Newspoll 2 Party Preferred: ALP 46 (+1) L/NP 54 (-1) #
  • When you look at the primary vote, it's still a wipeout. RT @SkyNewsAust: PRIMARY VOTE Labor 32% (+2) Coalition 46% (+1) Greens 12% (steady) #
  • Good morning. Little dog Pebbles is trying to get up on a chair for a better view of the @tenbreakfast finance report! #
  • RT @markparton: Tim Flannery is not a stupid man. R U surprised by the teeth filling call from the weekend. WTF ? #
  • @markparton not at all Mark. The only surprise was that Flannery didn't blame dentures for his predicted perennial droughts not occurring. in reply to markparton #
  • Least surprising story of the day. RT @Drudge_Report: STUDY: GLOBAL WARMING SKEPTICS HAVE MORE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE… #
  • @Barnaby_Joyce on @tenbreakfast: whenever government utters the word 'environment', it gets omnipotent powers and you can't argue against it #
  • Sure does seem that way at times @Barnaby_Joyce, but at least some of us see through the nonsense they push in the name of the environment. #
  • @trentg85 If you tell Vision that story, they'll tell you that you were guided to listen at that time, and send you a program guide in reply to trentg85 #
  • @nat_forrest @lachlan_kennedy an embargo worked really well for me in radio in Deni once. Went badly when AAP released a story early though. in reply to nat_forrest #
  • It seems like there's been a spate of pileups in Canberra recently MT @ACTPol_Traffic 4 Vehicle Collision GDE Sthbound near Belco Way exit. #
  • Another one! RT @ACTPol_Traffic 3 vehicle collision at Hindmarsh Drive west bound lane, near Jerrabomberra Avenue. Expect Delays. #
  • Mark Davis, one of @rushlimbaugh's fill-in hosts, has signed with a competitor of a Limbaugh affiliate. Alas I guess he won't fill in again. #
  • Mark Davis was heard on Cumulus' WBAP Dallas Fort Worth, a Limbaugh affiliate, but is moving to Salem's KSKY Dallas. #
  • Pity really, I like Mark Davis much more than Mark Belling, and Mark Steyn doesn't sit in for Rush anywhere near often enough. #
  • @trentg85 I like the idea of the format (both stations) but don't particularly enjoy the music. Glad they're there though. in reply to trentg85 #
  • Up next, Tim Flannery blames this on mercury in teeth RT @2CC: Local News: Coldest May in 50 years #canberra #
  • @lachlan_kennedy @nat_forrest I think AAP believe in quantity rather than quality for their radio/TV text feed sometimes. Love/hate for sure in reply to lachlan_kennedy #

May 29th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-28

  • @daniel_prime7 Can you make it one of the weather pictures this week? Aussie Stonehenge deserves a wider audience. in reply to daniel_prime7 #
  • Joel Fitzgibbon says nobody supports Julia Gillard more than him, but he's campaigning against her. So, does that mean nobody supports her? #
  • @trentg85 I get paid to watch, but it's still very painful. in reply to trentg85 #
  • I think I'm the only person who makes sure he has enough time left over in a meal break to write a letter to an editor of a newspaper. #
  • Some trivia for you: the road which the truck leaves to enter the drain in Terminator 2 is Hayvenhurst Ave. #
  • Blame shifting: Senior members of Fed Govt claim Gillard was given 10 days notice of foreign worker deal, refuting her claim of only 2 days. #
  • Even if you like the policies of the Gillard government, you have to admit it's dysfunctional, battling itself instead of real issues. #
  • 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Northern Argentina. #

2 comments May 28th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-27

  • I'm hearing it's 7 cars at Tilliyard Dr intersection. MT @ACTPol_Traffic: Ginninderra Dr west and east bound blocked by 2 veh accident. #

May 27th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-26

May 26th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-25

  • @NRLgameplan Always good to watch you discuss the footy on a Thursday night. Even better this week that I'm not at work and can watch live. #
  • @NRLgameplan Tigers by a six. Two great teams, but I've never liked the Cowboys away from home, especially against a competitive side. in reply to NRLgameplan #
  • Not quite what I was expecting to see in an underground carpark. A bird perched on a bonnet. #
  • Well that's the dumbest thing I've heard this week. The Woden @actgovernment shopfront can't make bookings for roadworthy inspections. #
  • And yet the Woden @actgovernment shopfront can book licence tests. Why not the roadworthy inspections?? #
  • I also don't appreciate being huffed at by government shopfront people just because I don't know all of their illogical policies. #
  • It gets better. @actgovernment call centre informs me that their website gave me a wrong $ amount for stamp duty. #
  • Also @actgovernment call centre says mystical formula for stamp duty is $3 in every $100, but not 3%, and only shopfronts can calculate it. #
  • In summary. @actgovernment vehicle registration system is a farcical debacle of a mess, and should be decimated and rebuilt from scratch. #
  • Headless chickens could run a better system! Can you tell that I'm very agitated right now? Hmmm, it's an election year too @actgovernment.. #
  • I decided to do something constructive with my frustrating ACT Government Shopfront experience. ACT Opposition MLAs have been informed. #
  • Many thanks to the @TheIPA for the great winter reading which arrived in my PO Box today: Chris Berg's 'In Defence of Freedom Of Speech' 🙂 #
  • @TheIPA Will do. I hope you have a great weekend. in reply to TheIPA #
  • Oh dear. I hope everyone is OK. RT @nataliejpeters: Christchurch has been hit by another earthquake, magnitude 5.2 #CHCH #

May 25th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-24

  • The fact that Pakistan have found a man guilty of treason because he helped the US find Bin Laden proves that Pakistan ate not an ally. #

May 24th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-23

  • @Joe_Hildebrand Christine Milne and the Terminator have similar motives. But I refuse to believe they look similar as that would ruin it. in reply to Joe_Hildebrand #
  • I accidentally filled in a fake Twitter login page earlier this evening. Thankfully I had forgotten my password and gave it the wrong one. #
  • Sanctuary has been cancelled. @amandatapping needs a new show, so let's revive SGU and have Col. Carter save everyone from a stasis failure! #
  • If the Victorian Sport Minister wants a "state of the origin" match, perhaps we could give him Queanbeyan V New Zealand, then reclaim ours. #

May 23rd, 2012 at 09:00pm

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